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Saint Valentine Died on February 14th…Real Person…Real Man…Real Saint

Tuesday, February 14, 2017 7:54
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VALENTINE’S DAY         THANK THE DUDE!                                                               C.C.FORCHE

   This is not a “greeting card” holiday. Saint Valentine lived in Rome and was a priest that assisted martyrs that were being tortured and killed by Claudius II. Some historians say that he refused to renounce his Christian faith. Others claim he was defiant to the government. He was caught marrying young Christian couples that were ‘in love’ despite the consequences” He was then ordered to be beaten and beheaded and died on February 14th  in about the year 270. Then in 496 A.D. Pope Gelasius marked February 14th as St. Valentine’s day. Archeologists have uncovered his grave and an ancient  catacomb and a church dedicated to him. So we gave him a day of remembrance. A day of love…true love…. God’s love. Christians…guilty as charged.

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