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If you care enough to really care and help Rebuild this country based on Freedom; LOOK AT THIS PLAN!
Throughout the Bible there are references time and time again to tax collectors and their scourge upon the people of different lands. At one point when the disciples didn’t have enough money to pay their taxes Jesus performed a miracle and the money came out of the mouth of a fish. Christ also said when looking at a coin that if it had Caesar’s name on it that it must belong to Caesar and give it back. He also said that what we needed came from God, not man and man’s imaginary rules, games and the existence of money. As a matter of fact he told us to choose between the two masters God and money.
So are we enabling people to separate from God by believing in these imaginary rules? “Gee, that’s a great question!”( Aren’t we sick of hearing people say that?) So what are really to do? We know by our Christian faith that we can’t lead people astray…but we know that we need to pitch in to make everything work. We know we can’t charge too much in taxes or people will lose jobs and go broke and pay no taxes because they are broke, but if we aren’t paying enough, basic good services that we really, really want won’t be available anymore. When we are out of money for these it means more people lose their jobs and even less taxes are paid and on and on it goes.
In a free country we have chosen to chip away at our freedom by the tax code. We are like foolish little puppies following the bone suspended three feet in front of us that is never to be reached. 1000 or2000 pages of tax code…it matters not. We have to pay a professional C.P.A. to practice defensive accounting. Even one of the writers of the tax code who was on the ‘Ways and Means’ committee couldn’t file his taxes correctly and got in trouble for it. These taxes are designed to confuse and deceive and control our spending, bill paying, investments and so forth. Think about this…in a game of football, could a team ever win if they never had the ball?.. if they never were offensive and always defending their goal? Why should our goals in life be designed by trying to save money on taxes, being defensive, always protecting the goal from someone else scoring? Why we can’t we head for the goal and benefit everyone along the way? We always choose an ‘either/or’ type of mentality instead of looking at what is best. It’s either tax and spend or cut taxes and cut spending. We don’t look for a better idea, something new. So what if we did this?
If we have 120,000,000 tax payers could we; pay $10.00/ week directly to the military in peace times? Would that be enough? That would be 1.2 billion dollars/ that enough? In times of conflict add an extra S10.00. That would be 2.4 billion a week directly to the military divided as needed and not funneled through the great abyss of waste and lost money of a federal government? We all care about national defense no matter how much money we make, and no matter money we have, so would this work? Total…$20.00lweek
We would pay for other national defense like F.B.I. and Border guards, Drug Enforcement Agency and so forth, $7.00. With 120,000,000 payers that would be $96 million/week. Is that enough? Running total $27.00
The next thing that is imperative to our success would be our roads. We need to be able to get around. This should be handled at the state level for highways, the county level for county roads and the local level for village and city streets. In a state with a population of only 2 million taxpayers that paid $2.00/week for roads that would be $4 million /week to be spent on state roads. Also pay S2.00 for your local and county combined. Is that enough? To maintain? Nothing elaborate? If there is a bigger population and more roads there would be more money. Does this concept make sense? Balance forward $31 .00/week.
Now that the roads are taken care of we can actually get fire, rescue and police to where they need to go. So now we need our heroes to be paid. If we were taxed $3.00 to the state for state patrols and guards and $ 3.00 /week for fire and rescue and S3.00 /week for police and sheriff that would be $9.00 x 2million taxpayers that would be $18 million / week. Is that enough? Remember, 2,000,000 taxpayers could mean 6,000,000 citizens. So, is it enough? Running total/week $40.00 (remember the bigger the population the more money that comes in.) We have to educate our youth. It is absolutely for everyone’s benefit. So if we pay $40.00/week payable to our designated school district and there are 5,000 taxpayers to educate that would be $200,000.00/week. Is that enough for this size school district? Is it? No? Keep going. Running total $80.00
NOW KEEP IN MIND this plan eliminates matching employer contributions and property taxes as we have them now, any other taxes that we presently pay( and there are hundreds of them) or we see deducted from our paycheck. We need to address the entitlements. We need to focus…Social security is not an entitlement. Employees and employers have had to contribute to this for years. It was designed as a MANDATORY savings for retirement and it is simply getting our money back.
Medicare is also mandatory and then everyone whines because it is broke. It is only a way to say no to our seniors in hopes that they will die earlier and not take their funds from social security because social security was introduced at a time when people were living to an age about the same as retirement benefits kicked and seldom used much of it. Now that the life expectancy is 10 years older than 65 when social security kicks in, we’re broke. How dare we use people like that! Force them to pay all of those years in hopes that they will never live long enough to get ANY OF THEIR OWN MONEY BACK! So here’s the deal. Let anyone sign off of social security that wants to. We can devise a one-time pay out or they can donate it to the fiscal health of our nation. Run numbers of how many we have to pay for, how much weekly contributions we just lost and how much these payments will be reduced each year by those who have opted out and attrition of those who die. Everyone dies and everyone is accountable for “how we treat even the least of these for so we have treated Christ” said Jesus Christ.
God given life, God given intelligence, God given knowledge, discovery of God’s Truth, God given faith and mercy, we are accountable, each one of us, as an individual. Was it God or money,. imaginary money that we chose to let rule our life? Was it the fear of money or the faith in God?
Eventually social security would be none existent. Whoa! Really! Focus! We have whole generation that has contributed and truly believes that there is no way they are getting any of their money back in any form including social security payments. So let’s shut it down without hurting anyone. Going backward in age incrementally and offer people buy outs. We will sacrifice and contribute $10.00iweek until the debt is paid. At 120,000,000 taxpayers that’s 1.2 billion/week is that enough? $10.00 is what we are currently paying for something that is turning into a “good after bad” moment. Total now $90.00
Medicare is mandatory too! Wee, there you go. See? Now we can say .,No,, to the health care needs of the elderly because they have to have Medicare as a primary payer and guess what? It is broke too! Just say ‘No’ to their needs and we will catch up financially and sell our souls in the meantime. But that isn’t what’s happening is it? Some doctors were using the Medicare system to milk it for all its worth despite any benefit or additional pain to the patient. Just ask the nurses. Now in a knee jerk reaction, the word ‘no’ is said so often that the vast majority of truly caring doctors can’t get what they need for their patients and if they do, they are accepting very low pay outs for services as they have to from insurance companies. And…now.. they don’t want to treat these patients anymore. Imagine that? See the Freedom Health Care Concept ( the next article in this book)
As far as unemployment and help for those in need, it best handled locally. If someone is taking welfare and spending it all on drugs or booze or partying instead their needs and those of their family, local people are there to witness the evidence and make sure the right thing is done. If a county has too many unemployed, won’t they do anything to encourage job growth and make sure the strain on the other citizens isn’t so great that they will leave the area? So this would require the local governments to have the authority to support businesses that hire and retain employees thus adding to the health of the local economy, in turn this will all add to the schools and the law enforcement and the roads etc.. Even if citizens had to pay $30.00/week to the needy and/or job creation in the area would produce ?$ depending on the population could it take care of l2%of the population? If 88% of the people are employed that would mean every 880 workers would generate $26,400.00/week for 120 people/week which would be $220.00/week. Not enough for them to survive? Create jobs. When handled locally we can see how much money is there. How much money we can raise and realize that only those of us that deserve help get help and something else has to give.
Everything big is falling apart. “The bigger the better” is a lie that we can no longer afford to believe. The country, big banks, and corporations, state governments, big school districts, big cities are broke…BROKE and are creating a vortex that all of us are getting sucked into because ‘The bigger they are…the harder they fall’. It is the truth. Even in the beginning of this country, counties, colonies, even towns and cities each had their own currency. It was in the name of fair commerce and strength of our nation that we chose one currency and an independent Federal Reserve.
It is time for people to see what amount of money is available and decide what to do with it at a local personal level. We can’t just wait for a huge national government to say ,”Oh, by the way, you owe xxxxx amount of dollars for the rest of your life. Now here’s the kicker. After we have discarded the 2000 page tax code, here is how we rebuild. We should prioritize the needs of people now and always. Charge a set tax rate for each of these needs. Now hold on, we would instate a 30% sales tax on everything accept food and medicine. Results; the more money a person makes, the more he spends, the more taxes he pays.
The competition of products would be centered on longevity( you know quality?) because a short life of products would incur another 30% tax when they re-purchased it. This saves the planet trash and goes back to the time of our grandparents when a household appliance would last 30 yrs. We know how, we’ve already done it. Now people would have to work less for income because they would spend much, much less of their income on repetitive purchases. By everyone living a wonderful lifestyle at 30 hours a week with more money saved and in their pocket there would be jobs to be had from existing business and also literally clean up this planet and keep it clean. Since everyone only wants a 30hr/week, it would open up the opportunity for more people to be hired. Every 3 jobs reduced to 30 hours would result in one new job created.
Let’s review. Less hours of work. Living a beautiful simpler life with products purchased that last and we aren’t giving more hours of our lives earning money to buy something that replaces something that fell apart because it was made like crap and junk to begin with. Wonderful time added with our family and a cleaner planet. Has anyone on their deathbed said they wished they had bought more stuff? Do they say they wish they had worked many more hours or…. do they say it’s all about family and love? Do they say if they only would have known what they know now? This money would be variable and it would depend on the success of the people in the area. 5% would go to the town where the person lives. (We have sales code tracking for that.) 5% goes to the town or city where it was purchased. Get it? One purchase serving two communities at once. 5% goes directly to the county where the person buying the goods resides. 5% goes to the county where purchased and 5% goes to the state. Then 5% goes to the federal government. Remember we’ve already covered the needs by a fixed tax pay each week local and State governments can use this money for job growth and area development.
The growth of an area is based on the success of its population. How can a nation be strong if all of the states are broke? How can a state be strong if all of its cities, towns and villages are broke? How can a city, town or village be strong if all of the citizens are broke? We need to start with the success of each individual and go up from there. For those that fall beneath the line or have other true special needs we are glad to help we can issue a check to cover the sales tax of basic needs purchases for the year. For example, $ 330.00 would cover sales tax for $1,000.00 purchases of basic needs for one person per year. How about $1,000.00 per family? As far as the people in the struggling zone listen up. Retailers and manufacturers would be ‘foot to the metal’ to produce and sell products that lasted and were worth the “great save up” like our parents and grandparents used to do. No disposable income, no disposable products, no disposable hours of peoples’ lives earning money, no disposable people, and not much disposed of and keeping the planet cleaner would all result.
This wouldn’t be a nightmare to pull off at the purchase point whether it be local stores or internet the person buying would simply need to know this. The state that they live in, the county number (e.g.l7) and the county assigns a tax district number whether it be city, town, township or village.(e.g. 4) At checkout someone would say Indiana 17-4. Period. To make it easy on the business. The merchant would pay the local (city) and county taxes as usual to local offices based on where they are physically located. ALL of the ‘residential base tax’ would be written as one check
( equal $ that is paid to the local) to one national clearing house with a print out of what money goes where. Example; a merchant sends in $1000.00 of tax money and the print out indicates that 20% is owed to Ohio and 17% is owed to New York and so on and the money is electronically transferred to the clearing house of that state. The first step at the national level they only have to decide which one of 50 states that it goes to.
The next step would be a clearing house at the state level that would deliver the money to the counties. At the county level the sales tax monies would be forwarded to the city, town, township or village indicated by # to the proper account. It would not take a lot of employees, not at all, each step receives the original information supplied by the merchant which would be a report based on State It is then grouped by county# and then grouped by district #. Software programs can do this easily, piece of cake. It would take one month to wait for the first collection and one month to transfer funds. The system would always be 60 days in arrears. A very simple random investigation would reveal if these merchants were filing for the same sales taxes that are paid locally in a lump sum as they are filing by state/county/city etc. . Even if someone lived one block away from the business there sales tax would be divided into the local lump sum and go through the clearing system for their shared contribution residential tax. We have software that could do this easily.
Like anyone would want in personal or business planning, we would have a ” bottom line “number” to deal with at every level with our weekly contributions. Then if we have $100,000.00 coming in one fund, that is what we have to work with. Everything that came in from ” success sales tax” would be extra and hopefully respected and invested in our areas and/or saved for “rainy days” For so long we spent ourselves into oblivion and horrendous debt. We figured we have a way to bail if push came to shove with bankruptcy. Now the government says, ” Oh, by the way, we are broke and you owe one whole hell of a lot of money and so do your kids and grandkids and we will probably even raise the national debt ceiling so we owe even more by the day , by the minute, no, wait, second( tick , tock ,tick, tock) and as usual this money too will be at a high interest rate and be wasted and spent on ” in our faces”, decadent, ostentatious lifestyles and parties of our elected representatives and their cohorts playing with money that is only available because We produced it from consumer sales of goods and services that WE have produced and that WE have provided. They do all of this while they produce….what? Nothing. Not all of them but many play with our money and act like they don’t represent us at all…not at all. We need to FOCUS! Money represents the hours of our lives that it takes for us to make it. The more hours we work to put it in the hands of those who waste it, the lower and lower the quality of our life goes.
Property tax would be like this. At the time of purchasing a house, a 30% sales tax is charged. The buyer has up to 30 years to pay this off. Stop… the good news for the buyer is that this is all you’ll ever owe on properly tax. This has created a ceiling. So if we improve the property and or the market value goes up the tax rate will not change. This 30% establishes the tax rate for this buyer. The good news for the counties and so forth that depend on property tax is that we no longer need appraisers that deal with constant change in the market value of existing properties. The way it is now, we always behind the eight ball in appraising. With the present system, counties lose money because we are behind as the value of houses go up and people are under taxed and the tax payer loses money when property value goes down and they are still being taxed at the higher rate. We saw long lines to appeal our property taxes in this last “tanking of the market‘. Do we see the same long lines when the property values go up and people know that they are under paying? Think.. A $100,000.00 house would owe $30,000.00 at the point of sale. This amount divided over 30 years would be $1,000.00/ year or $500.00 a half (6 months). How much are we paying now?
Since most people don’t keep their house 30 years, at the point of sale, the new buyer would begin again with a 30% tax rate on purchase price ( and hopefully it is higher than the seller’s rate). The seller would be relieved of any more of the original 30% rate charged by owning the property. The seller will probably buy something new and once again pay more than they were before.
Everyone would have a bottom line and everyone would have a ceiling. Don’t you think we could plan then? Don’t we think that most of us could set goals and achieve more with knowing how much debt that we are truly responsible for? Would we be wise enough with the tax revenue to plan our services on the minimum collected rather than the maximum of ‘good times’? Good times could create a” rainy day fund’ and any revenue above that could be used for new projects with a beginning and a finite end of tax fund investment, a self-supporting add-on to the community…imagine that!
The person that buys a $50,000.00 fixer upper would benefit from the 30o% sales tax at the point of purchase as he improved the property and it was now worth S200,000.00 BUT, remember he also has spent $50,000.00 on construction materials and paid a 30% tax on that! And he may have contributed to creating or maintaining jobs. So if he bought it at $50,000.00 and put $50,000.00 into it with materials and paid $15,000.00 in taxes on these materials and put $50,000.00 into the ‘Jobs for real people” pool by hiring contractors and after all of that his house is worth $200,000.00 thus giving him $35,000.00 true equity, GREAT! If he wants to live there at the tax rate of $50,000.00 of the original purchase price, GREAT! He has raised the value of all of the houses a notch by the work he has done, GREAT! If he sells it and the buyer now pays the tax rate on a $200,00.00 house ,GREAT! If another house sells in the neighborhood for more money, GREAT! Get it?
All of these ideas would cause a lot of jobs to be eliminated at places like the I.R.S. and all levels of bureaucracy. BUT JOBS WOULD BE CREATED WITH A 30/HR. WEEK! We would have a much better lifestyle and a more meaningful life. Our purchases would add to the quality of life and not be a superficial competition of cheap crap that needs to be replaced over and over again. Our land-fills would change, wouldn’t they? We could create jobs that would clean up our mess and truly help people. Would people rather be a tax collector or a person that has helped make the world a better place? We would no longer be adversarial about our taxes because we would have to work together to make the best happen with what we got. Since 70% of our economy is based on the consumer’s ability to spend (which is called consumer confidence), wouldn’t it make sense to enable to consumer to thrive and get tax from what they spend? Won’t it then make sense that products purchased would have to be worth the tax collected on them? Businesses producing junk would fold. Wouldn’t the workers be real invested in making sure the products that they produce are excellent for job security? Since 70% of jobs are offered up by small local business doesn’t make sense that each community would thrive?
These are concepts. It would be run more like an ‘Accounting by Funds’ method. Instead of everyone reaching into the same big bucket, we would know how much we have to spend on each and every category of need….true need.
And God forbid we would be so stupid to leave an excess in one account while the other one is hurting. Right now we see schools laying off teachers and eliminating programs because they are broke. Student’s dreams are crushed and families try to leave the area further lowering the property value and inspiring businesses to move out and cause more job loss leaving even less money for the schools, a vicious and endless cycle. BUT look! They are breaking ground on new buildings because there is still money in the building fund BUT, there is none, zero, zilch, nada in the operational fund. So the kids can’t actually go to school on buses, with teachers and have a well -rounded education but we can build new buildings! Stop. We will never fix things until we admit what we’ve done wrong and change it with faith and wisdom.
Just like in our own lives whether it be physically, financially, emotionally and spiritually ( yes, spiritually) we have to review with eyes wide open and honest emotions the mistakes we have made in our past. Again, the Definition of insanity is; doing the same things…the same way…for the same reasons as before and expecting different results! We can always change just one of these and still end up at the same place of failure. We can change one method (way) and still do the same things for the same reasons and still fail. So the bottom line that will get us to the top is doing it for God and all of His children.
We don’t need to take from each other just have the same stuff that others have. As a matter of fact, that would be separating from God. We are to live simply, work hard, have a balanced life, make love our greatest aim and believe in daily bread. If we live a life in faith like this, we want to give to others in true need. For those of us that want stuff, a lot of stuff the “ good life” either by keeping our earnings to ourselves or by taking from others, watch out! Christ told us that this was idol worship.
If we all pitch in for what we need as a group, as a civilized society and let everyone earn and spend as they see fit without thousands of pages of tax codes, we will see God’s true gifts of prosperity, giving and working together with everyone equally important. We gotta choose. The time is now. Bigger is not better except when it comes to the Body of Christ, let’s keep that growing.
Genesis 47;26
So Joseph made it the law throughout the land of Egypt and it is still the law- that the Pharaoh should have his tax twenty percent of all the crops except those produced on land owned by the temples. ( flat tax) Nehemiah 5;2-4
What was happening was that families who ran out of money for food had to sell their children or mortgage their fields, vineyards and homes to these rich men; and some couldn’t even do that, for they had already borrowed to their limit to pay their taxes. ( what we are going through is not new..not at all. )
MATTHEW 22;16-22
They decided to send some of their men along with the Herodians ( a Jewish political party) to ask him this question: “ Sir, we know you are very honest and teach the truth regardless of the consequences, without fear or favor. Now tell us this is right to pay taxes to the Roman Government or not?”
But Jesus saw what they were after. “You hypocrites!” he exclaimed. “Who are trying to fool with your trick questions? Here show me a coin.” And they handed him a penny.
“Whose picture is stamped on it?” he asked them. “And whose name is beneath the picture?”
“Caesar’s.” they replied.
“ Well, then, ” he said, “give it to Caesar if it is his, and give God everything that belongs to God.”
His reply surprised and baffled them and they went away. Said Jesus Christ
MATTHEW 17;22-27
One day while they were still in Galilee, Jesus told them, “I am going to be betrayed into the power of those who will kill me, and on the third day afterwards I will be brought back to life again.” And the disciples’ hearts were filled with sorrow and dread.
On their arrival at Capernaum, the temple tax collectors came to Peter and asked him, “ Doesn’t your master pay taxes?”
“Of course he does,” Peter replied.
Then he went into the house to talk to Jesus about it before, but before he had a chance to speak, Jesus asked him, “What do you think, Peter? Do kings levy assessments against their own people, or against conquered foreigners?”
“Against the foreigners.”, Peter replied.
“Well then,” Jesus said, “the citizens are free! However we do not want to offend them, so go down to the shore and throw in a line, open the mouth of the first fish you catch. You will find a coin to cover the taxes for both of us; take it and pay them.”
(Even when preparing to give the biggest gift to mankind ever…EVER, someone was on
Christ’s case about taxes. When will we get it?)