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It will be “Dollar Collapse” not nuclear war that destroys the US!

Tuesday, October 25, 2016 5:33
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(Before It's News)

The Global Elites Are Getting Ready To Blame You For The Coming Financial Crash

The new world order needs a great financial reset before it can take root.
In the aftermath, elites will “rescue” as global economic instability erupts…

by Brandon Smith, Alt-Market via SHTFPlan:

Editor’s Comment: The conflict at hand is indeed complex, and will have a huge impact on the American people. While our divorce from the parasitic and psychopathic leaders in Washington and on Wall Street is long overdue, we’ve become hostage to the mentality that we’re all in the same boat. Now, we’re being dragged into more war, and propping up terrorism and brutal, dictatorial regimes is the name of holding onto the petrodollar empire.

Though tough times are ahead, this system is not our lifeblood, it is not our duly elected government, and not our patriotic duty to support it. It is a monetary system of control, though what replaces it will not necessarily be any better.Times are troubled, and everything is sure to change. The challenge, individually, will be to hold onto what we’ve got and continue a culture of liberty and resistance.

East vs. West Division Is About The Dollar – Not Nuclear War

By Brandon Smith

The interesting thing about working in alternative economics is that inevitably you will become the designated buzzkill. You may be presenting the facts on the ground and the reality behind the numbers, but most of what you have to report will not be pleasant. Alternative economists are doomed to be labeled “doom and gloomers.” And that’s okay…

The truth is what it is, and sometimes it hurts people obsessed with undue positivism and bull market naivety. However, as bad as we seem to be when it comes to a negative outlook, we do not necessarily present the most ugly options on the table.

There is an undeniable trend by some within the liberty movement to assume a Mad Max-style end game to our ever expanding house of cards. That is to say, they see the only plausible outcome being apocalyptic in nature, and nuclear holocaust fits well within this viewpoint. In many cases, the argument is sometimes presented that WWIII is in the best interests of global elites seeking a catalyst for their so-called “new world order.”


Full article at:



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