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Many credible figures in the Independent Media think that Trump should go after the Federal Reserve and shut it down. However, there is one very powerful reason why he shouldn’t.
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Either shut it down or do a TOTAL overhaul on where the money goes to once it gets in there. JFK Tried to make the Federal Reserve null and void and they killed him for it. Should Trump either do away with the Federal Reserve system or do a 100% re-working on how it runs, he needs to FIRST:
1) Make a public announcement; we need to know EVERYTHING about it via the so called “mainstream media” or he could just do an emergency transmission from the White House for about 2 hours explaining it all. This includes the fraud that the Federal Reserve system currently is and how it’s been designed to siphon off trillions of dollars OUT of our country.
2) Make it clear that this action of doing away with the Federal Reserve system puts him in great danger; reflecting back on JFK’s executive order 11110 which played a related part in ending the Federal Reserve and how no more than 6 months later (I think) he was assassinated.
3) Trump would need to have ready multiple different transmissions set to be broadcast in the event of his assassination exposing the current rigged system and all of it’s intricate details so that we know and understand why changes need to be made and just how important it is for us to know and understand.
There are many other things Trump will need to do but MOSTLY…he needs to have information ready and set to be delivered to us all so that the truth be made known.
Kill them first.
It was possible to take on the Fed when gold, a substance the Fed cannot counterfeit, was the basis of our money. Those days are over. The Fed is in total charge. We all work for credit they create out of thin air. It is impossible for anyone to run for president against a candidate who can print money. Therefore it must be realized that Trump too must meet Fed approval and that his plans must be their plans, maybe a bit different, but still their plans, not his or ours. We took decades getting into this mess. Even if there’s a will it will take decades, or an unbelievable disaster, to get rid of it. Some may hope that it will slowly fade away and collapse like Communism. That may happen. But right now it’s still vigorous, still gaining, working to get rid of cash and build a total surveillance and control system. It’s not going to be defeated by something as simple as an election.
Better yet, appoint Ron Paul as Fed Chairman, heh, heh.
Damn Hodges…
Now that’s some damn expertly two truthed split tongue a writin.
That would be great, but he would probably end up like JFK.
Nothing can really save the US economy now.
Yes, it would be great to abolish the FED and go back to an honest gold and silver backed currency controlled by Congress as laid out in the Constitution.
The problem with that, is that the US no longer has enough gold to back anything. It was all stolen a very long time ago. The gold that is supposed to be in Fort Knox is no longer there.
Germany asked for its gold back, and so have other nations, but it cannot happen. The gold that must be returned no longer exists in the US. The gold that belongs to the American people has not been audited since Truman, and never can be audited or the fraud would be exposed.
Nixon bankrupted the US with the Vietnam war, and was forced to take the US off the gold standard. The FED have been printing money ever since, backed up by absolutely nothing.
Any country that refuses to use these worthless printed US dollars is attacked by the US military.
The US has been completely broke since 1971 and the Vietnam war.
Its only become a problem now, because the US military can no longer threaten anyone and get away with it. Russia and China have had quite enough. The Brics alliance has now effectively bypassed the US dollar, and all the threats of surgical strikes and assassinations can no longer maintain the credibility of the worthless us paper.
The US dollar is about to crash and burn, and abolishing the FED will do nothing to solve the real problem.
What Trump should do, if he had any sense of conscience, dignity, would be to resign, you know, “being president isn’t worth it in a society dictated by lies”. But hey, he won’t do that, have you wondered why? He’ll have a little “accident” though, just a promise.
Watch as my poor mind shapes reality, nothing much.
Oh right, you may call me the prince of lies, you may call me whatever you wish, none of what you call me is true, fancy that.
You are a minority of one.
That is true.
I’d rather be the minority of one, an individual, than the collective ego of populist gesture.
Fokjoupoes. Ha Ha
If he is ready to confront the Jews and expose their schemes, issue new constitutional currency.