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MASTERCARD stole money out of my savings account. Has the BAIL INS started?

Thursday, October 27, 2016 21:13
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Has the BAIL INS started?

     My friend who is on disability recently had her PREPAID MASTERCARD frozen and monies confiscated by MASTERCARD as she owned them money.

     Within 24 hours her bank that the MASTERCARD was attached to, dipped into her personal checking and zeroed her account.

     Is this happening to anyone else? I would like to hear from you.

     One more question.  If for example say that what happened is BANK A, can BANK B, being a total separate entity, give MASTERCARD access for monies owing to MASTERCARD or any other card?

    In other words, is there a PLAN by ALL THE BANKS to work together with the all the MASTERCARDS, VISA, etc, to start freezing accounts?

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