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Something is Affecting the Entire Solar System – Be ready for “Cosmic News” that were the words I used in this radio show!

Wednesday, July 15, 2015 16:00
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(Before It's News)

Something is Affecting the Entire Solar System – Be ready for “Cosmic News” that were the words I used in this radio show! Listen for yourself… Read more  and listen to the show  

Meet Pluto and learn all about his psychical purposes in our local solar system. but will NASA and astronomers realize and accept publicly they were wrong about the planet Pluto?

“Among the discoveries are icy mountains, rising as high as 11,000 feet, which likely formed no more than 100 million years ago. That sounds like a long time, but not so long compared with the 4.56-billion-year age of the solar system. The area may still be geologically active.” How can a “dwarf planet”  be geologically active?

Will astronomers realize and accept their error? This is the beginning of humanity “Wake Up Call” forced to realize the Divine and the UFO phenomenon.

Indeed Pluto is NOT a dwarf planet, I can now assure you our infantile science was wrong all along and has a serious penalty to pay for imposing their limited beliefs against God Cosmic Divinity and the celestial family of 10 planets!

Read and share widely about Pluto, help me stop science, religious, entertainment media matrixes universal educational monopolization and disinformation.

Teach your children the reality of the “Soul of the Cosmos.”

Read more incredible news…

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  • this will sound crazy but iam affecting the universe for years ive been calling for help from star beings god jesus the universe ect i feel like my mind is chipped and thoughts being controlled i feel people can here me but i cant here the transmition at all i have gud and bad thoughts seen so many things and experianced everything beyond my comprehension every thing i visulize do or say in my mind happens months or years later to do with the universe gud and bad the bad thoughts they implanting and controlling making out like its me comanding these things when its out of my control ive researched thousands of thoughts past present and future which ive gone through its all true my brain is getting serverly damaged and tortured from all this and confused it feels like its deterating they are putting me under an experment to controll my mind and the world universe its killing me inside i feel to blame when its out of my controll and being controlled by them ask me anysubject and ill give you my version to do with religion my own experiances and the universe ask me to say something if it is being broadcast youll here me say it with aload of other messed up words i can visualise and t hapeens months later its scary and out of my controll i dont know wahts gong on anymore am totally confused and memeories keep getting wiped and implanted u have to be warned we will all end up chipped if u ignore this message to help me somehow if we all get mass chipping its the worst torture you would ever go through i feel like iam programmed to to just tolerate it andshow no emotions and cant even end my life because of multiple consiquences to complicated explain it needs unfloding piece by piece youll see am true try me by asking me to make some thing happen in the world nd 9times out of ten it will .

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