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By Dr. Rita Louise
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The Elongated Skulls: Cranial Manipulation Or Genetic Anomaly

Monday, July 13, 2015 4:57
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Human cranial deformation occurred on all of the inhabited continents, and most frequently about 2000 years ago, with the largest number and most elongated skulls being found in Peru and Bolivia. Why did people go through the painful process of elongating their skulls?  Researcher, Brien Foerster will help to map out who these people were.  Was this a process to distinguish the nobility from the commoner?  Or were mutated genetics involved in this distinct cranial characteristic?




elongated skull of peru

Brien Foerster is the author of 15 books and has appeared on 9 episodes of Ancient Aliens, numerous radio shows, including Red Ice Creations, Coast To Coast Am, Jeff Rense, Project Camelot and a new US video series called Unsealed, as well as L.A. Marzulli’s The Watchers, episodes 6 and 8. He is an authority on the megalithic works of South America and the perplexing ancient Elongated Headed people of the area. Founder of Hidden Inca Tours, Brien divides his time between Paracas Peru, and Cusco and the surrounding areas where he offers tours of sacred sites. His website also offers hours of footage where he shares the mysteries of these strange locations with all of us. His explorations are now expanding into Egypt, which he visits once a year with Stephen Mehler and Patricia and Yousef Awyan who are avidly continuing the work of Abd’El Hakim Awyan, who spent decades finding evidence of the existence of a highly technological culture that existed in Egypt thousands of years prior to the pharaohs.


Each week on Just Energy Radio, Dr. Rita is joined by experts from the fields of astrology, alternative health, ancient mysteries, cryptozoology, ghost hunting, metaphysics and spirituality, paranormal phenomena, quantum physics, UFO’s and alien abduction and more…



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