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Alert! The Moon’s Orbit Is Off – Science Article Proves It!

Thursday, March 23, 2017 19:20
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(Before It's News)

Below I will leave a link to the actual scientific article. The article clearly indicates through laser telemetry data astronomers discovered changes in the moon’s orbit as early as 2011. Scientists who wrote the article used standard gravitational equations to test theoretical and more plausible explainations for the changes observed in the moon’s orbit.

But wait a minute! You asked? If the moon’s orbit is off then why aren’t we seeing phase disturbances and missing eclipses? The answers have already been given to us lay people by unscheduled lunar eclipses, changes in actual orientation of scheduled eclipses, changes in the appearance of both the new moon and the gibbous moons (egg shaped,) and I must remind you that a phase disturbance was reported on and clearly demonstrated July 2, 2015, a year and a half ago. But even lay people sense that the frequent appearances of super moons in itself suggests a change in orbit.

The other feature of the moon that has changed over the last six years has been the actual location of key landmarks having rotated counterclockwise by as much as 30 degrees. For those that wish to argue and deny I must remind you of basic physics; it would be impossible to change one motion of the moon without impacting the moon’s other motions. Indeed, the science article referred to herein indicates a change in ellipticality, which would explain all the super moons.

In the video below these matters are discussed and a more detailed analysis of the article is presented. Even though some subjective conclusions by the authors of this science article seem suspicious one thing we all can agree on is that no matter what caused the moon to drift and shift the fact that there have been actual changes in the moon’s orbit should now be considered public record and factual.

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