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Gorilla Walks Upright Like A Human

Thursday, March 23, 2017 6:45
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A Western Lowland Gorilla has charmed the world with his rare and unique talent of walking upright
like a human. Western Lowland Gorillas usually live in the densest and most remote rainforests
in Africa. They live in the smallest groups of all gorillas usually consisting of about four to
six members. The leader of the group, the silverback, organizes most group activities.
They are quickly becoming endangered though as their numbers have declined by almost 
60 percent over the last twenty years. These are the gorillas most frequently found in zoos.

While gorillas have been known to stand on occasion they usually don’t walk very far.
Ambam seems to have worked hard at perfecting his skills overtime and seems to walk
with ease over considerable distances. 

His unique skill has made him an internet sensation, and many have flocked to the wildlife
park located in the UK to see him in person.


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