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The Planet X system can be considered a mini-constellation consisting of our sun’s twin, classified a brown dwarf star called Nemesis. This dark star is largely invisible even with infrared due to its surrounding red iron oxide dust clouds.
Nemesis possesses at least three planets that revolve around it, Nibiru and Helion both with moons, and Arboda.
Though Nibiru travels along an elliptical shaped orbit and enters our solar system approximately every 3600 years, one by one crossing the orbits of our solar system planets, it does not revolve around our sun.
Planet X was originally the search for a massive planet beyond the orbit of Neptune, in the pre-Pluto era (some might say that we are now living in a “post-Pluto era” after the dwarf planet’s demotion… just a thought).
Planet X is in fact the exciting astronomical journey the world took in the early 20th Century, culminating in the discovery of Pluto. However, it quickly became apparent that Pluto was tiny; it wasn’t the Planet X we were looking for.
For the last 80 years, astronomers have been looking for a large planet that might go to some way of explaining interplanetary features such as the “Kuiper Cliff”, but Planet X haS NOW POSSIBLY BEEN FOUND.
Probably one of the most ‘high-strangeness’ shows ever. In the course of discussing his new book, the Lovecraft Code, Peter Levenda reveals one of the strangest and most chilling facts ever heard on this radio program.
Was there a date in 1907 that marked the beginning of the world of carnage in which we now live? Was something conjured then—released into our world by means of ritual magic—and did horror writer H.P. Lovecraft somehow pick up on it?
His entire body of work consists of stories about the “old ones,” a race that existed when the laws of physics and reality were different, long before mankind appeared.
Hey it Cannot? And I suppose yo have asked them about it? Should not think so. Say hello to your cia friends (the dark side) will you? Nibiru and the flat Earth is a psy-op.
I don’t think you are right.
So go on and tell us where to aim the orion 16 inch telescope with DSLR and IR rigs so I can live stream nibiru. I have said it a thousand times, no live HD footage it isn’t there. Cell phone lens flares,web cams and BS photoshop doesn’t for biniru make.
Not very scientific of you.
Unless it’s the science of propaganda you’re going for. Straw man argument, all that.
You haven’t seen most of what is in our solar system. That doesn’t mean the stuff isn’t there. To prove something IS there, we need to show that something has been affecting our entire solar system for generations now. We did that.
Paths of the outer planets. The evidence of that was erased, not by science, but by a computer model. We’ll just change the mass of Neptune, never mind 150 years of observation, of Neptune and Triton.
The Pioneer anomaly. And we’ll just not tell you how far off course other space probes got.
Brightening and warming of the planets.
Mars being too far south of the ecliptic, last spring.
Year over year increases of meteorites. Large increases. Many more small asteroids passing near Earth.
Strange tides, like the one along the US east coast, for weeks in 2009. Strange waves, like the one along the US east coast in 2013.
Increases in earthquakes and volcanic activity. Unusual weather patterns.
Sudden deaths of astronomers. Harrington and Marks top the list.
The location of the major infrared telescopes. Not in the Arctic regions. But in Antarctica and on Mt. Graham.
The mysterious International Space Station, speaking of poor-quality images. Whatever that is, it is not what we have been told. Those are fake videos you’ve been watching. Made with “movie magic” wires and green screens, and “vomit comet” airplane rides.
And if I see one more video of fake astronauts hanging from wires in front of a green screen, and making Masonic hand signs together, I will vomit.
(Think. The Apollo capsule lost 80% of its cabin pressure in the first 8 hours of each flight. by LEAKAGE. And you think a whole bunch of cylinders can be put together in space, and jarred by rocket thrusters and humans inside, for a couple of DECADES, and the seals hold just fine? And how did that astronaut almost drown, during a “space walk” in 2013? And what was Lisa Nowak really doing, on the run.)
Bottom line:
The charge field of Planet X is right now pushing meteorites and small asteroids into our path. This has been happening for years now, but the numbers continue to increase.
That charge field is going to trip up our planet, and flip it, in the near future. This hasn’t happened for 11,000 years or thereabouts. It’s an amazing thing.
I’m telling you this, so your last words won’t be WTF? You won’t die bewildered, like those poor mammoths, and others, who froze, When eastern Siberia froze, and the polar ice cap on North America melted.
I don’t know why people expect to see a large disk in the sky. I mean, sure, a frozen planet might produce a coma at some point. And those can be very large. But you’d see a tail at some point.
EPIC Capt. PE List!!!!!
Two thumbs up.
[Absolute bunk, but a quality List, no less].
^^^^^ “That charge field is going to trip up our planet, and flip it, in the near future”.
Near Future? Kinda like August of 15, and “IT” was weeks away????
Care to pinpoint “near future” again, there Capt. PE???????
Centrally Clueless: I suppose you want something more scientific than a mere guess. Okay.
The last time Planet X caused our axis to change, dramatically, was 11,000 to 12,000 years ago, in there somewhere.
Ancient Egypt had recorded 4 axis shifts in 341 generations, which Herodotus figured to be 11,340 years. (Book II Item 142)
ONE of those was the big one of 11,000-12,000 years ago. Say 11,500. Herodotus wrote maybe 2,500 years ago. (approximately) So, the Egyptians saw ONE axis shift about 14,000 years ago, ONE about 11,500 years ago, and TWO in the next 9,000 years.
If we figure NO axis shifts, between the last big one, and now, and if we use the interval of 11,500 years:
THAT gives us a 1% chance in 115 years, or .0087 chance per year.
We’re talking about an axis shift caused by the charge field of a planet, which has a regular orbit. And we’re talking about the likelihood of Earth being on the right side of the Sun, when the damn planet swings by on an inclined plane.
So, a guess that is off by a few years is statistically accurate.
Fortunately we don’t need to make estimates about the orbit, or the strength of the charge field, of Planet X. We were TOLD by our friendly Mother Mary, when to expect a global disaster, to be caused by a celestial object.
Pope John 23rd sealed the information, “probably forever,” in 1960. But there was a leak. Well, two. John Paul II characterized part of the message, in the course of explaining why it remains secret. At Fulda in 1980.
And Father Malachi Martin gave much more information in April of 1997. He said “it isn’t twenty years away.”
That time frame fits with the 100th anniversary of Mary’s first Fatima appearance, which was on May 13, 1917. (Five more appearances, on the 13th of each month through October. Except, in August, it was on the 19th)
AND the time frame fits with the dramatic increase in meteors and small asteroids.
“April is the cruelest month,” T.S. Eliot wrote. I don’t know what DATE in April, that Father Martin spoke. I doubt that the message contained a specific DATE. It was probably more like, “Before 100 years have passed, since…”
That would mean Mary’s appearance was timed to be 100 years before the big event.
Guessing the year is splitting hairs, statistically speaking. Guessing the day is ridiculous. But we don’t have to guess.
So Capt. PE, your creepy kid story only goes so far, when it comes to “setting a date”. Which you DIDN’T! Again, for the 1,245th time.
I got your ‘Tail’ reference, but it’s BUNK!!!!!!
Give me a Calendar DATE, which we can all write down, as your prognostication, of said calamity…..
Otherwise, you are just another skefooza on the interwebs.
A skefooza with a wicked good nickname, none-the-less, thanks to me, but a Maroon in the end!!!!
“The third line, undivided, shows the superior man of acknowledged merit. He will maintain his success to the end…”
Hexagram 15
That’s OK Agent 7, you are still funny in my world.
A Maroon, but funny all the same.
Oh boy here we go again. All i am going too say is this. I cannot disclose my sources but, believe me or not, it is real! It has been known about since the 50s at the latest. further more, the Governments of the world have been preparing for it since. Sure thier has been many saying ( its coming its coming, but it didnt.) , but rest assured it is! When it does, then all Mockers, scorners, etc can say OH S#&)!!! I am preparing everyday. GL everyone and please pray pray pray , and gather in all the faith you can. We will all need it.
It sure is strange that the SAME old Trolls and Shills ALWAYS show up to comment whenever anyone posts a story about this particular subject isn’t it ?!!!
Oh jeez another niburu video? I don’t wanna watch it can someone watch it for me then post a smart ass comment. Pink Slime can you handle this for me. Or syco247 thanks
‘splain something to me…they found earth like planets however many light years away they were – why can’t they get photographic evidence of “planet x?” how long until this story gets old? i know i’m already bored by it.