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Trump Train is Exposing Swamp’s Deep-Seated Corruption

Thursday, February 16, 2017 12:00
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Theology and Politics from a Conservative, Biblical Perspective

It would seem that @realdonaldTrump – President Trump – has been exposing the fortified corruption within the DC bureaucracy simply by being elected president. From billionaire Nazi George Soros (who worked with and aided Hitler’s regime during WWII), who gamely stated that he will take down Trump, to the many calls for Trump’s impeachment from @DanRather, to @MMFlint (Michael Moore), and a host of other Fascist Left-wingers, these people are clearly attempting an aggressive coup to overthrow Trump’s presidency.

It is even believed that past-president Barack Obama, who is the first ex-president in roughly 100 years to finish his term and remain in Washington, DC, is working against Trump in coordinated efforts through his foundation, Organizing for Action (OFA). At the webpage called they have an interesting article on the donors who have given to Mr. Obama’s non-profit. Unfortunately, some of their links no longer work simply because those pages no longer exist at OFA. However, new links appear at this page where all donors can be seen since the inception of the foundation in 2013. These pages can be seen and saved to computers.

Author Paul Sperry, who was on the Hannity Show not long ago, reflected on information that appears to show that Obama’s OFA is spearheading efforts to take down the Trump Presidency. Give a listen.

If this is true – and it appears that more information is coming out that indicates Mr. Obama (and the alleged 30,000 people connected with his foundation throughout America), are doing whatever it takes to, at the very least, make Trump’s presidency very difficult at best and at worst, get him out of office. In essence though, the activities being used to undermine Trump’s Administration are largely illegal. We’ve previously noted violence springing up here and there and now with the recent resignation of Major Flynn from the Trump Administration, a problem of illegal spying on private citizens in America has come to the surface. Some are calling what Obama is believed to be doing a “shadow government” set up for the overthrow of Donald Trump. Take the time to read through the mission statements for Obama’s OFA. People have gotten hold of the training manuals, which detail how to overwhelm town hall meetings and to constantly push back against the Trump Administration. The goal is to create the impression of being a loud, vocal, majority to sway people’s minds. The media will support those efforts as well as we’ve already learned.

The apostle Paul informs us in 2 Timothy several things. He first notes how bad people will become during the “latter times,” times in which we are now living.

1 But understand this, that in the last days difficult times will come. 2 For people will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 unloving, irreconcilable, slanderers, without self-control, savage, opposed to what is good, 4 treacherous, reckless, conceited, loving pleasure rather than loving God. 5 They will maintain the outward appearance of religion but will have repudiated its power. So avoid people like these, (2 Timothy 3:1-5; NET).

These verses are very familiar. They speak of the level of depravity that will be visible during these times. Has the level of corruption and depravity changed since Donald Trump became this nation’s 45th president? No, what has changed is his promise to “drain the swamp.” That pledge of his is getting tremendous push back by Fascist Leftists, who will do anything to protect the gains they have made over society in the past eight years at least.

Because of the character and lack of integrity by many today, all sorts of accusations are running through the press, which voluntarily colludes with the Fascist Left as an aggressor in aggregate falsehoods. It has already been shown by many that a great deal of the stories presented as actual news by @CNN, @MSNBC, @NYTimes, and others are either complete exaggerations or outright lies. In fact, the many draft executive orders that were leaked to the press could only have come from inside the White House by individuals who are doing whatever they can to undermine the Trump Administration. A great deal of house-cleaning needs to happen and running America is different from running a corporation because while a new CEO can go in and clean house, the bureaucracy in DC makes this very difficult.

The apostle Paul also tells us that while things will continue to worsen, he specifically points out that there seems no level of evil to which some will not go in order to achieve their ends.

12 Now in fact all who want to live godly lives in Christ Jesus will be persecuted. 13 But evil people and charlatans will go from bad to worse, deceiving others and being deceived themselves, (2 Timothy 3:12-13; NET).

Notice verse 13. Paul tells us that “evil people…will go from bad to worse.” This is exactly what we are seeing both inside the Church and within society in general. The result is that deception will prey heavily on those who are not interested in truth at all. This is why so many people working against Trump can actually believe what they are thinking, saying, and doing. They are thoroughly evil people and unfamiliar with the truth at all.

These same individuals who rail against Donald Trump for supposed connections with Russia see absolutely nothing wrong when, during his 2008 campaign leading up to his election, Mr. Obama sent an ambassador to Iran to speak with the mullahs there. There was nothing from the media on this even though Obama had not yet been elected. Major Flynn apparently speaking to folks in Russia during Trump’s campaign to become president is breaking the law. Both the FBI and CIA have cleared Flynn of any wrongdoing. That isn’t good enough for the left though who sees blood and is desperate to bring Trump down. @DanRather started a rumor on Twitter where he stated that the situation in Trump’s Administration with respect to Russia is “bigger than Watergate.”

Interestingly enough, though it was reported in the press, even though there appears to be collusion between the Clintons, their foundation, and Russia with respect to the sale of US uranium to Russia (ostensibly to potentially enrich the Clinton Foundation), no one in Congress complained about it enough to warrant any type of investigation. In fact, the dark clouds that have constantly encircled the Clintons (and Hillary especially during her tenure as Secretary of State), have largely been ignored by dutiful Democrats and Leftists on Capitol Hill. Their attitude has been “there’s nothing to see here so move along.”

Unfortunately, because Donald Trump is an outsider (much like Ronald Reagan was an outsider), everything that Trump does or attempts to do is met with demands, obfuscation, and even lies. I do not recall those on the left being as dogged in their sleuthing for anyone else (and certainly not with fellow Democrats), before Donald Trump. The man hasn’t even been in office a complete month yet and there have been calls for his assassination, his (natural) death, and now his impeachment. Too many within the GOP party seem content to not put up any real fight against these leftist tactics.

Even regarding Trump’s cabinet picks and his nomination for the Supreme Court, things are taking way too long and yet the GOP enjoys the majority in both houses of Congress. On February 2, 2017, “Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, estimates that a confirmation hearing for Neil Gorsuch, President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, will happen around six weeks from now.” As the article states, six weeks from then would put America into the Easter Week. Will there be more delays? Supposedly, Grassley intends to ensure that senators work through that week. My question is why there needs to be a six-week wait in the first place? What, the calendar in the Senate is so full? They knew of a Supreme Court vacancy during Obama’s final months. They should have prepared for this, but did not.

Neither Grassley, McConnell, Ryan (or a few others like @SenJohnMcCain), support this president and why is that? Could it be that money from Soros found its way into the coffers of at least Rubio, McCain, Ryan, Graham, Kasich, and others? For a more complete list, go to this page where individuals are listed with amounts of money received. Does Soros give money directly? Of course not. He gives through the PACs (political action committee) and NGOs (non-governmental organization), he set up, which remove him from direct implication. However, it is clear from the slow pace that things are moving in DC that certain individuals in the GOP, while not being as obnoxious and outlandish as the likes of Sen. Chuck Schumer, Elizabeth Warren, Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, Elijah Cummings, and others, obfuscation by GOP members is happening.

At this point, only God knows exactly what might befall President Trump and his administration. The left is gearing up for a constant barrage of attacks, which we’ve seen can include violence. This is not beneath them.

All of this means first, that Scripture is true, that evil men will grow more and more evil because they are deceived and deceiving others in their own blindness (see also Romans 1). Second, it also means that we need to support the president through our prayers, but we must always remember that God has His plan and He will bring that plan to fruition even though it may not be what we want to occur. Third, it could conceivably mean that Trump’s presidency is being used by God to clean out the rot and corruption of DC. I still have my doubts about that because Scripture tells us that things are going to continually worsen until global society comes to the point of endorsing a one-world system of government that will ultimately be headed and controlled by one individuals, the Antichrist (fully empowered by his spiritual father, Satan). This appears to be God’s endorsed will for the final years of human-led history prior to the physical return of Jesus.

I don’t know what the Trump Presidency will mean for America in the short or long run. We’ve already seen some massive changes that favor America and citizens of this country. Most recently, Trump directed the IRS not to pay any attention to the questions on tax forms that ask whether or not a person had health coverage for 2016. What this means is that people will not have to pay any fines/taxes if they actually do not have insurance. This is huge because while the first year of Obamacare, the tax was $95, it has increased dramatically since then. In some states the tax is several thousand dollars per individual for not having insurance. Eliminating this means eradicating a major portion of Obamacare. Trump is also bringing companies back to America with the promise of many jobs. Beyond this, he is moving ahead with the Dakota Pipeline, something that the Obama Administration was against for “climate” reasons.

The list of things that Trump has accomplished so far is wonderful. The left is pushing back and pushing back hard to stop Trump. They are largely doing this by presenting the impression that their vocal minority is actually the majority. Impressions are important because they have the ability to define what is seen as truth. This is why someone like Dan Rather would make such an absurd statement about Trump’s alleged connections with Russia being larger than Watergate. Others on the left heard that are now using it as their meme of the moment, trying very hard to make a mountain out of a molehill. Because of the fact that these same individuals did virtually nothing when it came to Hillary’s or Obama’s alleged improprieties proves their evil tactics are simply seditious.

We’ll continue to see what happens. As the left violently marches and protests, continues to have hissy fits, and lies, it appears that President Trump is going to continue to take care of business for America. It will be very interesting to see what he accomplishes in spite of the constant obfuscation and even treasonous actions of those opposed to him.

How far will he be able to go in draining the swamp?

Theology and Politics from a Conservative, Biblical Perspective


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