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What Happens When You Drink Baking Soda in Water on an Empty Stomach

Monday, February 20, 2017 8:48
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There are a handful of things I always like to have on hand in my home. Epsom salts, apple cider vinegar, activated charcoal, hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. I like to have them on hand all for different various reasons. Some for detoxification, some for digestion, some for cleaning etc. Baking soda is one of those things that I personally like to have on hand for a few reasons. It makes a great cleaner, a great scrubbing agent to clean the sink or the bathtub.

It also has valuable health effects and at the price of about 98 cents a box, you can’t beat it!

What is baking soda exactly? Chemically it’s NaHCO3, also known as sodium bicarbonate, we call it baking soda! It’s a chemical salt that occurs in its natural form as the mineral nahcolite. Baking soda typically reacts as an acid, but in an aqueous solution such as water it is slightly alkaline. It’s an amazing cleaning agent and great for other health-related purposes as well.

Drinking Water With Baking Soda: The Benefits

  1. pH Balancer:

    Many diseases and conditions including cancer, arthritis, osteoporosis and others thrive in an acidic environment. An acidic pH is necessary and normal in certain parts of the body such as the gut, where acid is needed for digestion. The skin is also acidic as an external layer between your internal and external environment. It’s a detoxifying organ. The pH of healthy blood is between 7.3 and 7.4. 7 is a neutral pH so the blood in good health is slightly alkaline. Drinking baking soda water on an empty stomach allows your body to absorb this and has an alkalizing effect. This is beneficial for blood health which helps to heal your entire body as well as keep things in homeostasis. Drink baking soda water on an empty stomach to alkalize your blood and body!

  2. Antacid Effect:

    Heartburn and acid reflux are symptoms of an overly acidic body. They are also typically signs of mineral deficiencies such as magnesium or potassium. The lower esophageal sphincter (LES) is also not working properly. It is not properly contracting. The lower esophageal sphincter is a valve that connects the stomach to the esophagus. If it were contracting properly it would keep the acid in your stomach and not allow the acid to rise leading to heartburn. Getting magnesium and potassium rich foods such as leafy greens, avocado and bananas in your diet will help the LES work better. Simply drinking baking soda water on an empty stomach is beneficial also. Water with baking soda helps your gut to produce and benefit from hydrochloric acid. This helps your body to burp, helping subvert the issue. It also helps with heartburn and gas.

  3. Prevention Kidney Stones:

    Very acidic urine is an indicator that you have an iron deficiency. If you’re too deficient in iron and your body is too acidic then kidney stones can form, causing a lot of pain. Other factors such as a mineral balance of your magnesium, calcium and potassium ratios are important also. Your CA/MG (calcium to magnesium) ratio is important also. It’s important to have plenty of magnesium and potassium rich foods in your diet. When you’re deficient in magnesium and potassium but have too much calcium then calcification will occur in the body. This will lead to the formation of kidney stones and other calcium-deposit related conditions. These include arthritis, stiff joints, even stroke or heart attack if calcium builds up in the arteries. Another cause that will contribute to the formation of kidney stones is simply being dehydrated. You need to drink more water. Drinking water with baking soda helps to keep the blood in a healthier homeostasis to carry minerals to where they need to be in the body.

  4. Prevention Of UTI’s:

    Urinary tract infections (also known as a UTI) are caused by a weakend immune system. An infection needs an immune boost! Baking soda is known to prevent urinary tract infections. It has anti-septic properties. Drinking baking soda water helps to clean and purify the blood as well as the kidneys and bladder. This helps you prevent urinary tract infections. It also helps keep your bladder and kidneys in better shape in health!

How To Drink Baking Soda Water?

You can simply add a teaspoon of baking soda to a glass of water and drink that twice daily, better on an empty stomach. You can measure your pH in the morning and once during the day over time. Your pH will be higher in the morning because your body is cleaning and detoxifying during sleep. During the day your pH will be higher than in the morning. Start to monitor your pH each morning and throughout the day once you start drinking baking soda water. Over time it should increase, which means you’re becoming more alkaline.  You can increase the dose to (an extra glass or two) each day if you want to see more of an improvement in your ph Each day.


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Total 18 comments
  • Wow, where to start.
    Your body requires water. Water is absolutely alkali. Staying hydrated can and will resolve many health issues. How do you know when you are properly hydrated? Simple: your urine is clear to very slightly yellow. You void your bladder when full (or nearly). If it has a strong odor, check your diet. For example, eating healthy asparagus (properly cooked) will influence your output odor.
    If your urine is noticeably yellow or dark yellow, you need to hydrate. I will take anywhere from 4 to 8 hours for your body to absorb the water. Unlike a camel, who can instantly regain loss moisture while drinking, it takes us bipeds a little time. Drink gradually, not all at once. Not everyone fits into a mold, so it is different for everyone.
    It is absolutely true that cancers and diseases thrive on in an acidic environment. It is also helpful to have a pack of PH strips (available online) to test your saliva.
    Stay away as much as you can from pure cane sugar, artificial sweeteners and processed foods. Although you can eat them, the purpose of processed foods is not to keep you healthy, but to insure there is enough “food” to feed the masses. Have no doubt, processed foods are NOT good for you.
    The microbes are steadily winning the war against antibiotics, and pharmaceuticals are a big harm to humans.
    Water. Not juice, Not smart water, not tea, not coffee, not crystal light, not kool aid, just simple healthy clean water. Thanks for the article.

    • Where on earth can you get “healthy clean water” anymore?

      • From a ceramic water filter.

      • Ask for diet water, I hear the North Korean Government uses it for their Astronauts when they send the first man to land on the sun. True story.

    • Water is neutral

    • Pure water is neutral. It may be alkaline, depending on what is dissolved in it.

    • actually, pure, distilled water is neutral Ph

      alkalies come from alkaloids which have been crystallised metal salts(oxides),, most people don’t think of calcium for example as a metal, because we never see it in the solid metallic form, only in the oxidised form

      pure water can have nothing other than an utterly neutral Ph, as neither acid nor base is present

  • I already drink about two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar a day, how do you recommend using both the vinegar and baking soda as a daily regimen?

    • Just a suggestion.
      Try baking soda on empty stomach, wait 30 mins for it to be absorbed through the stomach lining, then a LITTLE ACV and see what happens.
      In any case wait 30 mins between them.
      Best of luck

    • there is no way to add an acid to an acid and make it LESS acidic – adding ions to ions cannot result in fewer ions

      reverse osmosis is a MECHANICAL operation which normally does not occur in nature, specially biologically

      the only way to counter acidity biologically, is to add “base” or alkalides, like sodium or magnesium bicarbonate

      on a full tummy it will merely neutralise stomach acid – on an empty stomach your body will absorb base, which it will use to regulate your body & blood Ph

      if your body is low on ‘base’ it WILL steal carbonates from your own skeleton in order to maintain optimal blood/tissue Ph

  • Man

    this is not how you regulate you pH…. do you know how much Chemical salt you need to eat to counter the Duodenum and the stomach? and then you have to counteract the buffers in the blood.

    those buffers produce extra CO2 in the blood… but I guess that means heavy panting is a sign that the chemical salt is working.

    Also urine pH is not an indicator of your blood….

    • i see you’re talking out your ass again

      about 1 gram of natural sodium or magnesium bicarbonate will do the trick, with much to spare

      buffers (alkaloids/alkalides/base) do not counter buffers, in the blood or anywhere else

      CO2 is JUST as important for cell metabolism as is Oxygen – too little of either WILL impeded function

      at any given time, the empty stomach has approx 10ml of acidic gastric fluid in it – and you drink 250ml of base (buffer),, stomach Ph is now 8+,, excess ‘base’ is now absorbed via the bloodstream into body & delivered to the relevant organs & skeletal system

      our body actually stores base/buffers in our skeletal system (and related organs like the liver & pancreas), for later use as required in the maintenance of blood/tissue Ph

      • oops,, got some of that buffers stuff bass ackwards,, oh well

        blood is alkaline with a Ph of abut 7.4, so it has no acidic buffers to be counteracted

  • My urine is dark yellow and invariably smells like whatever I ate recently. For instance, breakfast cereal, the worst food known to man, when eaten, makes my pee, smell like breakfast cereal. Is that normal???

    • Man

      try Asparagus. that should cure it

    • Just did. Now it smells like shiiiiiit

  • Drinking 20% water solution of baking soda enables to disappear all kinds of right canser.
    Juice of bitter melon also enables to disappear all kinds of right canser. This is the most simple method.
    By these methods peoples can annihilate all cancers.
    But, don’t eat beef, pork, etc. which cause all kinds of cancer. This is one of habits of barbarians on Earth.

  • Where are pH testing strips available?

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