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Peace is knowing and accepting that NOTHING is more important to God than EVERY single Human Life. It matters not what sins a person has committed or how one has lived his or her life. What matters to God is that we respect ALL Human Life from the moment of creation of Human Life, to the very end of Human Life. God will NOT forgive ANYONE who has violated this ONE single Law of God. I can't be more emphatic about this. It matters not what a person does after he or she is guilty of having taken a Human Life. There is NEVER ANY forgiveness from God for one who is guilty of having taken a Human Life. NONE! Period. I don't care what anyone says about what I am saying here. I don't care what one does to appease God in ANY way. There is NEVER ANY forgiveness for one who is guilty of having taken a Human Life. Once one has done this, one will NEVER have Peace with God EVER again!
I know there are those who will insist there HAS to be reasons for taking a Human Life, whether a woman has an abortion or whether one kills in the line of duty. It matters not to God the reasons. He will NEVER ask anyone who is guilty of having intentionally taken a Human Life as to WHY a person has done so. As far as God is concerned there are NO VALID reasons why ANYONE would EVER intentionally take a Human Life. I can't prove what I am saying, but something happens to a person when he or she intentionally takes a Human Life. It is as if something is removed from them. It's as if some barrier has gone up between that person and God. I can't say this happens to every person who intentionally takes a Human Life, but I have spoken to enough people who have intentionally taken Human Life that I know this is true in most cases. A person changes after he or she is guilty of having intentionally taken a Human Life. There is NOTHING a person can do to restore what has been lost.
As long as there are people who cannot accept that NOTHING is more important to God than EVERY single Human Life, those people will NOT find Peace. Peace is knowing that God doesn't care what a person does as long as he or she NEVER intentionally takes a Human Life. One can be the most vile sinner and still have Peace with God. There will be those who insist we HAVE to change. I am saying that change is KNOWING that nothing is more important to God than EVERY single Human Life. I don't know how some people know this, but even some of the vilest of sinners know this. Some people can sleep at night regardless of their sins because they know this. I know because this is true of myself. KNOWING that NOTHING is more important to God than EVERY single Human Life is living in and with Peace. I know what I am saying here. I am Brother Ralphie writing for my Angels from The Angels of Life Institute. Peace. Brother Ralphie works from his study for the promotion of Peaceful living and inner Peace with God. He calls this the “Sanctity of Human Life Movement.”