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Normalizing Pedophilia: Pope Removes Penalties for Priests Who Molest Children

Monday, February 27, 2017 20:31
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child sex trafficking children sold


Inch by inch it is a cinch.  Incrementalism is how the globalists get things done, and child-sex-trafficking is not any different.

Don’t forget that Soros once gave $2 million to NAMBLA, the organization seeking to legalize pedophilia.

The Pope has permitted one of his main Priests to get away with repeatedly molesting 5 boys, with a “life time of prayer” intervention.

PizzaGate isn’t PizzaGate if it’s legal. The Pope is furthering the cause of normalizing and eventually legalizing pedophilia.

This is just the beginning.  Here is the entire story.


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Total 10 comments
  • Wow, what is this world coming too. This is not right :cry:

    • There is no “normalizing” pedophilia. The pope is Satan. Time to flush this :evil: turd.

    • There is no “normalizing” pedophilia. The pope is Satan. Time to flush this :evil: poop.

  • Time to rise up!

  • Nothing he did is “normalizing” pedophilia.

    And anyone that thinks anyone can “normalize” pedophilia, doesn’t have kids. Even in f@cked up third world countries, and places with Sharia law, where people use loop holes to merry 8 year olds, mom’s still cry, and it’s not widely approved of, more tolerated.

    There is no way to normalize mentally healthy Americans into thinking having sex with children is OK.

  • ou must understand the Catholic Church is not a Christian church. It is a MAN’S Church!! It all about men usurping God to be Him.

    Why do you think you must call them “Father”?? Pedophiles and sinful men being called God’s title?? And they wear the hat and clothing of Dagon.

    Their religion is of Pagans and they practice their SICK sex. They don’t even want girls. No, they want the little boys just like Muslims.

    This religion hijacked G*d’s true church and took his name and title and even changed His laws and FORCED the true church underground in fear of them. This is the one whom the L*rd will destroy with the brightness of his coming.

    This church is full of deception depravity and had made many people burned at the stake and tortured others. Why do not people speak about the history of this church? How could it have the truth with the stench of so many innocent people they KILLED, MURDERED and TORTURED behind them??

    Now they come after the little ones. This is a true man’s church in their sickness and depravity. :twisted:

  • “francis” is not the Pope. He is a jew installed antipope pushing the satanic jewish doctrine of vatican II.

  • all rapist, child molesters, and pedo’s should get the death penalty, swiftly

  • Hey Dave,
    I just wanted to point out that in the frame in the video that shows Pope Frances, He’s wearing a necklace that has an Owl on it. Doesn’t that represent Moloch??

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