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ALT Media Is Being Murdered – You Are Next

Saturday, March 25, 2017 10:32
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Take a long look at the Independent Media, it will soon be gone. It will be gone from Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, etc. This article focuses on the movement by Google to eliminate anti-NWO thinking. This article also serves as a warning to major purge heading our way. The mere fact that you are on this website viewing this article, has put you on the NSA naughty list.


Youtube has become dominated by conservative opinion. If the traditionalists, as I like to call them, were to disappear from Youtube, the giant social media platform would collapse. If that were to happen, about the only thing of value that this social media monolith would have left would be videos on how to raise radishes in your garden.  Youtube knows it, however, the determination of the globalists is so great, that the supplanting of the MSM by the Independent Media is so decisive that it has literally scared the hell out of the globalists and they are willing to pay any price to end the threat of the Independent Media. Here is a brief summary of this intention.


Paul JosephWatson Under Attack by Youtube

Infowars’ Paul Joseph Watson is being incrementally censored by Youtube. Watson recently released a video detailing how censorship by Youtube, owned by Google, is actually unfolding. The video is very well done as the issues are succinctly discussed and it is also very colorfully (bad language alert),

By the way, DABOO777 disappeared today from Youtube as it was put on restricted mode. 

The British government is strongly pressuring Google to control the “hate speech” being played on YouTube.  We all know what hate speech really is. It is speech that does not honor Satan, child abuse and genocidal war.

Remember the admonition against book burning and this is exactly what we see here.

The British aspect of controlling Youtube content as well as where there is headed is contained in the following video.

Book burning has been an ugly part of human history. The symbolic significance of book-burning lies in the message from the state, or an agent of the state that “We own you, because we own the ideas we allow you to be exposed to”.

A Brief Snippet of  Book-Burning

Roman history, 25 AD. Imagine having a detailed account of Roman history before 25 AD. What a treasure that would be for historians. We have pieces of things from that time, but Senator Aulus Cremutius Cordus wrote all about the civil war and the reign of Caesar Augustus. To cover up the assassination, or as some say, to turn  Brutus into a folk hero, the books were burned because they tell the real story. In ancient Rome, the people had too much say and the elite felt threatened that Rome was not ruled with more of an iron first toward the general population. Subsequently, books were burned.

 The Royal Library of Alexandria. Alexandria contained all of the information for entire contents hadn’t perished in a fire on four separate occasions, including one uuncident when Julius Caesar burned it down in 48 B.C. at the same time that he set fire to his own ships. The library was torched and this movement involved anti-Christian or anti-Pagan movements (i.e. whatever was in vogue at the time). The hope, in part, was the Christianity would die in these fires. Christianity was a threat to the absolutism of government practiced by the Roman state.
THE PREHOLOCAUST PERIOD–  History is replete with the book-burning that went on in Nazi Germany where there was a 100% effort to control the narrative for the purposes of societal brainwashing. Ideas about freedom and indepenence were burned in the books that mentioned them. Subsequently, Christian youth groups gave way to the Hitler Youth Movement. The purpose of the book-burning was to eviscerate any opposition to an unabashed dictatorship where the people belonged to the state and had no say over their future or their fate.  Book burning became synonomous with dictatorial regimes.

Comic books, 1948. Unfortunately, America did not retain the lessons of history and importance of book-burning faded into the annals of history.  Thanks to Dr. Fredric Wertham we know that parents were tired of their children being corrupted by violence in comic books. Wertham wrote an article he titled “Horror in the Nursery,” and subsequent parents engaged in mass burning of comic books. There was no holocaust that evolved from this endeavor, but it was crystal clear that America was doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past.

The Washinton Post, New York Times and the Federal Government.   Most of us already know the story. Your truly and my colleagues have been accused of promoting “fake news”, or dangerous ideas. These ideas are so dangerous that plans are being made to shut down our radio shows, Youtube channels, Facebook accounts, Snapchat accounts and any other social media where people congregate to identify corruption as well as to share the message about the blessings of freedom. The Washington Post, which is playing the role of the traditional Brown Shirts, have changed the narrative. They have replaced the worn out phrase of “conspiracy theorist”  and have replaced it with the moniker of “fake news”. And since the message coming from fake news is inherently dangerous and can even change elections in order to give the Russians the result that they want (lol), fake news must be controlled and even eliminated and this is what we are beginning to see. When the MSM and the social media along  with the government conspire  to close websites, they are, in effect, burning books in order to control ideas.

The Hero Program

Youtube has a new program  called Heroes which will bring an end to all patriot community participation on Youtube. Trolls as young as 13 years old will have the ability flag Youtube sites that they don’t like. Three flags results in the deletion of the Youtube Channel. 

No, I am not making this up. The  Patriot community will go extinct, in the near future, with regard to bringing the public the truth. Yes, I am talking about 100% censorship within months. And you can bet that this will not end with the elimination of the Independent Media from the Internet, Youtube and Facebook.

Below is a succinct account of Youtube’s version of draconian censorship.

After viewing the video, in which the meaningful part of the presentation starts at about 90 seconds in, ask yourself how should the truth tellers in America should respond? Please leave your thoughts in the comments section below.



When the Independent Media is gone, it is a short-trip to the loss of all rights for all Americans. The Independent Media is only the first target, the general public is next. with the Independent Media gone, there will be very little opposition to the coming evisceration of what is left of the Constitution. Depopulation events will proliferate (eg WW III) because there will be nobody left to speak against the globalist desires for this planet. And it is not just Google/Youtube.

If you think the globalists will stop with Youtube, they won’t.  All of the social media giants are quickly moving to undermine the 1st Amendment and roll back the progress of the Trump populist movement. Soon you will no reliable outlet to go and get your newsand information other than CNN, FOX and all the other corporate controlled media outlets where every word and nuance is scripted for your personal experience with brainwashing.

This summer, with the help of Bob Griswold, I am moving my radio show to shortwave. I will continue to broadcast on satellite and the station you listen to me on as long as possible. However, the days of the Independent Media are numbered as are many of our lives (eg Breitbart and Hastings).

For all the good it will do we can make a symbolic effort to save the First Amendment:

Watch no MSM, whatsoever, and then Call 202-225-3121 and urge your reps to stop the takeover of the internet. America needs to unelect every incumbent in 2018. Let it be known that if Congress does not undo the illegal giveaway of the Internet to ICANN. START WRITING TO SPONSORS ON SOCIAL MEDIA OUTLETS LIKE FACEBOOK AND TELL THEM WHY YOU ARE NOT BUYING THEIR PRODUCTS! THE EAST GERMAN STASI HAS TAKEN OVER THE MEDIA AND WE HAVE A SHORT TIME TO TURN IT AROUND UNTIL WE LOSE ALL OF OUR FREEDOMS!

I would suggest trying to do the above even though the probability of success is low. However, the alternative and what will follow this contemporary example of book burning will give history its darkest moments. And what moments will those be you may ask? I can sum it up in 3 numbers:




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Total 13 comments
  • And the Western Rebellion, in which the dear old English burnt the Cornish language prayer books, one major factor which led to the extinction of the language.

  • Dave, I have been a ‘BIG DISH’ satellite guy since early 70′s. There are hundreds of tv and radio stations from across the globe. RT tv is a good source for news as well as many nations have English as well. Galaxy 19 can be
    received with a 90cm dish and an inexpensive receiver. Rick’s satellite has every thing needed at a fair price.
    They can’t sensor satellite. Once you buy the equipment there is no further costs.

  • Book burning and library destroying are BAD SIGNS!!

    Sorry but Comic books don’t count. Grrrrr………..

    Every time they do that they DESTROY a civilization. Do you know why China is such a BACKWARDS nation??? I read awhile back an EVIL Emperor took control and told them to BURN and DESTROY all the ancient books, that if I remember, may have even contained books and ancient records and secrets that went back to the time of Adam!!

    Secrets of life and health and secret herbs and cures. I just remember head monks were very reluctant to do it and extremely disheartened by it and I can’t remember if the Emperor ordered his death.

    Germany went backwards and barbaric also. You turn back the hands of time when you BURN your books. :twisted:

    Canada, it is said, just announced the passing of legislation to make it a crime to criticize Islam. All over, the West is DOOMING itself. :twisted:

    • Germany burned Marxist Jewish trash,how to subvert and destroy a society,books on terrorism,and smut.

      • They burned many other books from authors that were American, German, Jews, etc. :cry:

  • I Just wonder, why people are not starting to use OTHER websites than Facebook, Twitter and Youtube.
    For example, I opened YEARS ago an account on Russian channel “Rutube”. Did not use it much, but used it to upload (harmless) music-videos, which were always censored by youtube in germany.
    I think we can do without Facebook and twitter, but it will be harder to work without google.
    But we could start uploading videos, which are deleted from the Mainstream-websites to alternative ones.
    Might take some time, but soon everyone who’s interested will know where to look for the interesting stuff!

  • Well Dave,
    If it is so, then who do you think is to blame?
    Take a good look in the mirror.
    You sounded like a fool talking to Paul Begley.

  • I was just BANNED from Breit Bart, First it was FRE SPEECH System aka INFO WARS,
    I share a lot of links post from sites Like IW, BB, BIN etc, to pass on Good info, like yours, I”m not a Troll, i just express my Views and Opinions and share good info, I sent a tip to BB to ask Why, I wrote about how people who Block and Sites that Ban, are the very same that will be Burning Books, cause they don’t like what your Book Comment is saying, and they wondered how People ever went along with Hitler.
    After my Tip to BB, I came here and Read this Article, and posted a Comment on a site that I really like Now, Like BIN, where you can Write and Post your Article, Called I PATRIOT,
    Give it a Look Dave, Lisa, and everyone else,
    PS, Thank you BIN, from Supporting Free Speech and All the other True Americans Here.

    • What did you post at Breitbart that inspired them to ban you?

      • I made people mad, Trolls , over my comments on Rape of the 14year old girl by the Two other Illegals at the school, She didn’t Scream, Yell or Run, so I guess that made the Trolls Mad, I guess that was it, or how the Failure of Ryan care was the plan all along, I didn’t use bad words or call people names, Oh and sometimes I share articles from BIN and else where, But hey, Let the Book burners, enjoy, cause their the ones who will be getting Burned.
        Thank goodness for BIN.

    • LOL! I was banned by Brietbart and Infowars. On BB I think a troll flagged me and they believed him. All because I called Negroes the proper way instead of the slur of “bl*ck.

      Imagine that? Believing a troll was offended but they don’t take into consideration the feelings of the other guy. Crazy mixed up bunch of conservatives straddling the fence.

      Mike Adams (A favorite of Pizzahut) also banned me for calling them “Negroes” instead of the slur of “bl*ck”. Yet at his sites they name-called Mexicans, women, Muslims and they were never taken off.

  • Everyone knows the powers that be would LIKE to censor YouTube and all of the other social media platforms — but I’m not sure they can afford it… and even if they did, it would give a HUGE boost to alternative distribution systems like Zeronet, IPFS, SopCast, Bittorent Live, and all of the projects at

    The transition from centralized / monopolistic networks to distributed (and hybrid) p2p systems is going to be the next gold rush for new advertising platforms. So bring on the censorship, we will adapt!

  • wbb

    I have read that the Nazi book burnings were of a decadent nature, such as smut and pornography. Is that true? It still needs burnt.

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