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By Jeffery Pritchett
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Robot Storm on the Horizon (Video)

Tuesday, April 4, 2017 1:33
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(Before It's News)

Source Jim Stone Freelance Jouranlist

Robots so cheap and effective they can now replace workers even in low paying China

A chinese factory replaced 90 percent of its 650 employees with robots, saw an 80 percent reduction in defects and a 250 percent increase in productivity. That’s doom.

Inexpensive circuit assembling robots have been around for over a decade. However, they can only make one circuit (that they were programmed for) and work in two dimensions. Actually assembling complete products from those circuits is a much more difficult three dimensional task, and it appears inexpensive robots can do that part of the job now also. We all knew it was coming.

Jobs robots won’t do any time soon: Construction, plumbing, electrician, electronic troubleshooting and repair, political commentary that is actually honest, tree trimming, landscaping, etc. Jobs that will bite the dust quickly: Factory, food prep, sales. Next on the list will be family doctors, lawyers, etc. The last to go will be the trades, because those need a combination of intelligence and mobility that no robot anywhere has yet. Contrary to what the report says, brick masons are not going to be replaced by robots. YES, there is such a thing as a brick laying robot already, but it can only do straight runs and can’t deal with problems. I’d like to see one try to lay a brick fence across uneven terrain. Not happening any time soon.

The robot revolution is definitely, however, going to make it “necessary” from an elite standpoint to kill of most of the population. There won’t be a way for people to make it. If they can’t make an income because robots took it from them, they won’t even be able to pay property tax on property they own, let alone maintain a house that has been paid off or pay for heat and electricity, and yes, there are the laws against gardening in most areas now. It should be pretty easy to see the light. If people do not rebel against unjust laws that make self sustainability impossible in urban areas, and soon, there will soon be serious hell to pay for practically everyone.


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