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[ZurichTimes] The entire White House and Trump Administration has been hijacked by one JAP [Jewish American Princess] aka Ivanka Trump and her Judas Kushner husband?
Exactly, who voted for this outcome during the campaign?
Or is that the real story behind the Syria Attacks and the sudden change in Foreign Policy? Is there another angle to this entire fiasco? Mr. Fulford seems to think or know more than most peoples.
Yesterday we reported that the Deep State must have something on Trump and now Mr. Fulford is confirming that fact and what they have on Trump is quite disturbing if indeed it is true.
It is better to have a cover story that Ivanka made me do it that have a snuff film with which to blackmail him.
In Spanish
For those who think “snuff films” and “snuff parties” are fake and ridiculous because they cannot fathom such information then watch this video below from TMZ. Yes one of the most reliable sources of information just like the National Enquirer from the Men in Black movies.
Poor Ralphie sets the record straight. So what exactly is going in these basements because you never expanded on that, Ralphie? xxx
Discern all this information as usual….but somehow Will as in “FreeWill” Smith seems to know the actual “Real Truth” and how to “manipulate the sub-conscious”?
with out the video its just your anus letting out your pizzagate gas zeric cia times disinfo nazi!
Not true. Samson Optioned.
Nancy Ruth Owens Shares Memories of Trump
FullofShitford has proven without a doubt that you cannot believe a word the liar says.
Sadly enough…its as good as the official tract record…
Hmmm………….this golden age they are promising sounds like the 3.5 yrs. of peace and prosperity during the first half of the Anti-Christ’s 7 yr. reign. Heads up on that.
I think it’s an extremely creative Soap Opera on a par with the 1980′s Television Show – Dallas.
Bravo! When he got to the part of a Kissenger hiding out in Antarctica… Bravo!
UCLA Film School has a place for you.
Blackmailers ~ Macabre Skill…………(12) – (AG)
New Jersey ~ Jewry Seen……….(10) – (AG)
Blackmailers ~ Bear ‘cam’ Skill…………(Skill ~ Kills)
Blackmailers ~ Libel ‘ark’ Scam…………(Scam ~ Cam’s)
Blackmailers ~ Bills ‘ace’ Mark ~ Barack ‘I’m’ Sell
Blackmailers ~ Labels ‘IC’ Mark ~ Libel ‘ark’ Mast
About this he is right of course,
Trump was probably informed about the owners of the rape/snuff tape in his little 90 minutes chat with Obama in the White house,
after which Trump promptly and conveniently forget about his campaign promises and the agenda then started to be run by son-in-law Jared Kushner the Mossad man.
Is anyone surprised?
Nothing new under the sun. 
and crooked malfeasance and corporate corruption.
They laugh
at you while stealing from you right under your nose….
Same old twisted
There is a very detailed blog available online that outlines the truth and history of the “Drumph” Family. Google this term ” In Search of Black Assassins” and you will soon see….what others have seen.