Jared Kushner’s purchasing of 666 building in NYC and connection to Lucent Technologies (RFID chip manufacturer).
His brother, Joshua Kushner, owns two healthcare companies, one named OSCAR. These startups are listed under Health insurance options under Obamacare. These companies’ mission is to microchip their clients.
This is all too weird, given Jared Kusher’s role in foreign policy AND Revising Obamacare.
The days ahead will require you to determine and decide who and what is really your god. Many of you think you know already but you have never truly been made to choose only one. You think you will choose Me above all others, but you see not the other gods lurking within your mind and heart. Gods the enemy used to tempt you away from Me.
(At this point I heard heartbreaking sadness in the voice of the Lord, like you hear in the voice of someone who just found out their spouse was unfaithful).
Some of you have allowed these gods to invade your lives. You have welcomed them. Some of you are even aware of their presence, yet you do nothing to cleanse your hearts of them, thinking I will understand and excuse your sin of idolatry.
Did I not say in My word thou shalt have no other gods before Me? (At this point I heard serious anger in the Lord’s voice) And so you shall not. If you are Mine, act like it.
Days coming will bring hard circumstances that will require you to choose which god you will serve. Only one. Think hard and decide well, My children, for this choice cannot be undone.
Some of My children have already chosen. They have followed Me wherever I led them, laying aside their own dreams and desires and taking up My cross. For them this choice has already been made and the days to come will be far easier than for others.
For those who have remained enmeshed in the world and all of its temptations, the times to come will be very hard indeed; for you have lived a soft life, putting your faith in what you can see instead of in Me. Your faith is flimsy. It is like a reed that bends with every new wind of doctrine. You are easily deceived because you have not built your house of faith on the rock of My son.
You must choose which god you will serve for the rest of your earthly lives. that is the god you will serve in eternity as well.
My children, many of you underestimate the importance and lateness of the time you live in. You do not see My son’s return approaching. Did I not say like a thief in the night? Yet many of you do nothing to prepare yourselves for His soon return.
Will His bride not ready herself for her groom? Will you be found not dressed when the wedding party arrives? Will you be left behind?
You must think on these things now while there is still time and choose well. In the days soon coming, chaos shall abound in many nations. There will be very little time to think later for some of you who read this word. Your lives will be cut short because of this disaster or that uprising.
Do not make the mistake of thinking you have more time than you do. Some decisions should not be put off until another time. Do not be like the rich man in My word who stored up in his barns and set himself to enjoy his worldly pleasures, whose soul was required of him that night, for you know not the seriousness of all that is about to transpire.
Do not wait. Choose now. Which god will you serve?
I have given you all you need to survive and prosper in this time. You need only ask to receive of what I have for you.
Adversity has risen up against you time and time again. Many of you have prayed and asked why this is so. Adversity is your teacher, My children. Adversity brings hardship that prepares you for what is harder still that is yet to come.
Trust Me. I can see further down the road into your future, you cannot. This is why you must allow Me to guide your paths and not try to understand every tiny nuance of what happens. It is not always for you to understand, but for you to simply obey Me in faith, trusting that I love you. I know what is best for all concerned.
This next year shall bring many changes you cannot see from where you are. I am trying to position each of you to be ready for these changes but some of you resist My paths. This will cause further hardship to come into your lives. Often what My children suffer is a result of not obeying Me at some earlier time.
Some of what is to come is far worse than My children are expecting. I am trying to protect you by guiding your paths to a safer place. Obey Me and all shall be well. Resist and you are left with the results of your own way.
Come up higher with Me. Let us commune together as you worship Me in spirit and in truth. Allow Me to prepare you for all that is to come.
Oh god, another religious junkie that is too stupid to realize the ancient gods were Anunnaki.
Dear Brother Pizzahut,
You have told us every Wal-Mart is a FEMA camp. You have told us that there would be for sure 30,000,000 dead in the US from ebola before Christmas three years ago. You have told us that comet Ison was being guided by aliens. You have told us that there are 10,000,000 Russian troops and they are hiding behind every tree. You have told us the Chinese own all our national parks.
But…Mark Brander believes in you. That counts for something.
The guy appears to me to have a spirit of fear. His click bait is usually imagined without anything more than rumor or speculation. Realize, a known fact, usually those in the field of psychology, do so trying to solve their own problems.
He’s an add fellow (Jared). Never hear him speak. Just seen with Trump and Ivanka and I am a little disturbed he is a “dedicated” Jew and was surprised he was given so much power.
But Trump is NOT a politician. He is a businessman and learns to “partner”. How this will work out politically is anybodies’ guess.
The Healthcare Reform issue will never be fare and equal for all of the United States citizens until we get rid of the healthcare insurance companies and create a “ONE” FULL COVERAGE NATIONAL HEALTHCARE SYSTEM. What is the matter with our U. S. congress? Do they receive campaign donations from healthcare insurance companies and are protecting these healthcare money sucking vampires? If Trump wants my vote in 2020 he will have to work and put in place a “ONE” FULL COVERAGE NATIONAL HEALTHCARE SYSTEM. I know that we can do it; this is not hard to do. The many that I have mingled with (the silent majority) wants this now! Remember Trump represents all of the citizens of the United States not the Republican party. There are about 59,266,437 U.S. citizens that are over the age of 55 and we vote. Action speaks louder than words; demand our U.S. congress that you want a “ONE” FULL COVERAGE NATIONAL HEALTHCARE SYSTEM now! Please review healthcare exploratory information herein.
To Whom Who Has the Guts to Prepare For the Future,
The U. S. government’s proposed plan for the Obamacare Replacement is not going to work. Our U.S. Congress does not understand human behavior! They are just creating more bureaucratic laws of which many will avoid participating. Also, many major healthcare insurance companies are already doing business in every State now; so allowing healthcare insurance companies to crisscross State lines is more bureaucracy and a waste of time! Healthcare insurance companies will never do something that will limit their financial $bottom-line! The insurance business is about betting on risk. To make a wager on whether or not a human body will become ill or broken is insane risk; the human body is not a robot! If you try to grab more of the weekly earnings from each worker’s salary like an increase in the percent rate that a worker pays into Social Security to cover your so called idea for healthcare savings accounts; you are just creating another unfair inequality tax increase scam for the worker to pay; and they will yell and scream and call you liars, liars pants on fire! …and not vote for you next time. Our U.S. Congress does not see what’s coming down the future pike; technology and machines will be running everything; and that means that only about 20% or less of the total U.S. population will be working. The remainder of the population will be living on Social Security. The behavior of the U.S. Congress continues to show the people of the United States that they are not inventive and do not know what the hell they are doing. I am sending you my letter herein to try to steer the U.S. Congress’s boat that is lost at sea towards the right direction!
Population activity for 2017 …(estimated figures from internet search):
… 324,118,787 …(?estimation of U.S. total population for 2017)
… 124,710,000 …(?estimation of U.S. population that are working; small percentage can afford to pay for healthcare in 2017)
… 125,708,787 …(?estimation of adults not working and cannot pay for healthcare in 2017)
… 73,700,000 …(?estimation of children up to 17 years of age and cannot pay for healthcare in 2017 unless they are protected by their parents and/or guardian; also note that there are over 100,000 foster children eligible for and waiting to be adopted too)
We have public schools education system (education for all) paid for by the government; so we must create a “ONE” FULL COVERAGE NATIONAL HEALTHCARE SYSTEM for all our U.S. citizens too. Obama’s healthcare is more bureaucracy; plus, you can realize the many middlemen and healthcare insurance companies that are having a feeding $$$,$$$,$$$,$$$ billions frenzy with this type of Obama’s healthcare system. We need a “ONE” FULL COVERAGE NATIONAL HEALTHCARE SYSTEM paid for by our U.S. government’s collected taxes that covers everyone no matter if they are poor or wealthy, a veteran, a government employee, a private citizen, etc. (all equally covered). Government employees should not be given special full coverage healthcare paid for by the taxpayer when the taxpayer has mediocre healthcare or no healthcare at all. All U.S. citizens should be able to access healthcare treatment for any issue, from any doctor or hospital including full dental and vision that the U.S. government pays directly (no middlemen).
We have too many government healthcare deals which causes middlemen to loot and the ability to commit fraud …(estimated figures from internet search.):
…separate healthcare for the veterans (which is mediocre healthcare (mediocre veteran doctors and mediocre veteran hospitals) for our veterans; a veteran should be able to access any doctor and hospital to cause competition in the healthcare market to improve healthcare services overall);
About 21,800,000 million veterans that are voters.
…healthcare known as Medicare (Medicare website says that Medicare doesn’t cover long-term care (also called custodial care), dental care & dentures, eye examinations related to prescribing glasses, cosmetic surgery, acupuncture, hearing aids and exams for fitting them, routine foot care, etc… — NO DENTAL, NO VISION, NO HEARING, etc. of which old people need desperately and can’t afford to pay for; so when you look in the mouth of an old person don’t be surprise that they have broken rotting infected teeth if any teeth at all. This is a serious health issue as this can lead to other aliments to the body. Also, seniors have to pay into this Medicare of which many cannot afford because the Social Security benefits they receive are below the poverty line and a hardship / destitution. The U.S. government is dangling a healthcare carrot in front of desperate seniors; a “carrot and stick” healthcare deal. Social Security benefits should be at least the federal minimum wage for “everyone equally”, even if they have never paid into it. It’s also discrimination and inequity towards women; you have many women seniors that have raised children and were stay at home moms that were snookered, abused mentally & physically, etc. by their spouse and divorced before the ten year criteria; and some were married to dead beat dads, etc. Life is not utopian; crap happens! Plus, Social Security benefits and senior age (class) should be rolled back to age fifty-five. Many elderly never reach their retirement age because of death and/or they are too disabled to enjoy their retirement. I am tired of seeing elderly people working at Wal-Mart when these elderly should be retired and a young person should be employed in their jobs; and keep in mind that the future is machines doing all the work including driverless public transportation, etc.; only 20% of the population will be working in the future);
About 57,000,000 million voters on Medicare.
…healthcare known as Medicaid (income bracket based);
About 70,000,000 million voters that are on Medicaid.
Above Total: about 148,800,000 million people (voters) are on government healthcare of the United States out of the overall estimated population of 324,118,787 million.
AND… Obama government subsidized healthcare (income bracket based);
About 11,400,000 million have Obama subsidized healthcare that are voters; this figure should tell you that no one is rushing through the doors for this healthcare deal!
We need to get rid of all these healthcare deals and the United States must create a “ONE” FULL COVERAGE NATIONAL HEALTHCARE SYSTEM for all its citizens. Over half of the United States population is on government healthcare now if you count the children!
AND… Individual doctors and hospitals will still be liable for bad medical diagnosis & treatments to patients; and these individual doctors and hospitals could be sued by their patients for personal injury. The government is just the “payer” of the “national healthcare” bill (proof of medical treatment purchase invoice) and not liable for bad medical diagnosis & treatments to patients. Healthcare competition (its services) in the market will improve remarkably!
Being able to access individual doctors and hospitals is a life or death issue for all Americans equally.
Our “ONE” FULL COVERAGE NATIONAL HEALTHCARE SYSTEM should be part of and managed by the “Social Security Administration”. Our Social Security number is proof that the person seeking medical treatment is a citizen of the United States. The “U.S. Department of Health and Human Services” should be a subsidiary of the “Social Security Administration”. We need to lessen government departments and become efficient and well-organized. (Note: immigrants working in the United States should get a special Social Security number identifying that the person is an immigrant. They should also get special driver’s license cards identifying them as an immigrant. No immigrant should be issued a regular driver’s license in the United States whereby they can use it for identification to access voting in elections and other beneficial government programs.)
By having a “ONE” FULL COVERAGE NATIONAL HEALTHCARE SYSTEM for all would cut out the middle men and healthcare insurance companies, which would save the government and everyone money in the long run. Insurance Plans are just a gimmick for the healthcare insurance companies to make money and not pay out! …it’s like insuring your right leg and not insuring the left leg of the human body! … Read the fine print (health benefits & health insurance plans contain exclusions and limitations). If most Americans were affected with some kind of new (sudden) disease outbreak that has no cure; does not cause death but causes crippling paraplegic bedridden disabilities; do you think the insurance companies would file bankruptcy because they could not handle the payout costs? Sure they would. There are about eighteen healthcare insurance companies in the United States that are raking in $100s of billions from Americans. It should be illegal to sell healthcare insurance in the United States; these healthcare insurance companies are nothing but vampires feeding off of the sick. Healthcare insurance company Aetna had a financial report of $734 million in profit on $15.8 billion in revenue for the third quarter in 2016; Aetna is the nation’s third-largest health insurer by revenue (and is in all States). If Americans did not spend (give) the $100s of billions to healthcare insurance companies; those $100s of billions would of been spent by Americans towards goods & services and would of improved the economy money flow overall. I know negative personalities will look at this prospect of having a “ONE” FULL COVERAGE NATIONAL HEALTHCARE SYSTEM for all as a bleak concern, until they are in dire-straits and over whelmed with an illness and/or a broken body then it will be too late for them.
Note: National Health Expenditures 2015 Highlights (cms.gov/research) …In 2015, U.S. health care spending increased 5.8 percent to reach $3.2 trillion, or $9,990 per person. The coverage expansion that began in 2014 as a result of in the Affordable Care Act continued to have an impact on the growth of health care spending in 2015. Additionally, faster growth in total health care spending in 2015 was driven by stronger growth in spending for private health insurance, hospital care, physician and clinical services, and the continued strong growth in Medicaid and retail prescription drug spending. Lastly, the overall share of the U.S. economy devoted to health care spending was 17.8 percent in 2015, up from 17.4 percent in 2014.
We could have a federal national 3% percent sales tax (transaction tax) to help pay for this “ONE” FULL COVERAGE NATIONAL HEALTHCARE SYSTEM whereby everyone is making a contribution to our NATIONAL HEALTHCARE FUND via their buying activity;
…and the States could share the cost and have a 3% percent sales tax increase added to their State’s sales tax percent to help pay for our “ONE” FULL COVERAGE NATIONAL HEALTHCARE SYSTEM which would create a 6% percent combined federal tax revenue.
…We should collect a federal 3% percent sales tax on all transactions from all the United States financial exchanges! That would help pay for our “ONE” FULL COVERAGE NATIONAL HEALTHCARE SYSTEM! We should realize that the financial exchanges are high roller speculative gambling casinos; a serious investor holds their security for long term; and I don’t see much of that with all that daily buying and selling activity on all of the financial exchanges.
…Example: the trading volume on the NYSE in 2015 totaled U.S. $18 trillion, nearly equal to the U.S. gross domestic product and approximately 20% of the gross world product, according to an estimate calculated by the World Bank (fxcm info.).
…The NYSE averaged over U.S. $170 billion in daily trading value (2015). (Just think about this: a federal 3% percent sales tax on $170,000,000,000 = $5,100,000,000 each day collected from the NYSE to pay for our “ONE” FULL COVERAGE NATIONAL HEALTHCARE SYSTEM; and that was the 2015 figure! What will be the 2017 figure! I say it will be a huge amount of cash!
AND… don’t forget that we will be collecting a federal 3% percent sales tax from all the financial exchanges combined; which will total an enormous amount of cash daily!
…All these collected federal 3% percent sales taxes on all transactions from all of the United States financial exchanges; and all these collected federal 3% percent sales taxes (6% if you add the States 3% contribution) on goods and services go straight into the “Social Security Administration” account to pay for our “ONE” FULL COVERAGE NATIONAL HEALTHCARE SYSTEM.
Please President Trump work on this important issue…
…a “ONE” FULL COVERAGE NATIONAL HEALTHCARE SYSTEM for all its citizens is a must for the United States now!
Make a note (March 2017) about the U.S. congress’s new healthcare reform law (bill) called the American Health Care Act that is 123 pages long; of which ten pages of this so called new healthcare law (bill) is devoted to lottery winners (as like lump sums / like lottery winnings may disqualify Medicaid recipients for federal funds). The new administration promised us less government control and regulations; why do we need ten pages of the new healthcare law centering on lottery winners? Our U.S. congress is still lost at sea with a hole in their boat!
Contact the U.S. Congress today and demand for a “ONE” FULL COVERAGE NATIONAL HEALTHCARE SYSTEM!
…If you want a good healthcare system, make the designers of the healthcare system (U.S. representatives and senators) have it as their own healthcare insurance too.
Look Beyond the Stars for Spiritual Guidance,
Christina M. Vahlsing, Vahlsing Inc.
Email: [email protected]
Action speaks louder than words. Everyone just aggressively spread the word, riot in the streets and break down the door of their U.S. congressman and demand them that you want a “ONE” FULL COVERAGE NATIONAL HEALTHCARE SYSTEM.
The federal govt. has no constitutional authority to be involved in our health care AT ALL. Open it up across state lines and competition will bring down costs and improve coverage.
8 It is better to trust in the Lord
Than to put confidence in man.
9 It is better to trust in the Lord
Than to put confidence in princes.
Some want the government to take care of them.
Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. Ben Franklin
You stay out of my business and I’ll stay out of yours. I don’t need your universal healthcare, your all-encompassing intrusive government, your precursor to the Antichrist.
Spread the word. Make government as small as possible.
“Aggressively spread the word, riot in the streets and break down the door”
It is NOT the loudness of one’s voice that strengthens one’s arguments or makes them valid.
Exodus 23:2
You shall not follow a crowd to do evil; nor shall you testify in a dispute so as to turn aside after many to pervert justice.
Ah Jesus – now STRUMPH the man who you dumbnuts thought was your SAVIOR is now implanting 666 CHIPS?? Why AM I not surprised you people got SCREWED! EFFED AND TRUMPED!!
Even ultra high frequency RFID tags only work up to 5-6 meters away. Congratulations for being a dumbass that doesn’t understand science and repeats delusional youtube videos like they are the holy grail.
Hodges has zero credibility already, this is just more of the same bs from him
Excellent post Dave…
The stupidity abounds in here.
The days ahead will require you to determine and decide who and what is really your god. Many of you think you know already but you have never truly been made to choose only one. You think you will choose Me above all others, but you see not the other gods lurking within your mind and heart. Gods the enemy used to tempt you away from Me.
(At this point I heard heartbreaking sadness in the voice of the Lord, like you hear in the voice of someone who just found out their spouse was unfaithful).
Some of you have allowed these gods to invade your lives. You have welcomed them. Some of you are even aware of their presence, yet you do nothing to cleanse your hearts of them, thinking I will understand and excuse your sin of idolatry.
Did I not say in My word thou shalt have no other gods before Me? (At this point I heard serious anger in the Lord’s voice) And so you shall not. If you are Mine, act like it.
Days coming will bring hard circumstances that will require you to choose which god you will serve. Only one. Think hard and decide well, My children, for this choice cannot be undone.
Some of My children have already chosen. They have followed Me wherever I led them, laying aside their own dreams and desires and taking up My cross. For them this choice has already been made and the days to come will be far easier than for others.
For those who have remained enmeshed in the world and all of its temptations, the times to come will be very hard indeed; for you have lived a soft life, putting your faith in what you can see instead of in Me. Your faith is flimsy. It is like a reed that bends with every new wind of doctrine. You are easily deceived because you have not built your house of faith on the rock of My son.
You must choose which god you will serve for the rest of your earthly lives. that is the god you will serve in eternity as well.
My children, many of you underestimate the importance and lateness of the time you live in. You do not see My son’s return approaching. Did I not say like a thief in the night? Yet many of you do nothing to prepare yourselves for His soon return.
Will His bride not ready herself for her groom? Will you be found not dressed when the wedding party arrives? Will you be left behind?
You must think on these things now while there is still time and choose well. In the days soon coming, chaos shall abound in many nations. There will be very little time to think later for some of you who read this word. Your lives will be cut short because of this disaster or that uprising.
Do not make the mistake of thinking you have more time than you do. Some decisions should not be put off until another time. Do not be like the rich man in My word who stored up in his barns and set himself to enjoy his worldly pleasures, whose soul was required of him that night, for you know not the seriousness of all that is about to transpire.
Do not wait. Choose now. Which god will you serve?
I have given you all you need to survive and prosper in this time. You need only ask to receive of what I have for you.
Adversity has risen up against you time and time again. Many of you have prayed and asked why this is so. Adversity is your teacher, My children. Adversity brings hardship that prepares you for what is harder still that is yet to come.
Trust Me. I can see further down the road into your future, you cannot. This is why you must allow Me to guide your paths and not try to understand every tiny nuance of what happens. It is not always for you to understand, but for you to simply obey Me in faith, trusting that I love you. I know what is best for all concerned.
This next year shall bring many changes you cannot see from where you are. I am trying to position each of you to be ready for these changes but some of you resist My paths. This will cause further hardship to come into your lives. Often what My children suffer is a result of not obeying Me at some earlier time.
Some of what is to come is far worse than My children are expecting. I am trying to protect you by guiding your paths to a safer place. Obey Me and all shall be well. Resist and you are left with the results of your own way.
Come up higher with Me. Let us commune together as you worship Me in spirit and in truth. Allow Me to prepare you for all that is to come.
Oh god, another religious junkie that is too stupid to realize the ancient gods were Anunnaki.
Dear Brother Pizzahut,
You have told us every Wal-Mart is a FEMA camp. You have told us that there would be for sure 30,000,000 dead in the US from ebola before Christmas three years ago. You have told us that comet Ison was being guided by aliens. You have told us that there are 10,000,000 Russian troops and they are hiding behind every tree. You have told us the Chinese own all our national parks.
But…Mark Brander believes in you. That counts for something.
The guy appears to me to have a spirit of fear. His click bait is usually imagined without anything more than rumor or speculation. Realize, a known fact, usually those in the field of psychology, do so trying to solve their own problems.
Hodges preys on first time readers. Anyone with half a brain knows this guy is pure clickbait fearporn after the second article read.
I keep coming back for the sardonic comments in response.
He’s an add fellow (Jared). Never hear him speak. Just seen with Trump and Ivanka and I am a little disturbed he is a “dedicated” Jew and was surprised he was given so much power.
But Trump is NOT a politician. He is a businessman and learns to “partner”. How this will work out politically is anybodies’ guess.
Word “add” should be “odd” even though he is an “added” fellow.
The Healthcare Reform issue will never be fare and equal for all of the United States citizens until we get rid of the healthcare insurance companies and create a “ONE” FULL COVERAGE NATIONAL HEALTHCARE SYSTEM. What is the matter with our U. S. congress? Do they receive campaign donations from healthcare insurance companies and are protecting these healthcare money sucking vampires? If Trump wants my vote in 2020 he will have to work and put in place a “ONE” FULL COVERAGE NATIONAL HEALTHCARE SYSTEM. I know that we can do it; this is not hard to do. The many that I have mingled with (the silent majority) wants this now! Remember Trump represents all of the citizens of the United States not the Republican party. There are about 59,266,437 U.S. citizens that are over the age of 55 and we vote. Action speaks louder than words; demand our U.S. congress that you want a “ONE” FULL COVERAGE NATIONAL HEALTHCARE SYSTEM now! Please review healthcare exploratory information herein.
To Whom Who Has the Guts to Prepare For the Future,
The U. S. government’s proposed plan for the Obamacare Replacement is not going to work. Our U.S. Congress does not understand human behavior! They are just creating more bureaucratic laws of which many will avoid participating. Also, many major healthcare insurance companies are already doing business in every State now; so allowing healthcare insurance companies to crisscross State lines is more bureaucracy and a waste of time! Healthcare insurance companies will never do something that will limit their financial $bottom-line! The insurance business is about betting on risk. To make a wager on whether or not a human body will become ill or broken is insane risk; the human body is not a robot! If you try to grab more of the weekly earnings from each worker’s salary like an increase in the percent rate that a worker pays into Social Security to cover your so called idea for healthcare savings accounts; you are just creating another unfair inequality tax increase scam for the worker to pay; and they will yell and scream and call you liars, liars pants on fire! …and not vote for you next time. Our U.S. Congress does not see what’s coming down the future pike; technology and machines will be running everything; and that means that only about 20% or less of the total U.S. population will be working. The remainder of the population will be living on Social Security. The behavior of the U.S. Congress continues to show the people of the United States that they are not inventive and do not know what the hell they are doing. I am sending you my letter herein to try to steer the U.S. Congress’s boat that is lost at sea towards the right direction!
Population activity for 2017 …(estimated figures from internet search):
… 324,118,787 …(?estimation of U.S. total population for 2017)
… 124,710,000 …(?estimation of U.S. population that are working; small percentage can afford to pay for healthcare in 2017)
… 125,708,787 …(?estimation of adults not working and cannot pay for healthcare in 2017)
… 73,700,000 …(?estimation of children up to 17 years of age and cannot pay for healthcare in 2017 unless they are protected by their parents and/or guardian; also note that there are over 100,000 foster children eligible for and waiting to be adopted too)
We have public schools education system (education for all) paid for by the government; so we must create a “ONE” FULL COVERAGE NATIONAL HEALTHCARE SYSTEM for all our U.S. citizens too. Obama’s healthcare is more bureaucracy; plus, you can realize the many middlemen and healthcare insurance companies that are having a feeding $$$,$$$,$$$,$$$ billions frenzy with this type of Obama’s healthcare system. We need a “ONE” FULL COVERAGE NATIONAL HEALTHCARE SYSTEM paid for by our U.S. government’s collected taxes that covers everyone no matter if they are poor or wealthy, a veteran, a government employee, a private citizen, etc. (all equally covered). Government employees should not be given special full coverage healthcare paid for by the taxpayer when the taxpayer has mediocre healthcare or no healthcare at all. All U.S. citizens should be able to access healthcare treatment for any issue, from any doctor or hospital including full dental and vision that the U.S. government pays directly (no middlemen).
We have too many government healthcare deals which causes middlemen to loot and the ability to commit fraud …(estimated figures from internet search.):
…separate healthcare for the veterans (which is mediocre healthcare (mediocre veteran doctors and mediocre veteran hospitals) for our veterans; a veteran should be able to access any doctor and hospital to cause competition in the healthcare market to improve healthcare services overall);
About 21,800,000 million veterans that are voters.
…healthcare known as Medicare (Medicare website says that Medicare doesn’t cover long-term care (also called custodial care), dental care & dentures, eye examinations related to prescribing glasses, cosmetic surgery, acupuncture, hearing aids and exams for fitting them, routine foot care, etc… — NO DENTAL, NO VISION, NO HEARING, etc. of which old people need desperately and can’t afford to pay for; so when you look in the mouth of an old person don’t be surprise that they have broken rotting infected teeth if any teeth at all. This is a serious health issue as this can lead to other aliments to the body. Also, seniors have to pay into this Medicare of which many cannot afford because the Social Security benefits they receive are below the poverty line and a hardship / destitution. The U.S. government is dangling a healthcare carrot in front of desperate seniors; a “carrot and stick” healthcare deal. Social Security benefits should be at least the federal minimum wage for “everyone equally”, even if they have never paid into it. It’s also discrimination and inequity towards women; you have many women seniors that have raised children and were stay at home moms that were snookered, abused mentally & physically, etc. by their spouse and divorced before the ten year criteria; and some were married to dead beat dads, etc. Life is not utopian; crap happens! Plus, Social Security benefits and senior age (class) should be rolled back to age fifty-five. Many elderly never reach their retirement age because of death and/or they are too disabled to enjoy their retirement. I am tired of seeing elderly people working at Wal-Mart when these elderly should be retired and a young person should be employed in their jobs; and keep in mind that the future is machines doing all the work including driverless public transportation, etc.; only 20% of the population will be working in the future);
About 57,000,000 million voters on Medicare.
…healthcare known as Medicaid (income bracket based);
About 70,000,000 million voters that are on Medicaid.
Above Total: about 148,800,000 million people (voters) are on government healthcare of the United States out of the overall estimated population of 324,118,787 million.
AND… Obama government subsidized healthcare (income bracket based);
About 11,400,000 million have Obama subsidized healthcare that are voters; this figure should tell you that no one is rushing through the doors for this healthcare deal!
We need to get rid of all these healthcare deals and the United States must create a “ONE” FULL COVERAGE NATIONAL HEALTHCARE SYSTEM for all its citizens. Over half of the United States population is on government healthcare now if you count the children!
AND… Individual doctors and hospitals will still be liable for bad medical diagnosis & treatments to patients; and these individual doctors and hospitals could be sued by their patients for personal injury. The government is just the “payer” of the “national healthcare” bill (proof of medical treatment purchase invoice) and not liable for bad medical diagnosis & treatments to patients. Healthcare competition (its services) in the market will improve remarkably!
Being able to access individual doctors and hospitals is a life or death issue for all Americans equally.
Our “ONE” FULL COVERAGE NATIONAL HEALTHCARE SYSTEM should be part of and managed by the “Social Security Administration”. Our Social Security number is proof that the person seeking medical treatment is a citizen of the United States. The “U.S. Department of Health and Human Services” should be a subsidiary of the “Social Security Administration”. We need to lessen government departments and become efficient and well-organized. (Note: immigrants working in the United States should get a special Social Security number identifying that the person is an immigrant. They should also get special driver’s license cards identifying them as an immigrant. No immigrant should be issued a regular driver’s license in the United States whereby they can use it for identification to access voting in elections and other beneficial government programs.)
By having a “ONE” FULL COVERAGE NATIONAL HEALTHCARE SYSTEM for all would cut out the middle men and healthcare insurance companies, which would save the government and everyone money in the long run. Insurance Plans are just a gimmick for the healthcare insurance companies to make money and not pay out! …it’s like insuring your right leg and not insuring the left leg of the human body! … Read the fine print (health benefits & health insurance plans contain exclusions and limitations). If most Americans were affected with some kind of new (sudden) disease outbreak that has no cure; does not cause death but causes crippling paraplegic bedridden disabilities; do you think the insurance companies would file bankruptcy because they could not handle the payout costs? Sure they would. There are about eighteen healthcare insurance companies in the United States that are raking in $100s of billions from Americans. It should be illegal to sell healthcare insurance in the United States; these healthcare insurance companies are nothing but vampires feeding off of the sick. Healthcare insurance company Aetna had a financial report of $734 million in profit on $15.8 billion in revenue for the third quarter in 2016; Aetna is the nation’s third-largest health insurer by revenue (and is in all States). If Americans did not spend (give) the $100s of billions to healthcare insurance companies; those $100s of billions would of been spent by Americans towards goods & services and would of improved the economy money flow overall. I know negative personalities will look at this prospect of having a “ONE” FULL COVERAGE NATIONAL HEALTHCARE SYSTEM for all as a bleak concern, until they are in dire-straits and over whelmed with an illness and/or a broken body then it will be too late for them.
Note: National Health Expenditures 2015 Highlights (cms.gov/research) …In 2015, U.S. health care spending increased 5.8 percent to reach $3.2 trillion, or $9,990 per person. The coverage expansion that began in 2014 as a result of in the Affordable Care Act continued to have an impact on the growth of health care spending in 2015. Additionally, faster growth in total health care spending in 2015 was driven by stronger growth in spending for private health insurance, hospital care, physician and clinical services, and the continued strong growth in Medicaid and retail prescription drug spending. Lastly, the overall share of the U.S. economy devoted to health care spending was 17.8 percent in 2015, up from 17.4 percent in 2014.
We could have a federal national 3% percent sales tax (transaction tax) to help pay for this “ONE” FULL COVERAGE NATIONAL HEALTHCARE SYSTEM whereby everyone is making a contribution to our NATIONAL HEALTHCARE FUND via their buying activity;
…and the States could share the cost and have a 3% percent sales tax increase added to their State’s sales tax percent to help pay for our “ONE” FULL COVERAGE NATIONAL HEALTHCARE SYSTEM which would create a 6% percent combined federal tax revenue.
…We should collect a federal 3% percent sales tax on all transactions from all the United States financial exchanges! That would help pay for our “ONE” FULL COVERAGE NATIONAL HEALTHCARE SYSTEM! We should realize that the financial exchanges are high roller speculative gambling casinos; a serious investor holds their security for long term; and I don’t see much of that with all that daily buying and selling activity on all of the financial exchanges.
…Example: the trading volume on the NYSE in 2015 totaled U.S. $18 trillion, nearly equal to the U.S. gross domestic product and approximately 20% of the gross world product, according to an estimate calculated by the World Bank (fxcm info.).
…The NYSE averaged over U.S. $170 billion in daily trading value (2015). (Just think about this: a federal 3% percent sales tax on $170,000,000,000 = $5,100,000,000 each day collected from the NYSE to pay for our “ONE” FULL COVERAGE NATIONAL HEALTHCARE SYSTEM; and that was the 2015 figure! What will be the 2017 figure! I say it will be a huge amount of cash!
AND… don’t forget that we will be collecting a federal 3% percent sales tax from all the financial exchanges combined; which will total an enormous amount of cash daily!
…All these collected federal 3% percent sales taxes on all transactions from all of the United States financial exchanges; and all these collected federal 3% percent sales taxes (6% if you add the States 3% contribution) on goods and services go straight into the “Social Security Administration” account to pay for our “ONE” FULL COVERAGE NATIONAL HEALTHCARE SYSTEM.
Please President Trump work on this important issue…
…a “ONE” FULL COVERAGE NATIONAL HEALTHCARE SYSTEM for all its citizens is a must for the United States now!
Make a note (March 2017) about the U.S. congress’s new healthcare reform law (bill) called the American Health Care Act that is 123 pages long; of which ten pages of this so called new healthcare law (bill) is devoted to lottery winners (as like lump sums / like lottery winnings may disqualify Medicaid recipients for federal funds). The new administration promised us less government control and regulations; why do we need ten pages of the new healthcare law centering on lottery winners? Our U.S. congress is still lost at sea with a hole in their boat!
Contact the U.S. Congress today and demand for a “ONE” FULL COVERAGE NATIONAL HEALTHCARE SYSTEM!
…If you want a good healthcare system, make the designers of the healthcare system (U.S. representatives and senators) have it as their own healthcare insurance too.
Look Beyond the Stars for Spiritual Guidance,
Christina M. Vahlsing, Vahlsing Inc.
Email: [email protected]
Action speaks louder than words. Everyone just aggressively spread the word, riot in the streets and break down the door of their U.S. congressman and demand them that you want a “ONE” FULL COVERAGE NATIONAL HEALTHCARE SYSTEM.
The federal govt. has no constitutional authority to be involved in our health care AT ALL. Open it up across state lines and competition will bring down costs and improve coverage.
Holy sheet…TL/DR
Psalm 118
8 It is better to trust in the Lord
Than to put confidence in man.
9 It is better to trust in the Lord
Than to put confidence in princes.
Some want the government to take care of them.
Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. Ben Franklin
You stay out of my business and I’ll stay out of yours. I don’t need your universal healthcare, your all-encompassing intrusive government, your precursor to the Antichrist.
Spread the word. Make government as small as possible.
“Aggressively spread the word, riot in the streets and break down the door”
It is NOT the loudness of one’s voice that strengthens one’s arguments or makes them valid.
Exodus 23:2
You shall not follow a crowd to do evil; nor shall you testify in a dispute so as to turn aside after many to pervert justice.
Shocking: Donald Trump Is Not a Christian
its bible now april 8, 2017
Satan has to reveal himself as one world government ruler and take over before the mark of the beast happens
Ah Jesus – now STRUMPH the man who you dumbnuts thought was your SAVIOR is now implanting 666 CHIPS?? Why AM I not surprised you people got SCREWED! EFFED AND TRUMPED!!
Even ultra high frequency RFID tags only work up to 5-6 meters away. Congratulations for being a dumbass that doesn’t understand science and repeats delusional youtube videos like they are the holy grail.
Eles devem enfiar os RFID 666 no #?! da mãe… FDPs…