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Happy Valentine's Day Puds from Denby and Aimee Twigger

Monday, February 13, 2017 10:10
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(Before It's News)

Love bites: over half of Brits say a dinner party is the best place to find love
Forget Tinder and dodgy bars, 51% of Brits say that their favourite place to look for love is at a good old fashioned dinner party. As part of a report by Denby Pottery examining the UK’s entertaining habits, 44% of Brits also admitted to having the most success with dating following a dinner party ‘set up’. And thankfully, there’s plenty of opportunity for love to blossom, as 87% regularly host friends for dinner.
- 60% claim they get to know a person better at a dinner party than at a bar -
- 6% of the nation has found the love of their lives at a dinner party -
- That 6% jumps to 1 in 10 for Londoners and Scots -
- 17% of people have been set up at a dinner party at least once -
- Under 35s are the most likely to be set up at a dinner party -

These stats form part of The Art of Entertaining report by iconic British brand, Denby, which delves into trends and eating habits of British people today. It reveals that while the dinner party is as popular as ever, the way we host has changed, with only 1/3 laying a formal table these days and 75% not serving a traditional full three courses. 

For those throwing a dinner party this Valentine’s Day, Denby has teamed up with Instagram foodie Aimee Twigger to come up with four desserts guaranteed to impress guests. With one in five people admitting to buying in their sweet course, these ‘Cheat’s Puddings’ taste delicious but can be made in 10-minutes or less.

(Click on the photos to enlarge!)

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