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{Sharing the Love} Day 2: You're My Person Print

Tuesday, January 31, 2017 10:24
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(Before It's News)

We are back at it again today friends!!

Day two of Sharing the Love week is here!!

Any Grey's fans around? 
Then you'll have a particular love for this one :)  

We say this to each other all the time and it always rings true. 
But it's also perfect to share with a bestie too so you can print it out and fold it into a sweet card to bring a little happiness to their day! 

Either way, it's a great way to spread a little love. 
Click below to download your free print: 

If you're stuck on how to use printables, here are a couple ideas I've done in the past…
-Print & frame (the most common)
- Print them smaller and stick them in a lunchbox, dash of the car, etc for a sweet note
- Print them and cut them into different shapes for cute banners- I've used them in the middle of paper banners with pattern papers around them. 
-cute tags for gifts

Happy Tuesday friends! 


Need more Valentine's ideas?? 

Get the incredibly simple how-to on making this darling V-day banner here


Check out my DIY Valentine Dinner that we do every year here

Have a Pokemon lover in the house this year? 
Check out these adorable, free printable valentines to be the coolest mom around!


Printables are intended as gifts for Tattered and Inked readers only.
As with all my free printables,
these are for personal use ONLY.
Please do not claim them as your own or alter them.
For a complete list of all my free printables,  head to this page

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