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New York Governor Cuomo and the $.25 cup of milk

Sunday, April 9, 2017 21:46
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(Before It's News)

Milk is as much about pork as it is about cows.

(From The AP)

Just last summer, Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo was hailed as a hero for stepping in with a state subsidy to prevent a price hike to 50 cents for the popular cups of white and chocolate milk at New York State Fair’s beloved Milk Bar, which for generations has been a shrine to the state’s dairy industry complete with life-size people sculpted in butter.

But only half of the expected subsidy ever came through, and the nonprofit that’s been operating the Milk Bar on the Syracuse fairgrounds for 64 years announced it is pulling out and putting the blame squarely on Cuomo, saying it will only consider returning “if Cuomo is no longer governor.”

“Our group will lie dormant for the next 24 months to see if there is a change of administration in 2019,” Gary Raiti, president of New York State Dairy Exhibits Inc., told the group’s members in a recent letter.

Click here for the article.


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