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Rand Paul: Rice Should Be Subpoenaed and Asked, “Did You Talk to the President About (the Unmasking) – Did President Obama Know About This?” (Video)

Wednesday, April 5, 2017 21:33
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(Before It's News)

Rand Paul – “ Sour grapes on the way out the door…They were going to use the intelligence apparatus to attack Trump. And I think they did.” 

Nope, no sour grapes here.

Rand makes a point that is obvious to any of us who know at least a little about this stuff. There is the very real possibility that there is now no need for “wire tapping” ie. official warranted surveillance to be ordered as the intelligence agencies already have access to all of our information anyway. Paul asserts that it is very likely that Ms. Rice could have just started plugging names into a database trolling for Trump dirt.

If that is true, if that comes out, that would be much bigger than the Russians lobbying or even seeking to influence an election. (Ask the Saudis if they ever sought to influence an incoming president or an election – or Hillary Clinton for that matter.) 

And incidentally watch Mika Brzezinski’s body language at about 5:00 as she tries to tut tut Rand. She looks side to side to make sure that her opinion is getting approval from the 2 men on either side of her. It’s the same reason why some people in Washington and on TV generally are prone to saying “right?” at the end of an assertion. They must have collective approval before putting out an opinion.


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