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Trump staffers shake up the DC lobby industry, become lobbyists

Tuesday, April 4, 2017 21:33
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(Before It's News)

This is one of the main reasons the establishment GOP so fought Trump. K Street knew that if Hillary won there would be plenty of lucrative work for Republican lobbyists of the Bushite mold. But if Trump got in all those carefully cultivated relationships might not be as valuable as the lobbyists thought. Indeed Trump might even close the access door. Who knew?

Well, the access door has been closed on some of the old school DC wingtip types. But it has been opened to a new group. Power has its own gravitational pull.

(From Politico)

But those old connections don’t necessarily extend into Trump’s administration. Trump pitted himself against the GOP establishment during the campaign, and he singled out the influence industry for criticism. During his first week in office, he signed an executive order restricting his appointees from lobbying for domestic clients for five years after leaving the administration, and barring them from lobbying for foreign governments and political parties for life. The ban does not apply to former campaign officials who never joined the administration, such as Lewandowski.

Click here for the article.


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