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Singapore at Night

Saturday, August 22, 2015 18:17
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(Before It's News)

How much do urbanites value “green space”? Do they value it less if it is very hot outside?  This article argues that Singapore's high daily heat reduces the joy that their urbanites gain from proximity to green space.   Given the impending challenge of climate change, I find this an interesting topic but I have several questions.

1.  The authors of the academic study rely on a survey rather than studying home prices close to green space. Does their survey responses suffer from “cheap talk”?

2.  Having lived in Singapore for a month of my life, I know that because of good public transit that everyone has pretty good access to “green space” in Singapore.  So, what is the control group?

3.  Singapore really comes to life at night when the temperature falls to merely 75 degrees to 80 degrees F.  At 10pm at night you can see vigorous kendo fighting and thousands of people walking along the river near the Marina Bay Sands Resort to see the evening fireworks.    Take a look at this picture to get a sense of the spectacle.

Yes, it is 90 degrees each day and people stay inside but at night this safe efficient city comes to life.  This is our future and Singapore shows how we will continue to thrive as urbanites.

Image result for marina bay sands resort fireworks


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