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(N.Morgan) In recent days, the Trump Administration has withdrawn from calls for an all out trade war with Mexico to trying to re-establish a calmer relations with the Mexican President.
Tensions between President Trump and Mexico’s President, Enrique Peña Nieto have been high since the sharp fall out over President Trump’s purposed wall and the crackdown on illegal immigration.
Mexico that has made a preemptive step in the imminent trade dispute by canceling existing sugar export permits to the US in a dispute over the pace of shipments, Reuters reports citing a letter.
The trade flare-up could temporarily disrupt supplies industry sources were cited as saying.
In the video below, DAHBOO77 analyzes the details of this intense trade conflict.
I am an expat living in Mexico so I have plenty of sugar. Pina Ñieto a soap opera star turned politician is gay and has a beard wife. Frankly the Country is controlled by the drug cartels. Dont get the wrong idea this does not make the country a dangerous place to live unless of course your tied up in the drug trade. This is the real problem. Daddy Bush had an agreement with a prior president of Mexico who was also gay ( i have nothing against gay people i am just stating facts ) that Mexico could ship as much drugs as they want to the U S. The back story on this is amazing but you will have to do your own research it involves an M K Ultra male sex slave and the then President of Mexico. You can’t make this up. Neito has made a very big mistake because he can ship to the U S with no tariff but if I order an auto part from the U S I will pay a a 10% tariff. If Trump imposes a tariff, Mexico’s goes broke, you see the U S buys 85% of Mexicos goods. Yes, we need a wall to keep the drugs out as well as illegals. Make no mistake this whole Mexican thing is all about keeping the flow of drugs and money going so the children of America and adults can become controlled by the deep state. The corruption is so deep in Mexico from the beat cop to his boss to the Federal Police, to the Military. I keep my drivers license wrapped in a 200 peso note 10 bucks which usually gets me out of anything. Talk about a Country thats top heavy. The minimum wage is $80.04Mx and hour or $4.00. My point Nieto is messing with the wrong guy who could send Mexico into a depression almost immediately.
you me they would have to eat beans and totillias all day? i think they already do
Roman Catholic controlled Mexico can not liberate themselves from the corruption. Name a Catholic ruled country that is not in the deep sh*t with corruption..
You nailed truthseeker4809 I only hope more people begin to see things the same way. Yes the same kinds of problems plague most of these countries like Mexico and Central and South American countries as well; all predominately R0man cath0lic. The United States was founded mostly by PR0TESTANT Christians, in fact of the 204 founding fathers only 3 were cath0lic and there lies the main difference, that’s why in most if not all of those countries private gun ownership is is illegal except by special permit. R0man cath0lism is dirty and oppressive, m0n0lithic and despotic.
Remember the Alamo!
We have better guns now. If Davey Crockett had him a Gulf M240, things would have gone down other than they did back then.
Point being — Alamo II ends differently!!!
Brazil exported 10 times the amount of sugar that Mexico does, even France exports 2 times. the US imports $1.6 billion of the stuff each year, lots of room for US farmers with mechanisation to take over production, also lots of potential sources where you will not find coke and heron mixed in the bag.
Hello Angle#3,
Charlie here. Ahh, this is minor. The little boy Nieto is just trying to show the Mexican people he is a TUFF guy. Besides, much like China a lot of food stuff from them should not be trusted. That other little boy from Canada is taking in hairy Muslims to prove he is a TUFF guy too.
Beware the little boys. We had one too.
Some food expert even recommend you do not eat soft-skinned fruit or vegetables from foreign countries. We barely escape bad stuff from our own country so can you imagine these TURD world communist-controlled countries???
MS even told his audience how Mexicans grow their avocados (I think it was) using “human” fertilizer and many of their crops fields are used as human bathrooms.
Let Mexicans eat their own stuff. I don’t call these countries TURD world for nothing ya know.
Charlie (To be safe eat doughnuts only. Color them green – pretend vegetarian)
Yeah, we don’t need their crappy Mexican sugar. The U.S. could sustain it’s sugar intake on sugar beets and cane grown right hear in the good ol’ US.
“The United States (U.S.) is the fifth largest sugar producer and fifth largest consumer of sugar in the world. The U.S. sugar industry has enjoyed trade protection since 1789 when Congress enacted the first tariff against foreign-produced sugar. Since then, the U.S. government has continued to provide trade support and protection for its domestic sugar industry.”
We should answer back by banning that crappy Mexi-piss they call “Corona.”
Don’t forget, Australians are your friends and we can supply all the cane sugar you would like. Wheat, flour, assorted crops, meat, dairy………and all without that nasty Fukushima background ‘taste’. (Or Mexican spice)
But it just doesn’t give you that Same great “Glow in the dark” Radiant feeling that all of of the crap grown around the Fukushima and Chernobyl nuclear reactors give you !!!
Australia are happy to supply all the sugar you need…..and we are friends.
Nieto is an idiot – this is only going to hurt his farmers & his economy & in the end himself
You forgot the best part,obesity will drop by 20%.
That’s OK they can KEEP their damn Sugar ! The illiterate workers down there have probably been crapping in it anyway !!! After all Who’s to stop them from doing THAT ?!!! They’ve got NO Order South of the border !!!
Buy the sugar from Brazil. They have such a glut of sugar they make alcohol for gasoline with it. Kind of a waste seeing gas is only about 35 cents a gallon there. I think Columbia is around 27 cents a gallon. I’m letting you know how badly you are getting screwed at the pump.
And it’s Not “Brown” sugar like that CRAP from Mexico !!!
Then the US cancels cocaine?
I for one I’m glad. I hope the whole fucking world stops to jump ’cause that senile ORANGE-ONE-MAN-SHOW says so!