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by Vicki Batts, Natural News:
Censorship and suppression of the independent media have come into full swing. In late February, AdRoll, the online advertiser that once accused Breitbart of “hate speech,” has reportedly ended their advertising work with Omnicom, one of the world’s largest ad buying networks, also announced that they would be cutting ties with, supposedly to appease their biggest clients. And, Natural News has been blacklisted by Google, erasing 140,000 pages from its index. What is going on in the world? In a word: censorship.
AdRoll reportedly sent an email to the InfoWars legal department declaring that they were terminating their services, at least in part, because “all political content should focus on the merits of the candidate.” This seems to imply that certain candidates — perhaps like Hillary Clinton — should only be celebrated for their achievements, and their scandals — no matter how sinister — should be swept under the rug. Another, rather contradictory, statement from AdRoll email proclaimed that “all content on your website should be relevant, accurate, informative, and up to date.”
It seems that only information that fits the far-Left narrative is allowed to be declared “relevant” and “accurate.” It’s worth noting that AdRoll happens to be partnered with Google and Facebook, both of whom have been accused of censoring conservative news.
According to several sources, Breitbart has now been placed under a similar attack from Omnicom, and the twitter account Sleeping Giants — which serves to call out brands that advertise their products on the Breitbart website, among others. BuzzFeed News reports that Omnicom has said, “Many of our global clients have already requested that we block this site on our activity.” The company described their actions as a “preventative measure.”
There is currently also a petition going around for Amazon to stop advertising on, and for Google to remove them from their Adwords network, as well.
Google has launched its own efforts against Natural News by removing some 140,000 pages from its index and blacklisting the entire Natural News domain. As Mike Adams explains, “Google sent no warning whatsoever to our ‘webmaster tools’ email address on file with them. The shut off of Natural News was clearly driven by a human decision, not an algorithm.” Google has already been accused of censoring conservative views, so this latest endeavor is sadly not surprising.