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SNP – Get yor act together at once and stop being such scaredy cats

Monday, March 20, 2017 9:45
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(Before It's News)

Here we were last week, all* cheering on St Nicola and her handbagging of the evil Thatcher Prime Minister May. Everything was so good, it was even sunny and spring like in London.

What do we get just a few days later?

A wretched, confused and frankly useless diatribe at the SNP conference where no effort was made to guild the lily at all. Apparently there will be no challenge to a Second Project Fear and Scotland, if ever granted a second referendum will go straight into a terminal economic decline. Plus there will be no security or army and there will also be no currency – or at least none that can be guaranteed.

It is almost as if the SNP don’t really want there to be a second referendum – as if instead this was some kind of Machiavellian attempt to wage an endless war of grievance on England.

No, I say, No –

1) Look to Brexit – PROJECT FEAR FAILED – there won’t be an economic crash. The more one is confidently predicted, the less chance of this occurring.

2) Currency – pah - just use the Pound, it is not like you have any control of the Bank of England anyway. This is all deflection as the reality is no change.

3) Don’t forget to threaten to welch on the debt, I recall they did actually scare the establishment last time.

4) Keep reminding Scots they have a Tory Government, it is a surefire winner in the long-run.

There is no chance of the SNP losing the next referendum, I just hope they can keep the courage of their convictions to push for one in 2021. Scotland declaring independence to rejoin the EU would surely be the cherry on the rather delicious cake of Brexit.

*(OK, this maybe a minority view)


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