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Trump Is Not a Friend of American Education – DeVos Is a Terrible Choice

Friday, February 10, 2017 14:34
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Dave Hodges – The Common Sense Show

Betsy DeVos is a terrible choice for the Secretary of Education. She is in the hip pocket of the UN with her strong charter school affiliation. There is absolutely nothing good about this choice. The details are in the video. 


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Total 13 comments
  • I think she is a great choice. The department of education needs to be abolished as well as all the teachers unions. Then teaching can get back to basics. I went to school before these damn unions were created…graduated in 1964. We learned and had tons of homework….no circle the correct answer tests. At times we had tests in 5-7 classes in the same day. Tests were nearly every week. Surprise impromptu tests. In civics we would have to answer test questions by writing out the answer in a paragraph of explanation. You did not sleep in class, or sass the teacher, or get out of your seat without permission, or be in the halls without a teacher permission slip. Then the unions and the liberals took over. Straight downhill since.

    • Liberals are not the problem, but progressives and conservatives sure are. I finished public education K through 12th grade in a rather average district and did not feel cheated at all. I attended from 1980 to 1993. I also attended a community college and got an associate of science degree in computer architecture.

      Progressives gave us common core which is the department of education at the federal level extorting compliance from the states and towns via federal funds. They follow the communist curriculum or lose funding. Its really that simple and pathetic. The unions have been campaigning against common core now for a decade or more but are not getting heard. Not all teachers are progressives, some are but most are not. They simply want public education to be what it used to be, respectable. Some rich districts actually have as good if not better curricullums then private schools do.

      DeVos is for private schools and allowing common core to continue. She is not the solution to the problem, she is part of the problem herself.

  • Doc

    What the hell is wrong with you Dave Hodges Show ??? Devos is a wonderful choice. 1st, She going to return education back to local controls, 2) She is going do do away with the insane and horrible Common Core, 3) and she is going to return real education back to our your minds. Notice that our country sucks at education over the past 20 yrs. So, please wake the hell up !! What is wrong with you ? Wake the hell up !!

  • Didn’t you talk about this yesterday?

    There are some in the know who think Davos is not a good choice having no experience in education. Chao, as a women, having no spatial ability, yet is Secretary of Transportation.

    Does Trump have something else in mind? :roll:

  • FAKE NEWS on blogger is on the payroll of CNN, Clinton and Soros to LIE! Guess 80%+ of all america voting for Trump makes it seem no one supports him.

  • US Public Education ranks 35 worldwide in test scores. I attended US public schools. It was a lousy experience.

    US education is about one thing only….teacher’s job security and their benefits.

  • Trump. aka Drumpf. Is a zio-pig. Doubt it not.

  • The writer is full of BULLCRAP!

  • The writer is full of CRAP!

  • I am a retired educator and a past Teacher of the Year in my discipline on the state level. I have never belonged to a union. I supported Donald J. Trump’s Presidential Election and I also endorsed Betsy Davos. She is a superior person to head the Department of Education. There’s a good reason that teacher’s union and globalist NWO UN fans oppose her. They were the ones who ramrodded Common Core down our throats. Before that, they tried No Child Left Behind and Race To The Top. These programs resulted in cheating on tests and infiltrating education with so much bureaucracy that educators were unable to teach. This was a result of the UN’s grip on public unions and government agencies. The global curriculum removed civics, American History, reading, writing, arithmetic as well as vocational education and consumer economics. It resulted in more drop outs and GEDs and fewer graduates.

    Do you really think today’s public schools teach American values? That is laughable. Do you really also think that all charter schools practice globalism? Are you aware of the requirements legislated on these charter school by the US Office of Education?

    To talk in such absolutes is academically dishonest. Ideally, charter schools provide an opportunity to meet an unmet community need by offering parents another option for their children to receive an education in communities where public education has failed them. This is called the free enterprise system. It is opposite of what the NWO one (no) choice provides. It is an affordable option for those who can not afford to place their children in private schools when they reside in failing public education communities.

    Dave Hodges, you were the one who published article after article with pictures of my president dead before the election. You predicted over and over that this would occur. And now you chastise him for not abolishing the US Department of Education? Perhaps your real intent is to see him disappeared. While I agree with you that education belongs to the state and local communities, I want our Nation and my President to survive. Your radical solution will not accomplish these goals.

    Your one sided article is shameful.

  • Public schools system need to end, it is just a breeding ground for socialism.

  • Everyone who thinks DeVos is good in ANY way, needs to *google Betsy DeVos, Common Core.* SHE is a ‘DISASTER’ for our childrens education. She has been a STRONG COMMON CORE ADVOCATE for Many years!

    • And try the search terms “ponzi scheme”, “Scientology”, “Amway”, “Erik Prince”, “Blackwater”, “lobbying”, “buying influence”, “DeVos GOP contributions”, etc.

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