If gravity is the curvature or bending of space-time, then it makes perfect sense that it could be faster than light which travels through the medium of space-time. Physicists do believe in a relationship between gravity, the electromagnetic, and all the forces, at least in the sense that all forces were supposedly a single unified force which splintered off into the 4 forces very shortly after the big bang. Gravity is the only force they have not yet been able to connect or unify with the other forces. Perhaps other dimensions are needed to explain gravity. Perhaps the bending or reshaping of space-time can only occur if there is something outside of space-time for it to bend or curve into.
Perhaps matter or mass exists partly outside of space-time even if that aspect of matter is invisible to us. Think of quantum probability waves. An electron’s location for example, cannot be precisely pinned down until it is detected through an interaction. Prior to detection it is a probability wave where there is a certain probability that it will interact at a specific point. Furthermore, in the double slit experiment, an electron travels through both slits simultaneously creating an interference pattern on the detection media beyond the two slits (unless you detect it at one of the slits). So the probability wave form of matter may be related to a dimension outside of space-time as we know it. Electrons can also tunnel.
I was very skeptical of the idea of dark matter for a long time. It seems like a cop out on the part of befuddled scientists. However, perhaps dark matter is composed of something that is like the probability wave of matter we are familiar with yet it has such a low probability of manifesting in any given area that it is virtually undetectable in particle form thereby leaving it confined to its dimension beyond space-time, but not confining its ability to affect space-time via gravity. If dark matter is somehow energized enough to manifest in space-time, perhaps the manifestation occurs as virtual particles which annihilate each other. If the annihilation leaves a photon, then that would seem to me like light shining into this universe from another dimension (maybe cosmic microwave background).
Perhaps all of space-time is composed and consists of probability waves for virtual particles making it in a sense indistinguishable from matter and therefore undetectable. What I mean is that an electron for example, may be in constant flux as it annihilates with a virtual positron which then leaves that virtual positron’s virtual partner (a virtual electron) without a partner to annihilate making it an actual electron. That actual electron then repeats the process of annihilating with a virtual positron and leaving its virtual electron as the actual electron. Every time this annihilation occurs a photon is released. This may explain inertia. Force is required to accelerate mass to compensate for the energy of the created photon. But a moving object not under acceleration is at rest, perhaps because the created photon gets absorbed by the new electron (in this example) which propels the new electron forward and into the next chain reaction of annihilation. Maybe this photon could be considered a virtual photon. So now you have a link between inertia and electromagnetism.
Here is the possible link between electromagnetism and gravity:
Space-time is a seething matrix of interconnected virtual particles at every point. A pair of virtual particles can annihilate against other pairs of virtual particles rather than with each other thereby causing an interconnected chain reaction of endless pairs of virtual particles annihilating against other pairs. A mass composed of actual particles is, as previously described, constantly interacting and switching places with virtual particles while maintaining the net number of actual particles. Because space-time is composed of interlocked virtual particle pairs (and perhaps triads ,quartets etc…[serious food for thought]), as these pairs interact with the actual particles, the whole of space-time is affected and essentially dragged or bent toward the mass. The photons created in the annihilation are exactly energetic enough to fuel the next annihilation bringing an actual particle together with a virtual particle instead of both virtual particles of the pair annihilating each other. So in a sense, you have the electromagnetic force creating gravity, or the curvature of space-time.
It’s also interesting that you cannot separate space-time from matter. Space is simply virtual matter and energy ceaselessly interchanging itself with actual matter and energy. Perhaps teleportation can one day be feasible if this interchange can be made between matter and distant virtual matter instead of adjacent virtual matter. And so far I have talked about virtual pairs of matter and antimatter. It would be interesting to explore the idea of not just pairs, but triads, quartets, etc.. etc… Matter is in a sense a triad in that an electron annihilates with a virtual positron leaving the virtual electron from the pair as the new actual electron which will then go on to repeat the process.
If gravity is the curvature or bending of space-time, then it makes perfect sense that it could be faster than light which travels through the medium of space-time. Physicists do believe in a relationship between gravity, the electromagnetic, and all the forces, at least in the sense that all forces were supposedly a single unified force which splintered off into the 4 forces very shortly after the big bang. Gravity is the only force they have not yet been able to connect or unify with the other forces. Perhaps other dimensions are needed to explain gravity. Perhaps the bending or reshaping of space-time can only occur if there is something outside of space-time for it to bend or curve into.
Perhaps matter or mass exists partly outside of space-time even if that aspect of matter is invisible to us. Think of quantum probability waves. An electron’s location for example, cannot be precisely pinned down until it is detected through an interaction. Prior to detection it is a probability wave where there is a certain probability that it will interact at a specific point. Furthermore, in the double slit experiment, an electron travels through both slits simultaneously creating an interference pattern on the detection media beyond the two slits (unless you detect it at one of the slits). So the probability wave form of matter may be related to a dimension outside of space-time as we know it. Electrons can also tunnel.
I was very skeptical of the idea of dark matter for a long time. It seems like a cop out on the part of befuddled scientists. However, perhaps dark matter is composed of something that is like the probability wave of matter we are familiar with yet it has such a low probability of manifesting in any given area that it is virtually undetectable in particle form thereby leaving it confined to its dimension beyond space-time, but not confining its ability to affect space-time via gravity. If dark matter is somehow energized enough to manifest in space-time, perhaps the manifestation occurs as virtual particles which annihilate each other. If the annihilation leaves a photon, then that would seem to me like light shining into this universe from another dimension (maybe cosmic microwave background).
Perhaps all of space-time is composed and consists of probability waves for virtual particles making it in a sense indistinguishable from matter and therefore undetectable. What I mean is that an electron for example, may be in constant flux as it annihilates with a virtual positron which then leaves that virtual positron’s virtual partner (a virtual electron) without a partner to annihilate making it an actual electron. That actual electron then repeats the process of annihilating with a virtual positron and leaving its virtual electron as the actual electron. Every time this annihilation occurs a photon is released. This may explain inertia. Force is required to accelerate mass to compensate for the energy of the created photon. But a moving object not under acceleration is at rest, perhaps because the created photon gets absorbed by the new electron (in this example) which propels the new electron forward and into the next chain reaction of annihilation. Maybe this photon could be considered a virtual photon. So now you have a link between inertia and electromagnetism.
Here is the possible link between electromagnetism and gravity:
Space-time is a seething matrix of interconnected virtual particles at every point. A pair of virtual particles can annihilate against other pairs of virtual particles rather than with each other thereby causing an interconnected chain reaction of endless pairs of virtual particles annihilating against other pairs. A mass composed of actual particles is, as previously described, constantly interacting and switching places with virtual particles while maintaining the net number of actual particles. Because space-time is composed of interlocked virtual particle pairs (and perhaps triads ,quartets etc…[serious food for thought]), as these pairs interact with the actual particles, the whole of space-time is affected and essentially dragged or bent toward the mass. The photons created in the annihilation are exactly energetic enough to fuel the next annihilation bringing an actual particle together with a virtual particle instead of both virtual particles of the pair annihilating each other. So in a sense, you have the electromagnetic force creating gravity, or the curvature of space-time.
It’s also interesting that you cannot separate space-time from matter. Space is simply virtual matter and energy ceaselessly interchanging itself with actual matter and energy. Perhaps teleportation can one day be feasible if this interchange can be made between matter and distant virtual matter instead of adjacent virtual matter. And so far I have talked about virtual pairs of matter and antimatter. It would be interesting to explore the idea of not just pairs, but triads, quartets, etc.. etc… Matter is in a sense a triad in that an electron annihilates with a virtual positron leaving the virtual electron from the pair as the new actual electron which will then go on to repeat the process.