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Alex Jones Podesta Trump PizzaGate – the Real Events Unravelled From the Accusation

Monday, March 6, 2017 11:42
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(Before It's News)

The Pizzagate scandal in Washington is so hot and threatening to the perpetrators that smokescreens, sideshows and every other trick known to man are being used to hide the truth of who did what to whom, where and when.  Alex Jones is in the thick of it.  In the confusion, he keeps his cool (just) and points out what he thinks are the lies, and what is possibly the truth.  That, he says, is all he cares about.  This topic is the one that’s tearing Washington and the media apart.  It’s incredibly important that Americans hear the truth and understand how the Satanic cult that has run the world for thousands of years actually operates.  Only then can Americans collectively tackle these criminals and get their country back.

Getting all of our countries requires more than just leaving transnational organisations like NAFTA or the EU.  We all need to get rid of the pedocriminals who ride above all the formal sounding names and institutions.  This is Satanism versus humanity as a whole.  And yet most of humanity doesn’t even know what Satanism is, let alone what it’s been doing to us for  a very long time.  Over to you, Alex.



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Total 7 comments
  • “It was planned all along for Trump to win, and Clinton played her part in losing. And CIA Wikileaks Assange played his part.”

    “No more ‘bombshell’ leaks on Clinton from Assange after the election because the purpose of the prior CIA Wikileaks on Clinton/DNC/Pizzagate had been accomplished – Nazi Trump is US president. And the Nazi goons will turn Pizzagate against the people, pursuant to DHS new ad on ‘see something, say something’. The ruling elite turn it on the populace making the populace all suspects of engaging in Pizzagate-type activity, and the people are called to look out for this stuff and report it. Neighbor spying on neighbor, and the disgruntled falsely accusing their foes. The impression given in the DHS ad is that pedophilia is rampant among the ordinary people, when in fact it is rampant among the ruling elite. CIA Wikileaks Pizzagate turned on the populace, and the ruling elite involved in the suspected crimes exposed by Pizzagate never to be prosecuted.”

    • Trump sure had to work real hard to win, predicted view perhaps, not for sure at all.
      But here we are today.

  • Pizza gate/ pedogate is going to Break wide open, but its going to be by the hand of the Most High. Supernatural intervention and NOT by man!

    • It would be a little late for all the butchered children. Nahhhhhhhhh the people better do it themselves at this point.

  • HEY!…People!…Look at this Scenario…


    “That is what is troubling in this and a logical scenario can be laid out in the Obama regime engaged in a scenario like spying on the Tea Party by the IRS, in a conversation which went like this.

    Loretta Lynch: The Judge denied our FISA to spy on Donald Trump.

    Val-erie Jarrett: Well we have got to get the information so how do we do this.

    CIA Clapper: During the Cold War Canada as part of the NSA used to spy on Americans for the government, so
    why not have them target Trump Tower.

    Val-erie Jarrett: No legal ramifications Loretta?

    Loretta Lynch: None as long as it is not ordered out of the White House and it is just a suggestion which no one can trace from us to Canada, as Trudeau is a communist like Obama and will do anything we ask.”

    Not Bad!…

    “Canadian leak” which was connected to the calling for a Special Prosecutor, that points to something from the Cold War days when America relied on Canada to spy on Americans and American in turn spied on Canadians as it was illegal to spy on your own people.”


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