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By David Nuttall M.P.
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BREXIT – Today is the day!

Tuesday, March 28, 2017 22:42
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For some achieving Brexit has been a life’s work for these and others for whom the battle has been just a few years today is a day they perhaps never thought would arrive. For some today is a day they will have hoped would never arrive. But is has. After over nine months since the referendum result the UK will today give notice we are going to leave the European Union. After years chairing the Better Off Out group until the referendum it goes without saying I am pleased we are finally triggering Article 50 and in two years time we will be free from the control of the European Union.

I am pleased but I am also very conscious of the huge task which lies ahead. There is much negotiation for the government to do. there are many deals to be done. I am confident our European neighbours will realise that a good deal for the UK will be a good deal for the EU. I want to see the EU succeed even without us. sometimes they might do better than us sometimes we might do better than the EU. What matters is that it is in our joint interest for both the EU and the UK to be successful. I hope our departure will finally convince the leadership of the EU of the need for real change and move towards a much looser grouping. Unfortunately the existence of the single currency makes this very difficult and I suspect that the more likely future development will be a coming together of all the Countries who use the Euro.

In the months and years ahead there will be inevitably be many twists and turns millions more words will be written about the Brexit process. Today, is a day for quiet resolve to make a success of our future as we plan to once more become an  independent sovereign nation.


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