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Stop Being A Pussy Paul!

Monday, April 10, 2017 5:09
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(Before It's News)

Thomas Sheridan says Hillary would be bombing more frequently than Trump and appears to  take a pop at Paul Joseph Watson… be a man!… says Thomas.
The Trump “Betrayal” and Alt Right Jilted Pussies:

Bill Mitchell sees the strike as classic trump winning strategy:
YourVoice℠ Radio (4/7) “Trump Bombs Syria!”

From a cold ruthless point of view, it seems Trump took action and suddenly all his harshest critics are praising him; Clinton, McCain, Graham, Merkel, Hollande etc… it does seem Trump has secured Gorsuch and changed critical views in a day. Trump secured a deal? You could say, not a bad day at the office.
It seems the US informed Russia before the strike.
It seems the airfield was still operational after the attack.
It seems Trump may have hit a chemical store perhaps belonging to Al Nusra.
It seems many of the missiles were disengaged or simply disappeared. Keshe technology defending Syria?
3rd Ambassador Meeting, Rome 8PM CET October 16th:

Sheridan says he doesn’t know if it was Assad or Al Nusra. Mitchell & co don’t care, but assume Assad is a tyrannical dictator. I’d love to see Patick Henningsen talking to both of them. Henningsen feels trump has screwed up and there’s no return. Just by the media frenzy aftermath I know conclusions were made without on the ground evidence and Assad was blamed. The fact remains the BBC & co continue to portray the White Helmets as good guys and ignore evidence that apparently points to the contrary. What a pity Assad isn’t a nice moderate partner like the Saudis!?

Evidence Calls Western Narrative About Syrian Chemical Attack Into Question:



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