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The Scariest Chart Ever: QE3′s Ominous End Looms

Sunday, September 7, 2014 12:21
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(Before It's News)

panic crash

Silver Doctors

The Federal Reserve’s third quantitative-easing campaign is on track to wind down in late October.  At that point the Fed will likely stop printing new money to buy bonds, a sea-change shift with ominous implications for the stock markets.  Their entire surreal levitation during QE3 mirrored the huge growth in the Fed’s balance sheet from QE3’s bond monetizations.  When they cease, another major selloff is likely.
Prudent investors and speculators today don’t have to guess about what the end of QE3 means for the lofty Fed-inflated US stock markets.  We have the precedent of the ends of QE1 and QE2.  This next chart looks at the flagship S&P 500 stock index superimposed over the Fed’s balance sheet.
And out of all the many thousands of charts I’ve created over the years, this probably tops the heap as the scariest.

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Total 1 comment
  • 88

    ever time yeller lowers the qe 10b the stock market goes up. so why would ending it hurt the markets? It should make the markets explode higher. on its way to 30K by the end of the kenyans term.

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