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Editor’s note: Mark Leibovit is one of the investment world’s top-rated gold timers, and helps investors anticipate and benefit from both the ups and the downs of the precious metals markets with his Leibovit VR Gold Letter (available to WND readers at a huge discount).
From the Washington Times:
Fed audit legislation likely to get full vote in Congress this year
By Stephen Dinan, published Dec. 31, 2014
After years of being blocked by Democratic leader Harry Reid, the Senate will finally get a chance next year to vote on legislation to force a broad audit of the Federal Reserve’s decision-making.
Once championed in Congress by former Rep. Ron Paul, the push to force the country’s central bank to undergo a full audit has been picked up by his son, Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., and others, and has the backing of the leader of the new Republican majority, Sen. Mitch McConnell, also a Kentucky Republican, whose office says the legislation will earn a floor vote.
But despite overwhelming support in the House, where the legislation has twice passed, the bill is not a sure thing in the Senate, and the Fed itself is pushing back.
Fed Chairwoman Janet L. Yellen said this month the Fed remains opposed to stricter oversight of its monetary policy decisions, and Reuters reported she and other Fed officials are lobbying Capitol Hill to drop the audit push.
Reposted with permission
Anyone holding their breath to see if both the senate and House pass this or if Obama will even sign the bill?