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Mills takes back seat at Mandalay Resources

Tuesday, April 11, 2017 4:33
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Mandalay Resources Corp’s (TSE:MND) veteran chairman Brad Mills is to hand over the executive reins of the gold, silver and antimony producer

He will stay on as chair of the board of the Canada-based miner but no longer in an executive capacity.

Mark Sander thanked Mills for his efforts over the past twelve months. Sander took over as chief executive from Mills in March last year.

Mandalay also announced a raft of other executive level changes.

Belinda Labatte becomes Chief Development Officer;  Chris Gregory VP Operational Geology and Exploration; Andre Booyzen VP Leadership Development, Performance & Sustainability; Melanie McCarthy becomes  General Manager of the Costerfield mine  and Par Goting is now the General Manager of the Bjorkdal mine.

Jasmine Virk also adds the company secretary role to her existing post of Director Corporate Affairs.

Sander said the changes would boost its ability to  discover, evaluate and capture new acquisition opportunities and produce results from a growing number of operations going forward. 

Story by ProactiveInvestors


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