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Lookking For Work (number One In The Series Email From The Tea Party)

Saturday, September 26, 2015 14:06
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(Before It's News)

To whos concerned,

Im a high school graduat. I used to rezide in Kansas but I am a liver now in Iowa. Im VERRY capabal of everyting. I will locate where I must be.

In the passed I was helping Rick Sanitarium on his running. (Go Rick yay) I graduatted near top of 4th grade. Lookking for work whare I can do things. I coold have bin captian of the football team and the quawterback to if i went to hihg-sckool.

I am a VERRY religius person which is why I beleive also Mr Hickabee knows whats best for us all too. And woman. And he does not use protecshun which I know is the way G-d wants us all to do it. Also like Mr Rush Limbag say to we must in G-ds name keep the imagrints behind the wall Mr Trump (a jenius) wants (yay).  And I think guverment should keep there hands off my grampas medicare to.

And will always be to work on time to. I dont need to start at top. Will work my way up good. I wood also work hard to for Mr. Ted Cruze also as well as for Mr. Cris Christy. And also Miss Carla Lee Farina.

My mom and dad are also VERRY religius to and have been a huhg part to making me to what I am to. We shood all be home hihg-sckooled as I.

I like your cumpany and I beleive I can be a valuble asett. Please email me and make a appointtment.

Thanks to you for your considderration .

Billy Ray Flemm,  Aknee, Iowa

p.s. also and remember be like I and work for men – and woman to like Docter Carsen and Cruze and Farina to.  And also Mr. Trummp because.

p.s.  And go tea party yay yay yay and Mr Grayum to for they are all as smart as i.

© tony powers and Barking in the Dark, 2015. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to tony powers and Barking in the Dark with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Filed under: Cautionary tale, Humor, offbeat, Presidential Politics, satire, writing Tagged: Carly Fiorina, Donald Trump, Immigrants, Republicans, Tea Party, Ted Cruz Barking in the Dark is run by Tony Powers, a writer/actor/musician.


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