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12 Ways a Sacred Bath Can Make You Happier

Wednesday, August 31, 2016 18:01
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by Dr. Paulette Kouffman Sherman

A sacred bath includes prayer, meditation, intention, essential oils, crystals, and visualization. It’s a consistent, inexpensive time and any bathtub will do. In addition, sacred baths have a specific intention, meditation, and prayer. They are done with a colored candle, a few essential oils, and a crystal. All this energy supports the intention for that particular bath ritual, to build that thought form.

So, if our intention was to relax, we could have a meditation asking our guardian angel to help release our tension and burdens. A prayer could be for this angel to assist us in surrendering to love in that moment. Matching essential oils could be lavender for relaxation and frankincense for spiritual grounding. A matching crystal to place in the bath water is celestite, to release stress. The candle could be white to represent peace.

Here are 12 reasons that taking a sacred bath can make you feel happier:

1. Self-Care: Having 25 minutes of enjoyable self-care (at least weekly) is incredibly important. It is therapeutic to connect with our selves, emotions, and spirit in silence.

2. Meditation: Meditation focuses our mind on an intention. Furthermore, stilling our mind allows guidance to come in. It can release toxic thoughts and distractions. Research by Fredrickson, et. al., showed that people who meditate daily display more positive emotions than those who don’t. They also display more mindfulness, life purpose and social support, even three months after meditating.

3. Intention: Our intention directs our outcome in life. Intention is the mental, emotional and spiritual context that aligns our feelings, thoughts, and behavior. Research also shows that intention can manifest in physical reality. Dr. Masaru Emoto asked 2000 people in Tokyo to focus positive intentions toward water samples in an electromagnetically shielded lab in California. There was a different location with water samples that the people didn’t know about, as a control. Ice crystals formed by both sets of water samples were blindly analyzed and photographed and the results indicated that intention did influence the structure of the water. Thus, perhaps the thoughts feelings and intentions we hold when immersed in win the bath affects the structure and quality of that water.


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