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Changing the Way We Look at Things: One Year without Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Friday, August 26, 2016 19:40
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Changing the Way We Look at Things: One year without Dr. Wayne W. Dyer Dr. Wayne W. Dyer: An Homage

Dr. Wayne W. Dyer_Omtimes

Wayne Dyer at the Los Angeles Premiere of ‘Ambition to Meaning, Finding Your Life’s Purpose’. Egyptian Theatre, Hollywood, CA. 01-08-09

Dr. Wayne W. Dyer,  our Most beloved spiritual teacher,made his transition last year on August 29, 2015. His impact on millions of people around the globe was huge! I think of Dr. Wayne W. Dyer so often and know that he lives on in our hearts where we feel such love and deep appreciation for all that he’s given us. We learned about our Divinity, our I Am a presence, and that we have such power as alchemists. My favorite Wayne quote is “when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”

Even the auspicious date that he returned to the spirit realm reveals important lessons about the importance of forgiveness in activating our Divine gifts to live a peaceful life filled with love and compassion. You see Wayne crossed over, synchronically, on the 41st anniversary of the day he forgave his father, back in 1974. In choosing forgiveness, over the resentment, anger, and rage he’d been holding onto for most of his life, his life changed in miraculous ways! A perfect demonstration of one of his favorite principles and practices, change the way you look at things and draw into your life good fortune on all levels. For Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, forgiveness planted the seed for success with his writing, loving relationships, along with treating his body with greater respect. And the rest of us learned that forgiveness has the power to set us free!

What better way to honor Dr. Wayne W. Dyer than by practicing this potent energy medicine? Imagine how we can shift the energy in the world by focusing on love, over fear, to change the things we don’t want to feed on the planet. Doing so lightens our hearts and reconnects us with the power of our Spirit. Wayne taught that “when you can focus on the good in another and hold that in your mind, you are acting from your higher self. This can help dissipate fear and anger.”

While so many people feel powerless to affect change in their lives, let alone in the world, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer knew that the essence of each of us is Source. And by the law that tells us, what you focus on expands, we can activate the Divine love of our essence by being deliberate about what we focus on. Remember, love has infinite power to nullify darkness/fear.

This is really a daily practice. When we aren’t feeling uplifted and beaming with enthusiasm, that’s our signal to return to our Source. How? By changing the way, we are looking at things. Whatever we feel isn’t working as we’d like it to, from not feeling loved or successful enough, to whatever lack attack may be visiting us, the simple yet profound act of choosing to view it from higher ground, shifts the whole deal.

The key to the mystery is this: our thoughts matter. It’s true. They materialize from waves of energy to actual things. Thoughts are the energy we project onto the screen of life and life answers us with total agreement, every time. When we think, I am so grateful for the love, vitality, and abundance in my life, life winks at us along with a thumbs up, “yes it’s true.” And when we think, how come I never catch a break, the universe confirms our thoughts by offering us additional “proof” of our lack perspective. Try it out and see for yourself!

Jill Lebeau, MFT is an author and spiritual psychotherapist, who loves guiding people to create maximum success – health, wealth, and joy – through effortless ease. In a thriving collaboration with Michelle Dwyer, holistic health coach and certified nutrition consultant, this dynamic duo has created an awesome, innovative online course that takes the powerful techniques of Feng Shui to an entirely new level: Feng Shui Your Mind, Body, and Spirit!


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