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These days, most families are forced to live on a very tight budget. One thing that can certainly be a drain on the family budget is monthly energy expenses. However, there are ways to increase your home’s energy efficiency so that you’re living greener and saving money at the same time. Below are five ways you may be wasting energy at home you might not have even been aware of.
Leaving Electronics Plugged In
One thing you may be surprised to learn is that electronics often consume electricity even when they’re not switched on. If you want to save some extra electricity in your home, try to unplug your appliances when they’re not in use. This is especially the case for electronics that consume a lot of energy like HD televisions and computers.
Not Programming Your Thermostat
All modern thermostats can be programmed. This means being able to program your heat or air conditioning to turn off when you don’t need it like when the house is empty during the work and school day. Programming your thermostat also isn’t as complicated as you may assume. Simply follow the steps listed in your instruction manual. If you can’t find your thermostat instruction manual, Manuals Online is a great resource that can provide you with a digital copy.
Thinking Fans Cool Rooms
One mistake many people make is leaving all the fans on in a house during the summer. This will actually waste a lot of electricity for no added benefit. While the air pushed out from fans may make people feel cooler, fans don’t actually lower the temperature in a room. They simply circulate the air.
Not Dusting Your Refrigerator
The coils of a refrigerator should actually be dusted on a routine basis. If they do become covered in dust and other debris, they will have to work harder to keep your fridge cool. This, of course, will lead to higher electricity bills. You should be dusting regardless since dust can lead to the growth of bacteria, dust mites and fungus.
Not Performing Regular Maintenance on Your HVAC System
Unfortunately, most homeowners are unaware that their furnace, air-conditioner and ventilation system all require regular routine maintenance. According to industry experts, HELP Plumbing, Heating, Cooling and Electric, simple proper maintenance can increase the efficiency of an HVAC system by as much as 40 percent. Your monthly energy bills are certain to come down significantly if you have equipment that is working properly.
Overall, keeping your energy bills low requires taking action. Using the steps above can certainly lower your monthly electricity bills. However, don’t stop there. There are of course many other steps you can take to make your home more energy efficient. You can download or order a guide with energy saving tips for homeowners on