It has been since April 13, 2011 that I wrote to you complaining about what the USCG did with me concerning my invention that was used effectively to plug the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
Sadly you didn’t answer me, Why? I know there was no reason to not answering me.
But now, and after viewing President Obama’s videos of last year, I understood why!
President Obama appointed you to head a panel that had a job to screen the proposition of the public including what comes from around the world; in addition he asked at least twice the brightest minds of the world to help you dealing with the spill.
On May 15th, 2010 I sent my invention to you through the US Coast Guard, and on May 23rd, 2010 I sent a brief to president Obama about helping you to finish with the spill by using my invention, but free of charge. And on May 29th, 2010, I sent a sketch and a brief about the know how to build, and to apply the plug.
Dr. Bea said to the press that when he received the sketch from the anonymous, he forwarded it to the USCG and to your panel, and he told you to use it because it is the only solution.
By the way you knew Dr. Bea before that, and you knew that he is an expert in this kind of situations.
Still, on top of you didn’t have a clue about my technology, because President Obama was still appealing to the brightest minds of the world until at least the 15th of June, 2010.(see this video), you didn’t take Dr. Bea’s suggestion seriously until you didn’t have any other gadget to use but my invention.
That is why the 10th of July; you started applying my technology and my instructions. I thing around the beginning of July you ordered Cameron to build the prototype that took a few days to build for sure in order to put the plan together and manufacture it.
Never mind you didn’t have a clue about my technology in the beginning but still I congratulate you for understanding it even later and taking the decision to apply it.
Effectively, my technology worked and the spill came to an end on July 15th, 2010.
You followed all of my instructions in addition to the integrity tests and it was successful.
The American people and the world were very happy to see your success.
Well, this success due its origin to me the inventor of the idea, and the world needed to know who its father was.
Sadly nobody knows until now. I appealed to everybody of your administration to give me only a thank you note for my help to you.
The only answer I received was a hard letter that was sent to me from the USCG at a wrong address, in addition this letter is full of fabricated lies. These lies were sent to President Obama, to president Clinton and to the American Embassy in Ottawa. And now you will be receiving a copy of that letter that I sent to president Obama.
On August 14th, 2010 and in Panama City, President Obama congratulated your panel while he ignored me as the inventor of the miracle idea that saved America.
Mr. Chu, I ask you here; did you have the right to using my intellectual property without saying to which it belongs.
How can you use my invention and not telling the world about its origin?
Here, I can tell you that it still time to correct this by sending me the thank you note that I am asking for.
I already have sent to president Obama the attached letter, asking him to recognize my right. You are the administration of the mightiest country and the protector of human rights.
What do you lose by saying the truth and giving me a little piece of paper as recognition?
Mr. Thad Allen said in September that a panel of petroleum companies are studying a way of having my invention applied in putting together a ready plug that can be applied in case of a future accident.
Aren’t enough raisons to thank me that I am saving your offshore oil drillings and your energy problem?
Please Mr. Chu, and before God I ask you to admit it and send me at least a thank you note.
Sincerest regards
Inventor Afif Abou-Raphael
Here what I sent President Obama today May 27th, 2011-07-28
Dear Mr. Obama
After viewing your videos just 2 days ago, I can tell you that I am stunt to discovering that you probably are not aware of what happened behind your back in the case of the BP’s oil Spill. But still I have a doubt because I sent you all of the proof that BP used my idea to stop the worst spill of the humanity in addition to the fabricated lies of your USCG. Firstly, I would like to ask you this; did you appoint the panel that was headed by your secretary of energy Mr. Shu to use the other people’s intellectual property that was sent to you to helping solving the disaster of the oil spill you had without saying from where came the idea and in the end to harvest the positive results as it happened in this case? My idea that I sent to the USCG directly and sent by Dr. Bea who declared to the press that when he received the sketch from the anonymous, he forwarded it directly to the USCG and to your panel and told them to use it because it is the only solution for the spill.
And when your panel didn’t have any clue about it apparently, and in the end didn’t have any other choice to stopping the spill but to use my idea, they decided to build it according to my specifications that I sent them directly and indirectly. The spill was over on July 15, 2010, and amazingly nobody said from where this idea came. But you in Panama City thanked the panel without mentioning or thanking its inventor. In addition you ignored my repeated letters to you personally.
Was it on purpose and you didn’t want to admit the truth that me the inventor AFIF ABOURAPHAEL is the father of this miracle idea that saved your country environmentally and economically. Mr. President I wish this will wake your conscience and admit before God that I am the father of this miracle idea that saved your Country and that is registered since 1982 under “FAST PLUGGING DEVICE FOR LEAKS IN PRESSURISED OIL WELLS”, an obvious name that was unknown to your panel, and to BP.
Inventor Afif Abou-Raphael
The videos that prove the above mentioned details
President Obama 27/5/2010
President Obama 15/6/2010
Presidebt Obama thanking Mr. Shu and the Panel. 14/8/2010
The inventor Afif Abou-Raphael telling his full story with the USCG and the others.
—– Forwarded Message —–
From: Afif Abou-Raphael <[email protected]>
To: Secretary Chu <[email protected]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2011 9:00:57 AM
Subject: I am happy to receiving from you that you received my e-mails that I sent to the Secretary of energy Mr. Chu Re: 1/2 I am the person who provided the solution to BP through the US COAST GUARD SINCE May 15, 2010. Re: Announcing the Recipients of the Citizens Medal
Good morning
I am happy to receiving from you that you received my e-mails that I sent to the Secretary of energy Mr. Chu, and that the argument will be reviewed by the appropriate Department of Energy officials.
I am hopping that you will be investigating the issue with the administration and to facing what the irresponsible people at the USCG did to delay the application of my idea that was proven to be the most effective to stopping the spill in the end.
The problem started specifically with Mr. M. J. Sisson, Captain, USCG, Commanding Officer, Coast Guard Research and Development Center at the USCG, who apparently was planning to harvest the positive results of my idea. Then, when he couldn’t claim his paternity to the idea, he went fabricating lies to deny my right to having only a thank you note.
This gentleman thought probably that he is dealing with a fool, because I told them to use my miracle idea free of charge. Then he tried putting his fishing line where he got me hanging in the end of his line not the prestige and money he was hopping to fish.
In the end I would like to thank you in advance for taking the issue as serious as it is, and hoping to hear from you soon.
Inventor: Afif Abou-Raphael
From: Secretary Chu <[email protected]>
To: Afif Abou-Raphael <[email protected]>
Sent: Tue, April 12, 2011 3:00:20 PM
Subject: RE: 1/2 I am the person who provided the solution to BP through the US COAST GUARD SINCE May 15, 2010. Re: Announcing the Recipients of the Citizens Medal
Thank you for your email to Secretary of Energy Steven Chu. Your message has been received by the Office of the Executive Secretariat on behalf of the Secretary and will be reviewed by the appropriate Department of Energy officials.
Thank you.
Welcome to America! Lucky you weren’t killed. Or your family harassed. Your invention is in the hands of the world’s biggest liars and thieves. You probably stunned them when you allowed them to use your invention free; something they have never seen before in their lives. I was raised on the Gulf and I, Sir, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Me and my family, my friends, and so many thousands of others owe you a serious debt of gratitude. We can never repay you, but our country, who loves the title ‘Greatest Country in the World’ cannot continue to use that title as its actions do not merit such. But we, the citizens, do indeed thank you from the bottom of our hearts. I just hope that our country wakes us and gets rid of this stale piece of bread we call mr prez. What a maroon!
From The Inventor Afif Abou-Raphael
I am very happy to seeing that still good people like you my friend are in there, at sometimes I was disappointed because I didn’t hear anybody saying a word, but this makes me to believing more and more that you deserve what I did to help you to getting rid of that bad spill. I thank you dearly my friend to seeing how big my gesture to you is. If you can just raise your voice with your friends’ in order to make the President and his men to understand that they owe me a thank you note and a recognition to using my Intellectual Property.