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Multiple Experts Predicting Imminent ISIS Attacks On American Soil

Sunday, December 13, 2015 7:07
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Wally Lowther's photo.

The above caption embodies how a growing number of Americans are now viewing this President, and for good reason.

I have never seen such a time when multiple, trusted sources are experiencing such a convergence of information regarding a massive amount of well-coordinated terrorist attacks upon the United States at the exact same time. However, I am experiencing this very thing at this very moment.

One caveat, do not expect aid and protection from this administration.

My Insider Sources

benghazi obama leaves em behindI was among the very first to report the real truth about the events related to Benghazi and the quality of my sources put me months ahead of the vast majority of the Independent Media. I am not bragging, I am emphasizing that these same sources of intelligence information are telling me, in unison, that the United States is facing a “TET Offensive” style of terrorist attacks inside of our country.

Readers may recall that in 1968, after the LBJ administration was repeatedly telling the American people that we were winning the Vietnam War, the Viet Cong attacked every single capital, in every single South Vietnamese province. Even the US embassy in Saigon was momentarily captured. This was the turning point of the Vietnam War.  My sources have compared what’s coming to the TET offensive. According to these deep-cover sources, gun-free zones will be targeted (e.g. athletic events, concerts, schools, malls and university campuses.

Of course this will lead to the imposition of martial law practices without a formal declaration of martial law. These policies will include gun confiscation, the execution of gun owners who do not surrender their guns following an executive decree. The policies also call for the enforcement of sanctions against people who are on various lists. No, not the No-Fly lists, but for people who are on the Red and the Blue Lists. These are the very same lists that Steve Quayle has been warning us about for years.

Both of my sources were hesitant to commit to a specific time frame except to say that Christmas opens up targets of opportunities that do not exist for the rest of the calendar.

Paul Martin

On multiple occasions, Paul Martin, of has provided me with valuable intel from his deep cover source. Yesterday (December 12, 2015), Paul contacted me to tell me that another massive drill was just concluded by members of the “alphabet soup agencies” regarding a major terrorist event(s) on the East coast. This is the second such report in the past month.

It is time to move from confidential based sourced evidence, to the on-the-record sources.

Mainstream Media

Mainstream media outlets such as Fox, CNN, ABC, NBC and the New York Times have all stated pretty much the same thing. Syed Farook and his wife, Tashfeen Malik, executed 14 Americans in San Bernardino with guns provided for him by Enrique Marquez. Marquez has terrorist ties. He has terrorist ties to the Russians. It is becoming clear that the supplier of the guns to Farook, was being handled by the Russians. Stay tuned, this theme will be better developed later in this article.

The Beginning of the Creation of an Arsenal of IED’s to be Deployed Inside the US

cell phone 2 bombMultiple Missouri LEO’s have notified the FBI about a large amount of cell phone purchases from area Walmarts. Adding fuel to the fire,  a large number of propane tanks have been reported stolen from several locations is Independence and Lee`s Summit.

According to terrorism expert, Denise Simon, this same pattern is prevalent in hotbeds of terrorism, not just in Missouri. At the end of November, a BP gas station in Lee`s Summit reported 20 propane tanks stolen from their outside cages. That same night the CVS on Southwest 3rd Street reported the exact same crime. Two weeks later, the CVS on East 23rd Street in Independence was hit, and 28 tanks were stolen from that location.

The FBI is investigating. The Obama administration is silent on any issue of this type except to say that they will not tolerate anyone criticizing Islam or Muslims in response to these terrorist threats being perpetrated by Muslim organizations.

From a trusted contact on Facebook, the following post appeared on 12/12/2015 at 1pm Pacific.


55 mins ·   (1PM Pacific)


Heads up SoCal residents. A friend of mine went to the UPS store, the woman ahead of her was returning dozens of packages only keeping numerous cell phones she had ordered in that shipment. The clerk was angry and my friend overheard him say that the woman had done this several times before, returning everything but cell phones. My friend lives in a city located in San Bernardino County.

The Obama Administration Does NOT Protect and Defend the Constitution From All Enemies, Both Foreign and Domestic

The subtitle text is self-evident. In the aftermath of the mass murder of 14 Americans by an ISIS  terrorist and his terrorist wife, the Obama administration does not give a damn about the 14 dead Americans or the grief being experienced by the families. Instead they are worried about not offending Muslims.

Not a word about the 14 Americans that were executed by a Muslim terrorist. But Lynch(mob) threatens to arrest anyone speaking out against Muslim extremism. I do not have words to describe how out of touch this administration is with the American people.

Not a word about the 14 Americans that were executed by a Muslim terrorist from Loretta Lynch. But Lynch(mob) threatens to arrest anyone speaking out against Muslim extremism. I do not have words to describe how out of touch this administration is with the American people. Please note the backdrop when this violator of the First Amendment issued her threat against the American people. Do you see an American flag anywhere in the photo? If there is any doubt as to the loyalties and intentions of this administration, this photo and its surrounding context erases all doubt.


Any further questions? Does this erase any doubt about the loyalties of this administration?

Any further questions? Does this erase any doubt about the loyalties of this administration?


Denise Simon, Terrorism Expert

The Denise Simon Experience. Denise Simon is a widely recognized terrorism expert who consults for and with several high profile clients.

The Denise Simon Experience. Denise Simon is a widely recognized terrorism expert who consults for and with several high profile clients.

On December 12, 2015, terrorism expert, Denise Simon, was interviewed on a pre-recorded interview on The Common Sense Show.  The entire interview will air Tuesday, December 15, 2015 on the following outlets:

50,000 Watt SuperstationWMQM AM 1600, Memphis, TN from 4-5pm EST. This will be simulcast on The Common Sense Showwebsite. on December 15 from 9-10pm EST.

Global Star Radio Network (4-5pm EST) on December 15, which broadcasts the show to North America and parts of Europe.

Denise Simon is one of the foremost experts on the subject of terrorism ever interviewed on The Common Sense Show. The following information is a very small cross-section of information which was contained in our interview. The following snippets will leave no doubt as to the extreme danger that American finds itself in.

-Simon linked Farook, the San Bernardino mass murderer to several terrorist entities.

-The supplier of the weapons in the San Bernardino shootings, Enrique Marquez, was married to a Russian. Ten thousand dollars was paid to facilitate this marriage. Marquez is broke, where did the money come from? The mother of Marquez told the media that her son never lived with the Russian. She was brought in under the K1 Visa (engagement) Visa program. (EDITOR’S NOTE: Based upon the original evidence, The Common Sense Show, based upon Simon’s evidence and other intel, has independently concluded that this Russian operative was clearly the handler for this operation. Do you understand what this means? However, this is not the first time we have seen the Russians in bed with ISIS on American soil. Please visit this link for a stunning example.) I asked Denise Simon if the Russians were involved in these Muslim extremist groups and she unhesitatingly stated “absolutely”. She went on to state the Russian military forces in Syria are not going after ISIS nearly as much as they are simply going after the anti-Assad forces being funded and supplied by the U.S.

-Through Simon’s website, Founderscodecom, she has revealed many concerning and stunning details regarding the immigration issue involving Muslims. In Greece, for example, Muslim refugees are printing their own VISAS. This provides carte-blanch entry into the United States or any country in Europe. She has written in detail about the various VISAS that are admitting unscreened and potentially dangerous Muslims into America. There is the extremist World Assembly of Muslim Youth, J1 cultural VISAS which

-Simon has written extensively on the types of VISAS being used to admit potentially extremist Muslims into the US. This was covered extensively in the interview.

-Although Simon stopped short of saying that multiple terrorist attacks are imminent, she did say that the Christmas season provides targets that are not available to terrorists at other times in the year.

I strongly recommend listening to the Simon interview in two days at one of the venues listed above. It is a riveting and frightening interview.

Doug Hagmann

I have had two intense conversations with Doug Hagmann about the present state of affairs with regard to terrorism. Doug has a confidential source that this telling him the following:

  1. Multiple terror attacks this year will likely take place.
  2. The attacks will resemble what I called the TET Offensive.
  3. Martial law will not be declared but will be implemented if the Obama administration can subdue the military opposition to his administration. Do you remember when DHS obtained 2.1 billion rounds of ammunition a few years ago? Now we know why.

Tonight on December 13, 2015, Doug Hagmann will be appearing on The Common Sense Show, in the first hour at 8pm EST. The show can be listened to on Global Star Radio Network, or directly on The Common Sense Show. Both contacts for listening are listed earlier in this article.

It has always been safe to say that where there is smoke there is fire. However, these expert accounts go way beyond the smoke and speak clearly to the coming devastating events.

An Exclusive You Have To See: The Last Frontier of Free Press Is Here! No More Censorship, Unlike YouTube and Others!

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