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Will America Become the Next Sweden?

Wednesday, February 22, 2017 23:21
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Dave Hodges – The Common Sense Show

Sweden is ablaze.  Fake News media is ignoring the event.  Rioting in Stockholm continues. Has America seen enough to know that we need to screen all immigrants coming into the country? It is not about prejudice, it is about precaution, reasonable precaution. 

The following video explores the question of whether or not America has learned the lessons of recent history from Sweden, and will begin to protect its borders in earnest. 


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Total 5 comments
  • Do you NOW see why these countries are TURD world??? Can you white people be SO blind??? Now they are turning your country into a TURD world nation.

    That is just their nature for thousands of years. They will not change and you will not change. Somebody wants a CLASH OF CIVILIZATIONS.

    Hope you are armed to the teeth because they are. They have their military bases right under your nose except they call them Mosque. :twisted:

  • You know we have to appease them don’t you because they think we owe them for having these holy men in our presence, they should go to the UN and complain about the country they have moved into and offer to bring peace to that country if the UN decrees a 2 state solution for that country so that they can worship in their state in peace. After they have been established then they will run the country and turn that other state into pieces.


  • No – the United States is well on the way to becoming the next Nazi Germany.

  • PDF Exposing the lie of Islam PDF blacksun666 PDF FREE EBOOKS

  • Millions of guns, millions of gun owners is the reason we will not become Sweden….muslims start raping and murdering here and you will see retaliation and out and out war against them….fortunately the limp dikk liberals only make up 26% of the population….the rest will NOT sit back and let barbarians rape American women and children.

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