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By TYP IAIJ CBI (Nothing is Secret)
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Rules With Examples Are Better Than Just Rules

Saturday, January 7, 2017 6:34
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Proddatur (LGBT-GR-TYP-BIN)

Keep Priorities Right

‘For at the window of my house I looked through my casement, Proverbs 7:6’

A picture is worth a thousand words. Object lessons are better than theory. Rules with examples are better than just rules. A window provided the frame for the painful view of a foolish young man being seduced and destroyed by a whore. What a terrible picture!

Whether this is an event in Solomon’s life or his parable illustrating a common danger of life, it does not alter the lesson. But since the book is one of proverbs and parables, not a history of his life, the chapter is a parable. As a parable, it gives additional instruction.

King Solomon did not merely watch passing people. He observed, analyzed, considered, and drew wise conclusions. He did the same with the field of the slothful (Pr 24:30-34). It is your duty to observe and consider the ways of the world, for you can do it safely with the wisdom provided by the wise Preacher through this inspired book of instruction.

Solomon began by appealing to his son to remember his instruction and warning about the strange woman (Pr 7:1-5). And he concluded by telling him the grave danger, how to be saved from her, and the absolute necessity of caution (Pr 7:24-27).

Grasp the lesson from this short proverb’s words. Parents and teachers must use plain, descriptive illustrations of real life dangers. Theory, rules, frowns, and negative answers are not enough. Solomon did not use the seventh commandment here (Ex 20:14). Rather, he showed plainly the danger and dire consequences of breaking that commandment. Do you know how to teach godly wisdom for avoiding life’s problems? If yes, do you do it?

Whispering, backbiting, talebearing, and slandering are heinous sins. But holy use of real events for godly instruction in wisdom falls into none of those categories. If real people are used, the events must be true, well known, and not used to harm others’ reputations. The great apostles Paul and John identified sinners by name, and even a whole nation, to illustrate wickedness (I Tim 1:18-20; II Tim 4:14-15; Titus 1:12; III John 1:9-10).

Jesus said, “Remember Lot’s wife.” He did the woman no harm; she had already ruined her reputation forever. In three words, Jesus illustrated with great power the danger of worrying too much about your worldly life (Luke 17:28-33). Do you see a pillar of salt?

Jesus described prayers by a Pharisee and a publican. In a few verses He showed the contrite heart of one and the self-righteousness of the other (Luke 18:9-14). He did the Pharisee no harm. His foolish prayer was true, well known, and used for holy instruction.

The Bible records many sins of many men, both wicked and godly alike. The sins truly happened, were well known in Israel, and were used for holy purposes of instruction. The sinners had been punished openly, so all Israel would hear and fear (Deut 13:11; 21:21).

The practical training of a godly supper table is of much greater value. It is easy to make a living, but it is much more difficult to live godly. Parents, keep your priorities right.

Jesus Christ sat and watched the offerings at the temple and drew marvelous conclusions for holy instruction (Mark 12:41-44). He filled Scripture with examples for your learning (Rom 15:4; I Cor 10:5-6,11-12). If you look through the window of the Bible and watch Him, you will have a perfect illustration for a godly life (Heb 12:1-4; I Pet 2:21).


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Total 1 comment
  • b4

    more bullshit from an idiot poster who escaped from the mental ward,padded cell last night–what a fool

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