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MH370 Hijack Cover Up: 2nd High Rank Official To Admit

Sunday, April 6, 2014 18:18
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(Before It's News)


Another high-level Malaysian source has confirmed Friday that the missing Flight MH370 involved a hijacking by remote control and a cover up is in progress regarding location of the plane and its 239 passengers.


Only a remote-hijacking “fly by wire” scenario can explain the plane’s disappearance, according to Matthias Chang, former Political Secretary to the Fourth Prime Minister of Malaysia, Dr. Mahathir Mohamad.


Chang is the second high-ranking official to admit the MH370 coverup. On March 29, another high-ranking official admitted that evidence of the path the Boeing took and its location – “air traffic control radio transcript, radar data and airport security recordings” are all sealed from the public. (See: Official Admits CoverUp: ‘Sealed Evidence On MH370 Can’t Be Made Public’


In an interview by Dr. Kevin Barrett, with Veterans Today Editor on Friday, Chang, in Malaysia, explained why only a remote-hijacking “fly by wire” scenario can explain the plane’s disappearance. 


Author, barrister and political advisor Matthias Chang

In an interview on Truth Jihad Radio, Chang, who remains well-connected with the highest political levels in Malaysia, patiently explained why all of the evidence points to a remote hijacking by one of the handful of countries capable of such a technological feat,” Dr. Barrett said.


Dr. Barrett is author of Questioning the War on Terror: A Primer for Obama Voters; Truth Jihad; and A Guide to Mysterious San Francisco. He is editor of 9/11 and American Empire v.2, and has taught Arabic, Islamic Studies, French, American Civilization and others subjects. Widely regarded as the world’s leading Muslim 9/11 truth activist, Barrett spent from 2006 through 2008 as the only talk show host featured on three leading patriot radio networks, GCN, RBN, and WTPRN. Barrett ran for Congress in Wisconsin’s 3rd District in 2008.:  


According to Barrett, Chang again expressed annoyance with Western media criticism of the Malaysian government and again asserted that Western governments, not Malaysia’s, are covering up what they know while the media fails to ask the hard questions. (See YouTube below with Jim Fetzer below this article and see for full interview with Chanhere.)

“I want to raise a point that has not been much discussed in either the mainstream or alternative media, which is that the technology of autopilot has been in existence for a long time,” Change told Barrett in an interview Friday, April 4th (Malaysia time). “Since September 11th, more sophisticated systems have been placed in all planes to avoid any hijackings. If there is a hijacking in progress it kicks in and flies to an airport to land safely.”


Chang was referring to the uninterruptible autopilot that Boeing has installed in all its jumbo jets, as explained in detail by Deborah Dupré last month. [See: MH370 $MultiBillion Patent Passengers: Pilot Warned About Crisis, Gagged, Speaks Out



"The system can be triggered by the pilot himself from the cockpit, or it can be triggered by ground control," Chang said. "And by ‘ground control,’ I mean it can be operated from land, an AWAC plane, or a ship, by an entity that has the capability and technology to fly the plane remotely. That technology is out there.”


Chang pointed out that only remote-hijacking can explain the plane’s flight path: “This plane is flying for six hours on its own. Who’s flying the plane? The entity flying the plane must be those with the technology that’s used now to pilot drones. We know drones have been flown in Afghanistan from Florida. We have seen video tapes and news broadcasts about how ‘pilots’ in Florida are flying planes and drones in Afghanistan as if they are playing computer games.”


According to Barrett, Chang explained that Western media’s pilot suicide hypothesis “doesn’t hold water. If you’re a pilot, why turn back, go north to Thailand where there are military exercises going on, and you will know from the radar that other planes are flying, then turn south and fly for six hours? That’s ridiculous. Also, most suicides leave notes explaining why. This is another huge question mark. Why this accusation of the pilot, when the facts are inconsistent with suicide?”


Black box wild goose chase


Suggesting Western countries have been leading the public on a wild goose chase, Chang explained: “During the past four weeks, we have heard of various countries providing data. Australia said there were two floating objects west of Perth, but when ships were sent they were not found.


"France, also, said they discovered two objects. When the search planes went, these too couldn’t be found. The satellite of Thailand (a US client state) found two objects. It was sea rubbish. This was followed by (US occupied) Japan saying they found objects. But those objects were not MH370s. The British firm Inmarsat, using its calculations, said the plane would have crashed in the area where the objects were located.


Chang pointed to subsequent Boeing findings. With new calculations, Boeing projects MH370 flew faster at lower altitude. According to Boeing, the plane could have ended somewhere 1000 miles north of the previously projected location.”


Were all of these people ordered to look in all the wrong places – by a military high command that knows perfectly well where the plane is?


“Given all this information, it’s crystal clear, clear as day, that the one country that has the most sophisticated surveillance technology has remained mute," Chang stated. "They may have given sealed evidence – I don’t know. But no public announcement."


According to the Malaysian transportation minister last week, much information regarding MH370 has been sealed, is classified, cannot be made public. [See: Official Admits CoverUp: ‘Sealed Evidence On MH370 Can’t Be Made Public']

]As VT Editor Gordon Duff says, a gnat has a hard time disappearing. So how can a 777 vanish?


As Veterans Today editor Gordon Duff says, a gnat has a hard time disappearing, so how can a 777 vanish?


“America has the most advanced satellites in the world…it can detect an object the size of a coin, look at bunkers buried deep underground. NROL 39 (the US National Reconnaissance Office) uses the octopus emblem,’Change stated. “It states clearly that enemies of America cannot hide because ‘nothing is beyond our reach.’ The octopus’s tentacles encompass the whole globe. I find it very odd that America has been reticent, conspicuously silent, about what their satellites have shown, if anything.”


What makes it especially odd is that the US refusing to admit it tracked the plane and that the flight path involved some of America’s most sensitive military areas.


“As MH370 reached the airspace of Vietnam it went north toward Thailand where the US-run Cobra Gold and Cope Tiger military exercises were being held. Then, allegedly, the plane ended in the Indian Ocean. But there is no evidence or debris,” Chang said.


“Now what is conspicuous…is that when a plane goes past Southern Thailand into the Indian Ocean, it has to fly past a very important landmark: Diego Garcia, a secretive US military base. It was from this base that the US launched bombers to Afghanistan, Iraq, and Vietnam before that. Surely this base has some of the most sophisticated surveillance technology. Any unidentified plane that flew in the direction of Diego Garcia would certainly be located and identified.”


Two US-run military Search and Rescue exercises


Chang, the former top political advisor to the Prime Minister of Malaysia, again noted the bizarre disappearance of MH370 coincidin with the US-run Cobra Gold and Cope Tiger military exercises – just as previous “disasters” have mirrored suspiciously-timed drills and exercises:


“On 9/11, when planes struck the Twin Towers and the Pentagon, there were military exercises taking place, and NORAD and others were confused about whether the planes were part of the exercise or not.”


Barrett explained that Chang was referring to the notorious 46 drills of September 11th 2001, the biggest pre-designated National Security Special Event Day in US history.


“Those exercises practiced and then mimicked every aspect of the actual attacks, including a live-fly plane-into-building exercise that shut down the National Reconnaissance Office and prevented NRO personnel from seeing satellite images of whatever the alleged attack planes and their military control planes, including the “Flying Pentagon” E-4B Command Center aircraft, were really doing that day,” Barrett says.


Chang noted the 7/7/2005 London bombings, like 9/11, perfectly mirrored drills occurring at exactly the same times and places: “On 7/7 in London, there was a bombing of underground stations, plus the bus in Tavistock Square. Surprise surprise, four Muslim youth were said to be responsible for the deaths and injuries. Yet on that very day, there were terrorist bombing exercises at precisely the same four locations.”


Likewise when the MH370 crime began, the United States military along with two other countries’ armed forces were conducting two major Search and Rescue exercises in the Indian Ocean.


“Chang observed that Christopher Bollyn, whose book Solving 9/11 implicates Israel and its US agents in the worst terrorist attack in US history, has discovered indications that the disappearance of MH370 might be connected with another false-flag plot,” Barrett says.


“Bollyn exposed how, immediately after the hijacking (of MH370), the Times of Israel put out propaganda that the plane was hijacked by agents of Iran, then landed in Bangladesh to weaponize the plane to carry out a diabolical attack like September 11th.”


Deborah Dupré tracked flight schedules and radar data proving two Boeing 777s owned by Malaysia Airlines have been involved in the April 8 MH370 crime, the Boeing 777-2 registration 9M-MRO and a clone, oeing 777-2, also owned Registration 9M-MRQ. 


At the same time, Bollyn discovered a suspicious “evil twin” of MH370 hidden in an Israeli hangar – his article is linked here. 


Black box deception

Chang said that the media’s focus on the search for the MH370′s black box is a deception. “We’ve been diverted to look for the black box. Bullshit! There are plenty of signals.” Chang asserts that both Boeing, a leading US military contractor, and the Rolls-Royce company that makes the plane’s engines, know exactly what happened to MH370, because they are constantly fed signals giving them every significant detail about all of their planes including exactly location, altitude, airspeed, engine function, manual or autopilot, and so on.

Regarding Rolls-Royce, Chang said, “As long as the engine is running, they monitor it. If anything goes wrong with the engine for any reason, they land the plane and abort the flight. There have been a couple of instances when Rolls-Royce detected malfunctions and told the pilot to land as soon as possible due to the malfunction.


“So for six hours or more, Rolls-Royce would have kept track of the pings. Rolls-Royce would know where the plane’s going. Now I’m told, rightly or wrongly, that in the protocol, Rolls-Royce may be prohibited from disclosing this information.”

Barrett says, “Likewise, Malaysia has been prevented from disclosing the sealed evidence it has been provided by one or more unnamed countries – or even the name of that country or countries.

Despite the gag order, however, Chang thinks the evidence speaks for itself: “There is cyber war between these (larger) countries, and we small countries are caught in the middle,” he said. “I think the passengers were collateral damage.”

Chang’s conclusion about Flight 370? “Under the cover of the military exercises, something diabolical, something catastrophic, has happened.”

People of all faiths united in holding LED candles as they pray for the missing 239 passengers on the hijacked MH370 flight out of Kualur Lumpur.

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Total 15 comments
  • Every morning, as I awaken, I wonder if the world will be advised a hostage crisis has begun – and then I wonder, has it already begun and we are simply not facing that. Hat tip to Dr. Kevin Barrett and Mr. Chang. Great interview.

  • The politics of Malaysia is very interesting, while the current government is a CIA client, that will go along, the vast majority of Malay are Muslim and hate the west.

    The financial power of Singapore & Malay is CHINA, and CHINESE are the rich and elite of both country’s’

    The FAUX government that is doing the lies is creating the perfect storm to unite the the MUSLIM majority that have no political power, with CHINESE money. Given that the majority of those missing are Chinese, they are now listening to the Muslims.

    The CHINESE leadership in Bejing and CIA leadership in WASH-DC want nothing more than drive a wedge between rich chinese and muslim’s, but this MH-370 fiasco is bringing them together, and this could very well KICK the CIA party in control of MALAY out.

    Lastly, don’t forget that the IRS keeps MALAYSIA on its black-list for most uncooperative banking on earth for IRS money grabs. A lot of westerners keep their money in Malay. This is make or break operation by the west to gain control, but the fact that guy’s like CHANG don’t fear their FAUX GOVERNMENT, and the fact the CHINESE people in china are listening. Means this operation has gone terribly wrong.

    Why did they do it? US-MIL drone captured in AFGHAN on board, Freescale chip designers who made the worlds ‘digestible computer’ on board, this grab allowed the CIA/MOSSAD to accomplish many goals.


    Keep up the truth and follow the MALAY PRESS carefully,

    Singapore is a Mandarin (BEIJING) speaking nation of rich, and its the SWITZERLAND of Asia, next to Malay, Malay mostly Muslim but is full of Singapore chinese rich, and they all have family in BEIJING,

    IMHO the CHINESE will now take over the MALAY government and kick the CIA out of SE-ASIA.

    • AgainstEVILZionist-MASTERMIND-of-IlluminatiNWO

      What a sick RACIST comment! You forgot to mention that the Malays were INDIGENOUS peoples of the Malay Archipelago (just like the Chagos Islanders are INDIGENOUS peoples of Diego GarCIA!), that include Temasik (what is now Singapore) and covers what is now Malaysia, Indonesia, Cambodia, The Philippines, Thailand, the South Pacific (that include Hawaii) etc! Malays in Malaysia, most part of Indonesia, Southern Thailand, parts of Cambodia and Mindanao of the Phillipines remain as Muslims despite of British-ZIONIST colonization whilst Malays in most part of the Philipines, parts of Indonesia and in Pacific Islands became Christians due to Spanish/British invasion (most of the poor are Indigenous – including living in garbage slums whilst the immigrants became the ruling class such as in Thailand, Indonesia and Cambodia!)

      The Chinese and Indian were brought in millions by the Western-ZIONIS invaders, as labourers/traders who would co-operate with the invaders, unlike majority of the Natives – see, THE SINGAPORE ISRAEL LOVE AFFAIR, Wednesday, September 2, 2009!

      • Well now all can see that this TROLL is the SHILL for ZIO- that claims to be against.

        You my dear sir, should go live in Malaysia for awhile, turn off your computer, and quit sucking NETANYAHU penis.

        Virtually everybody I know in MALAY is Muslim and those that are NOT, are Chinese speaking retiree’s


        Indonesia is under the ZIO- thumb, and perhaps out of banking ‘convience’ same for Singapore, but with a MUSLIM majority, its impossible for ZIO- to control MALAY, even if they do control the puppet government.

        Look to the USA, where AIPAC controls all, but there the USA citizen is not even free to criticize the zio-overlord.

        ZIONISM is NAZISM.

        The CIA is not christian, and the MOSSAD sure as hell is not Jewish.

        Go to hell troll.

      • AgainstEVILZionist-MASTERMIND-of-IlluminatiNWO

        You’re the RACIST ZioNazi penissucking moron troll! One minute you’re attacking the Malays, and when I exposed your racist anti-Malay/Muslim sh***, suddenly you’re on their side! Just like how you even bashed Veteran’s Today, claiming they love Aliens stories!

  • AgainstEVILZionist-MASTERMIND-of-IlluminatiNWO

    Whose side is this woman on – one minute she tried completely to damage Jim Stone’s reputation with the most ridicilous argument such as his use of Capital letters (what-the-heck!) – at /international/2014/04/mh370-disinformation-passenger-philip-woods-diego-garcia-phototext-debunked-2480432.html , Debunked: MH370: Passenger Philip Wood’s Diego Garcia Photo/Text, April 5, 2014 !

    I bet CIA-Mossad’s Disinformation project is based on typical Illuminati’s main philosophy: Thesis + Antithesis = Synthesis – in deceiving and confusing the fools of the masses! Then we the ‘fools’ are deceived to believe the Disinformatist is on our side – and hence will believe she/he speak as the ‘truths’ everytime, such as in the article to discredit Jim Stone above!

  • in the Sri lanka news a passenger emailed out a message they were on a island and the USMilitarty was presen, it’s somthing to think about…

  • PeterPan

    I find your articles here refreshing to read.
    YOu are a REAL journalist.
    Keep us updated. I look forward to your articles.

  • AgainstEVILZionist-MASTERMIND-of-IlluminatiNWO

    I’m not arguing about the article, read my comment INTELLIGENTLY! I’m arguing about her bashing Jim Stone unnecessarily!

  • You’re going on like the blue prints were on board, which would be incredibly gullible and stupid on the teams part… :roll:

    Someone could try to steal a prototype though…

    plus, with 20 gone, 20’000 will wish to learn. -V-

  • You understand that ‘blueprints’ for semiconductors is just micro-lithography files for 100′s of layers of deposition. Right?

    These file(s) are all online and all the key engineers would have had passwords, and RSA devices and access to their work.

  • This is why most likely HIGH up’s in MALAY government were involved plane disapeared at 1:30am, and they didn’t announce loss until 7:50am,

    Once the plane was announced missing Freescale would have locked down their server’s worldwide.

    No doubt in my mind that at the highest levels of government people were cooperating with the heist, … but something went terribly wrong, most likely the GUBMINT officials were told that nobody would be hurt, but now we know all have been murdered, and all the gubmint officials can now do is look foolish, and culpable.

    Like i have said the outcome here is COUP in MALAY, … probably the real mission all along and freescale was just frosting for the cake.

  • DK

    The problem with self proclaimed public saviours is each one can only believe he/she is the one and true one. It does not mean that what they are doing is wrong, it just means that any competition is probably a NWO agent and they spend as much time smashing each other as the NWO keeps the world in order, and so the status quo is preserved for all time.

    There is no proof the Jim Stone is not a COIN feeding false information from easily debunked sources, only than 4Chan when I emailed it moved its cloud host from Bern Switzerland to South Mexico instead of restoring the original article from its March 18th incremental backup, and when CC’d Jim Stone did not respond either. No response from either of them.
    Dear Sir,
    “Dear Sirs,

    On March 18th 2014 an Anonymous poster wrote a post which was immediately deleted from 4Chan but kept on your internal archives under the EU Data Retention Directive which means you have kept the IP of the user and possibly the entire post. The gentleman concerned claimed to be a passenger held captive at an unknown location the 4pleb archive to the deleted thread is here which because of the nature of the activity could be a redirected DNS to a fake page or a compromised site in America. You may or may not be aware that Phillip Wood is a passenger from the missing plane MH 370 and the original photograph uploaded has either had data inserted by some person or not which would give this persons GPS location at the time he took the picture. Right now in your data archives you may or may not hold the fate of the lives of several hundred people in your hand. Please restore the page and contact Jim Stone who is one of the journalists who is investigating flight MH 370 who’s current mail address is the CC.

    The board has many questions to which you may want to ask me, we have gone through everything relevant in the debate – I am DK /alternative/2014/03/hijacked-ibm-engineer-successfully-dialed-out-of-diego-garcia-2928892.html.

    Thank you for your Time

    sent: Thu 03/04/2014 11:53
    to: ‘[email protected]’; ‘[email protected]
    CC ‘[email protected]’ – the mailbox used at that time by Jim”

    The only consideration we must really consider is that 4Chan would have had a huge number of its own members mailing in to have the page resored, and has not done so, it does not respond to emails and has moved its base of operations outside the EU area as soon as it was pointed out it was subject to a data retention law which would prove it either broke that law by not having its data saved or It had a hot article which would get it into real trouble. under the Swiss code of obligations companies have to keep their electronic data for 10 years and under the Swiss Data Protection Act all images, IP addresses and other data also have to be kept.

  • Thank you very much for this thought provoking comment – and work!

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