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Albendazole De-worming Pills Available for Non-profits or Communities in Haiti

Wednesday, March 22, 2017 0:18
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1888PressRelease – International Action’s Haiti office is distributing Albendazole de-worming pills, Vitamin A, Multivitamins and Women’s prenatal vitamins to protect Haiti’s communities and get its children healthy and back in school. These are available free of charge to any non-profit or community organizations with medical staff and the capacity and capability to administer the supplements or de-worming pills.
Washington, DC – International Action has also been combating malnutrition in Haiti through the vitamin donation program. In 2015, we distributed 300 Albendazole (de-worming) tablets and provided over 25,000 Haitian children and 700 pregnant mothers with vitamin and multivitamin tablets to community schools and health clinics. This campaign has been a tremendous success with demand from recipients increasing each year.
Since the horrific effects of the earthquake, food security has improved but currently one third of the population are still food insecure. As a result, one in five children are chronically malnourished. For some this begins early on in the womb, when their mother has inadequate nutrition and are poorly equipped to deal with the additional nutritional demands of pregnancy. By addressing malnutrition in both children and pregnant women, we can help strengthen immune systems so they are better equipped to deal with other infectious diseases. In this way, children can spend more time attending school and developing healthy lives.
Albendazole pills not only rid recipients of hookworms, roundworms, whipworms and other worms that are commonly found in Haiti, but also protect them for six months afterward. Evidence shows administering de-worming pills helps to protect even those who do not receive them, as distribution of the pills slows the spread of worms in communities.
De-worming programs have been so effective that they are listed among the most effective approaches to combating poverty in Dean Karlan and Jacob Appel’s widely acclaimed book, More Than Good Intentions. Karlan and Appel cite studies that have demonstrated that de-worming programs can generate an extra year of education for a child for only $3.50. 
For consideration please fill out the form below and fill out in the additional information section if you need and vitamins:
To participate in this program it is very important we get reports after the distribution of these medication, in order for us maintain good relations you must accept these conditions 
• I will email a report detailing the use of the donated materials to forms ( @ ) haitiwater dot org within a month of completing the project dot 
• I will email photos to forms ( @ ) haitiwater dot org within a month of completing the project dot
• International Action may share information I provide through print and electronic communications, including but not limited to newsletters, email campaigns, and the International Action Website.

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