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Tepco to suspend decommissioning works at Fukushima plant during G7 Summit

Sunday, May 15, 2016 10:27
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(Before It's News)

Tepco announced they are going to suspend the decommissioning works at Fukushima plant during G7 summit. Tepco states it is to minimize the risk but it proves that the entire country has the risk when the decommissioning work is in operation.

42nd G7 summit is going to be held from 26th to 27th May 2016 in Mie Prefecture.

Mie Prefecture is in mid area of Japan. The venue is over 500 km from Fukushima nuclear plant.

All the works except cooling the crippled reactors, filtration of contaminated water and patrol will be suspended.

Public relations department of Tepco comments they’ll try not to cause any unnecessary news during G7 summit.

Tepco is likely to suspend the decommissioning works during Tokyo Olympics too.

Iori Mochizuki

The post Tepco to suspend decommissioning works at Fukushima plant during G7 Summit appeared first on Fukushima Diary.


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