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By John Rolls (Reporter)
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When BO Failed to Leave Military Presence in Iraq He Opened the Door for the Sunni Muslims to Create ISIS

Wednesday, February 4, 2015 10:56
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(Before It's News)

ISIS Posts Images of Mass Killing in Iraq
To the Editor :
                       when Obama failed to leave a small military presence in Iraq he opened the door for the Sunni Muslims to create I.S.I.S. While I am not fond of the idea of America being an empire whose military is spread worldwide, I`m less fond of this Islamic Nazi Army trying to create a caliphate whose goal is world domination through intimidation inside the borders of host countries including, the U.S.
   I to am war weary after our military has fought in two Gulf Wars however, we know the results of being Neville Chamberlain in the face of Nazism & letting it go unchecked.
  At this point we have two choices, to let I.S.I.S. grow & spread around the world including, inside our own borders or crush them, leaving behind a rear guard in the Middle East. Moving our troops out of Europe & into this new hot spot letting European countries spend their money on their militaries to defend themselves against Russia & other threats. They certainly are not tripping over themselves trying to help defeat I.S.I.S.
   As usual, our only defense is us. The question is, do we do it now or wait until we are saturated with Radical Islamic Terrorist & their Sharia Law inside our own borders like the countries of Europe? A good preemptive starting point would be the deportation of these new age Nazi`s from our midst especially those who have gone to fight for I.S.I.S. without the chance to ever set foot inside our country again.
   Of course, this is all conjecture without a president willing to do more than chase rainbows, unicorns, butterflies & sing kumbaya while hold hands with the families of the victims of these Islamic Nazis.
Billy E. Price
Ashville, AL

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