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PM Netanyahu’s Remarks upon Leaving for Britain

Monday, February 6, 2017 13:09
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(Before It's News)

PM Netanyahu’s Remarks upon Leaving for Britain
(Communicated by the Prime Minister’s Media Adviser)

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, today (Sunday, 5 February 2017), made the
following remarks upon leaving for Britain where he will meet with British
Prime Minister Theresa May:

“We are in a period of diplomatic opportunities and challenges. The
opportunities stem from the fact that there is a new administration in
Washington, and a new government in Britain. I intend to speak with both of
them about tightening relations, between each side and Israel and
trilaterally. This is what I will do next week in Washington and in London
tomorrow. The challenges stem from the fact the Iranians also understand
what I have just said. They are trying to test the boundaries with
extraordinary aggression, gall and defiance. I think that the most important
thing at the moment is that countries like the US, which will take the lead,
Israel and the UK line up together against Iran’s aggression and set clear
limits to it. This will be the first issue, among many, that I will discuss
with UK Prime Minister Theresa May and, of course, with Foreign Secretary
Boris Johnson.

About the regulation law, I am constantly hearing fake ultimatums. I am not
bothered by this. There are people who are busy with empty briefings to the
media and on social networks while I am busy with running the country. And
as I run the country I think only about our overall national interest and
act accordingly. If I have anything to tell you, you will know about it soon


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