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Star War VII, a rewrite of IV with parts of VI.

Sunday, December 20, 2015 19:46
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(19:28:0) Sun Dec 20, 2015

Star War VII 
One word sums it up:   Pathetic
Basically, Star War VII is a rewrite of IV with parts of VI.

B-level acting, mostly Lord of the Rings style curtain calls, everybody bows, ok next scene without any transition, no concept of time, impossible science, and a main villain with a goofy mask, wearing lots of robes and tights over his anorexic chicken legs. If Hollywood had any courage they would have made the evil-dude look Muslim; Instead, they chose Jewish, what a shocker.

The train-wreck ends with Luke standing on a high cliff in an unknown land with stone stairways through the hills leading directly to his hiding perch. No sense of lifestyle, social environment, even a copy of Obi-Wan would have worked, but we get hermit, perpetually standing on cliff. That ends the movie with an obvious pan away from mis-sized figurines. Just when you think it cannot possible get worse, it does; including the lame fight scenes.

Void of creativity, the new Luke is female who falls in love with a black dude. For no reason, she saves a droid named Beach-Ball-8 from a salvager who puts up no fight. She then refuses to sell it, for, again, no reason, just like my punctuation, just, random. In all the universe, the main characters just happen to be in the neighborhood. The only interesting character, well animated was the small rodent woman with big glasses; clearly inspired by Edna Mode from The Incredibles. All the other creature characters looked plastic. They even resurrected the old Wookiee costume from the 70’s.

Obviously, many reviewers got paid to give high ratings on this borefest. They lost all credibility. Including the directors, actors and assistants that dont have the courage to speak out against this failure. It was the worse of all, by far. I will not waste money on any future Star Wars movies. Eventually, it will be on TV, where maybe a Geico commercial will interrupt the boredom. I hope it’s the one with the Camel.

– Gregorek (

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