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By Jeffery Pritchett
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Strange West Virginia Monsters (Video)

Thursday, December 15, 2016 2:24
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Here’s an interview with cryptid author Michael Newton. Newton has written over 17 books on the subjects of the unexplained, including Strange West Virginia Monsters.


Join the search to examine reports of unidentified and misplaced creatures―known as “cryptids”―throughout the Mountain State, from its earliest history to present day. Included are such famous unknowns as Bigfoot; Mothman, harbinger of disaster; giant birds and snakes unrecognized by modern science; anomalous huge human remains unearthed statewide since the 19th century; “extinct” cougars that refuse to die; animals alien to North America, including lions, tigers, black panthers, kangaroos, and piranha; the ferocious “Dogman” and woolly, horned “Sheepsquatch”; freshwater cephalopods; and other creatures that defy classification. Wherever you reside or visit in West Virginia, phantom cryptids have been seen near your location―terrifying witnesses, baffling investigators, and monsters sometimes leave evidence behind to mark their passing through our world. Happy hunting!



Check out more contributions by Jeffery Pritchett ranging from UFO to Bigfoot to paranormal to Prophecy

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